Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Enron Scandal Essay
Accounting scandals are political or business scandals which arise with the disclosure of financial misdeeds by trusted executives of corporations or governments. These days, not too often, these scandals are splashed as headlines across media. Why? Because there are complex groups of stakeholders who might be seriously affected by the scandals. Enron scam was the most remarkable scandal in 20 centuries by their institutionalized, systematic, and creatively planned accounting fraud. The scandal also brought into question the accounting practices and activities of many corporations in the United States. The scandal also affected the greater business world by causing the dissolution of the Arthur Andersen accounting company. This report will reveal the whole story of Enron scam and auditors role from the situation in more depth. It will also include the current situation of those responsible for the fraud. 2. Background of U. S in 1990s The 1990s of U. S were a time of prosperity and this prosperity period is originated from growth in IT corporates and in accordance with increase in productivity as technology develops with IT. In the mid- to late-90s, society’s expectations of what the Internet could offer were unrealistic. Many investors foolishly ignored the fundamental rules of investing in the stock market and instead, investors and entrepreneurs became preoccupied with new ideas that were not yet proven to have market potential. Furthermore, they ignored the blatant signs that the bubble was about to burst. (IT Bubble in 90s) There are two main reasons for the bubble; with investors` optimistic expectation, there were a lot of ‘Window dressing’ in accounting. As Enron collapsed, the growth of the tech sector proved to be illusory, and bubble started to sober. 3. Enron- who are they? Enron Corporation is an energy trading, communications company which was formed in 1985 based in Houston, Texas. Enron marketed electricity and natural gas, delivered energy and other physical commodities. Company branched into many non-energy-related fields as well, including such areas as high-speed Internet bandwidth, and financial and risk management with 21,000 employees at mid-2001. The company reported revenues of $101 billion in 2000. It has stakes in nearly 30,000 miles of gas pipeline, owns or has access to a 15,000mile fiber optic network and has a stake in electricity generating operations around the world. 4. Enron- what they did? The Enron fraud case is extremely complex. There are several main characters who are spearheading the Enron scam. One of them was Jeff Skillng. Jeff Skillng, who was a consultant in Mckinsey, took charge in consulting Enron. He found problems and also potentiality of Enron and he proposed the idea of â€Å"gas bank†to Enron, which is a system that is combining financial system and gas supply and demand system, and taking the margin from the two system(as bank does). This was an ideal idea in theory and Enron asked him to take charge for this business, and later he became the president of Enron’s trading operations. Also, he convinced federal regulators to permit Enron to use an accounting method known as â€Å"mark to market. †Using this method allowed Enron to count projected earnings from long-term energy contracts as current income. This was money that might not be collected for many years. It is thought that this technique was used to inflate revenue numbers by manipulating projections for future revenue. The problem is that it doesn`t match realised profit and real cash flow. especially, Enron`s main trading was long term future contract which is hard to make valuation for the future. Use of these techniques made it difficult to see how Enron was really making money. The numbers were on the books so the stock prices remained high, but Enron wasn’t paying high taxes. When the telecom industry suffered its first downturn, Enron suffered as well. Eventually, the house of cards began falling. When Enron’s stock began to decline, the Raptors began to decline as well. On August 14, 2001, Enron’s CEO, Jeff Skilling, resigned due to â€Å"family issues. †Enron chairman Ken Lay stepped in as CEO. 5. One example of fraud Enron`s â€Å"too much Off-Balance Sheet Transactions†Enron used â€Å"off-balance-sheet†technique for anytime, for many purposes, because it would enable Enron to present itself more attractively as measured by the ratios favored by analysts and investors. Skillng used securitisation to supply more liquidity and also to clean up the assets that is hardly generating income from it. He also hided most of the debt by securitisation. So, Enron needed Special purpose entities(SPE) for the securitization purpose. JEDI was one of the SPE. California PERS and Enron invested by $25000m each. As soon as the JEDI established, Enron started to sell energy related stock to JEDI and it grew JEDI by 23% per year on average. It made Skillng`s ECT business bigger and bigger. 6. Consequences for the stakeholders The key stakeholders affected by the collapse of Enron were its employees and retirees. Stakeholders and mutual funds investors lost $ 70billion market value. Banks were also affected by the meltdown of the company. Not only the stakeholder and bondholder lose out, the confidence in the company also fell. This was the major setback for the company. The actions of Enron management left a deep scare for its 4000 employees which lost out their jobs and also impacted others around them. Some blamed Arthur Andersen; Enron’s accounting firm and some blame the board of directors for insufficient oversights. The damage was so big that it was likely to take years for the court to sort the wreckage. The company did not think of its future and took many bad steps just to earn money. The CEO should have looked into the company matters long time ago and took action so that hundreds of jobs could have been saved. The companies who were associated with the big firm were affected on a very large scale. This was the biggest bankruptcy of a firm with $63. 4 billion in assets. 7. Auditors in this scandal, and their role The external auditing body of Enron company was Arthur Anderson LLP, formerly one of the ‘big 5’ accounting firms, providing auditing, tax, and consulting services to large corporations. Andersen definitely Knew Enron Was in Trouble but they overlooked at it and even conspired with Enron to manipulate the financial statements. They knew Enron was in trouble as early as Feb. 2001, a company memo showed, and Andersen debated dropping the collapsed energy firm all together, Reuters reported. Additionally, Andersen knew in mid-August of a senior Enron employee’s concerns about improprieties in the energy company’s accounting practices. Andersen confirmed that a memo dated Feb. 6 recounted a meeting between Andersen executives about whether Andersen should retain the now-bankrupt Enron as a client. Auditors are responsible directly under the law especially the international standards to report directly to the shareholders on the status of the company’s or a bank’s account at a particular point in time. They heavily misconducted as auditors as they received money and hided about Enron`s truth. 8. Ramifications It is not easy to implement rigorous standards without changing Incentives. This situation can be seen in South East Asian countries like: Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, China. Each country can implement its own accounting standards, but did not implement the substantial institutional changes required to make these standards effective. According to various studies conducted in this area, new standards did not result in better-quality financial reporting.9. Conclusion: In search of better standards and ethics The ENRON Scandal is considered to be one of the most notorious within American history; an unofficial blueprint for a case study on White Collar crime. Enron’s behaviour has confirmed that the treatment of off-balance-sheet dodge, American accounting standards are too lax. It is time for another effort to realign the system to function more in shareholders’ interests. Companies need stronger non-executive directors, paid enough to devote proper attention to the job.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Mobile Analysis Business Model
This paper focuses on the strategic uncertainties, where a large number of actors are trying a number of strategic approaches to position themselves in the most favorable position in the value system. As a consequence, they are experimenting with a number of innovating business models. We argue that successful business models are likely to be the ones that best address the economic peculiarities underlying this industry, like mobility, network effects and natural monopolies.The paper presents the principal classes of actors that will participate In the mobile business Industry and give an overview of their business models based on a formalized ontology. Many definitions of mobile business focus on enabling business transaction through airless devices, confusing mobile commerce and mobile business. A commonly adopted definition, by Drencher, defines mobile commerce as â€Å"any transaction with a monetary value that Is conducted via mobile telecommunication network†(M;leerines s, 1999).Similar to e-commerce, the focus Is on the exchange of products and services, but without the constraint of a stationary user using wired infrastructure. We prefer to adopt a broader view of mobile business, which includes â€Å"all activities related to a (potential) commercial transaction through communications networks that Interface with mobile devices†(Treacheries, 2002).Mobile business is a very recent, but promising Industry created by the emergence and widespread adoption of wireless data networks, that enable the convergence of the Internet, e- business and the wireless world (Oklahoma, 2002). Similar to other emerging industries, mobile business is characterized by a continuously changing and complex environment, which creates important uncertainties at the levels of technology, demand and strategy (Porter, 1980).At the technological level, uncertainties are typically caused by rapid technological development and the cycle of an industry which is born than ks to a technological innovation. Concerning emend, despite a generalized consensus about the huge potential of mobile business services, nobody actually knows how to exploit the new possibilities brought by technology to create valuable services that the customers are willing to pay.Finally, strategic uncertainties are a common situation in emerging industries, whose essential characteristic from the viewpoint of formulating strategies is that there are no established rules of the game. As a consequence, actors must experience with a variety of strategic approaches and constantly reposition themselves in order to find the most favorable competitive position in the industry. Based on these observations, we developed a general research framework inspired by the works on the Balanced Scorecard (figure 1).Our objective is to conceive a market observation tool for the mobile business industry. The underlying idea is that we can better understand the reality by taking views from differen t complementary perspectives and putting them all together. The perspectives are chosen to cover all the different uncertainties mentioned above. Each perspective focuses on certain aspects of the mobile landscape and requires specific observation tools. The innovation Focus Observed objects Observation tools
Monday, July 29, 2019
Absent Fathers
In The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore, both boys named Wes Moore without fathers living in their immensely poor neighborhood display the effects of living in a destitute area without a proper male mentor. Wes Moore, the author, was left without a father at age 4, which may have caused him to feel a lack of direction in the beginning of his life; in addition, living in a poor neighborhood may have caused him to be unable to see how success can come through education. His mother did indeed give him love, tried to get to him do well in school, and sent him to a private school, but Wes didn’t feel like trying to do well in school for at least two likely reasons. Wes always grew up in a place where most families had a low income. At Chinquapin Middle School in Baltimore: â€Å"Close to 70 percent of the kids were on the school lunch program†. Many of the parents of the community couldn’t afford to feed their children without financial aid from the government. Although he spent a lot of time living outside Baltimore, in the Bronx, he still lived in a place where crime and drugs were rampant. In places such as these, academic success would seem to be futile because of the lack of impression from people in their world. There wouldn’t be very many scholars, who had achieved a higher education and led a successful career that brought them happiness and a handsome salary. Living in Baltimore and the Bronx, Wes had nowhere to actually see with his own eyes how education could take him to great places. The death of the author’s father, and lack of a male mentor, definitely caused a stir of anger, confusion, fear, and possibly ended up in a depression that even affected how well he did in school. At such an early age, being hit with the sudden reality that your father is no more, emotions can become bottled up. According to a study in The Journal of Adolescence, the lower the GPA of students, the more commonly they were depressed. Wes had been left with a mental stigma for a part of his life, because of the death of his father, and his terrible performance in school is undeniable. In the third grade, he was reading at a second grade level. When attending Riverdale, he was hardly attending school and doing so terribly in academics that the principal called his mother. His mother then sent him to military school and because of that he was able to have male role models. Having male role models, arguably, was the main factor in how he turned his life around. He no longer felt the repressed emotions from when he was a child, and he eventually started to enjoy academics. Had he a father for all his life, he might have never had the same problems with academics and such. The other Wes Moore’s life was greatly influenced by his life’s circumstances. He also was raised in a destitute area where crime and drugs had taken over neighborhoods, and never had a real father figure. Young boys need a role model, and because he never had a male hero in his life, he looked to his brother as a role model. Even though his brother did not want him to get involved in the same crimes he was involved in: â€Å"To Wes, Tony was a ‘certified gangsta’†(Moore 27). Tony had an immense reputation in the drug game. He worked his way to the top, and naturally, such respect and reputation would appeal to other people. Wes eventually followed in Tony’s footsteps. He was also gravitated toward dealing drugs, because the only neighborhood he knew was filled with demand for drugs. His mother spread thin financially which was in part because they didn’t have any income coming from their father, and drugs seemed an easy way to make money in his world. He became heavily involved with selling drugs, and ultimately, he joined Tony in committing the crime that got them both into prison for the rest of their lives. With no father, Tony was the only one to look up to. Adolescents without fathers are twice as likely to drop out of high school, just as Wes did. Wes seemed doomed to never make it out of his poor, crime infested neighborhood, because of the environment and the absence of his father.
Event Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Event Tourism - Essay Example Event tourism generally refers to an event which is organized for an audience from around the world. The event can be a public or corporate event which attracts people from around the globe and they visit the country to attend the event. Event tourism as a business includes the hotel reservations, transportation facilities, journey tours, and several other procedures that are organized for the tourists in order to make it easy for them. Event tourism brings huge revenues for the host country and adds value to the destination itself. This paper will discuss how event tourism has emerged as a popular type of tourism and what the main goals are. The event tourism has taken a considerable position in the tourism industry of today. Many tourism industries have given special attention to the event tourism and worked with event management companies to ensure an attractive event. The event can be a cultural festival, a sports event, a religious rally or a corporate conference. Such events ca n be organized by the private or public sector but the tourism business boosts immensely during these events. This is because most of the tourism agencies play their part by assisting the tourists, planning tours for them, arranging tickets for the event and reserving hotel rooms. It is the responsibility of the community and the tourist agencies to manage and supervise these major events which attract people from all over the world (Getz, 2008, p. 415). The major approach that a community shall adopt to host a successful event is the effective tourism planning. Even though the normal tourism industry faces much ups and downs regularly which are due to a variety of reasons such as changing weather conditions, acts of violence etc. But the event tourism industry manages to produce a large number of populations despite any of these factors. The major events that are planned have financial aspects which are arranged in advance so that the market fluctuations do not affect the arrangeme nts. The host community for major events such as the cricket world cup or the Olympics is decided as a result of a tough competition. The wide range of events adds to the host community’s economic health and a community shall carry out certain roles to determine the development of their event tourism industry. There are many aspects that a community has to consider while deciding whether to host a major event or not. Before competing for the hosting of the special event, a community must do their homework. A community shall consider an event specialist and know about all the basics about the event. This includes the event demographics, the needs, the dates and the things that need to be avoided for example in a religious event, a community might consider which drinks to serve and which ones to avoid. It is important for a community to know its own strengths and weaknesses before hosting a major event. The major things to consider are the funds available for the event, the emp loyees that are available and how skilled they are like are they multilingual, the facilities that can be offered and those which can’t be offered (Damster, 2005, p. 4). Advertising is another important action that has to be taken by the community and the tourism agencies to develop the event tourism and to host a major event. A community must know the potential basics before advertising the event and the facilities. The community must be sure of the party who is holding the event and the type of audience which is targeted. They should know the reason and motive behind the event, the reasons for choosing the location for the event and the expectations of
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Womens right and culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Womens right and culture - Essay Example Society espouses women are known to be the weaker gender. Being week, women are often discriminated. The article emphasizes gender discrimination prevents the entry of women into the entrepreneurial world. The research conducted of African American, Asian, and minority women entrepreneurs indicated gender discrimination led to fewer women successfully entering the entrepreneurship world. Family members played a vital role in discouraging women from prioritizing the entrepreneurship roles. The paper affirms men have better chances than women in the world of finance. However, there is â€Å"global increase in the number of women are entering the entrepreneurship world by setting up their own businesses, increasing by as much as between  ¼ increase to as high as 1/3 increase per year.†(Ama, Ama & Mangadi 507). Despite society’s disadvantageous stand on women, some women do not give up on life. Instead, they double their efforts to surpass the obstacles of the bias of the gender-discriminating world in order to increase the family’s overall income or cash. The paper places importance on the government’s role in increasing the number of women entrepreneurs in each country. The government must set into motion strategies and policies that encourage, not deter, the women from entering the profitable entrepreneurship world (Ama, Ama & Mangadi 508). In another article, the sports world prefers a male-prioritized coaching strategy. As expected, most of the sports coaches are males. In the corporate world, most of the management officers are males. Statistics indicated that only one out of five coaches belongs to the female gender. Consequently, female job applicants struggle to land the leadership coaching jobs. The research indicates that the athletes undergo a male training strategy (Aicher & Sagas, 171). Further, the same article affirms society’s preference for
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Self-assement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Self-assement - Essay Example My conclusion sums up the agreement of the three articles that the American tax systems, as well as inequality, are the main obstacles to the achievement of the American dream. Enthymeme helped me focus and structure my burden of proof in the concluding paragraph in several ways. Since I did not present evidence of how the American dream has been achieved, I had an obligation of highlighting specific factors that have hindered its achievement. For this reason, I selected articles that discuss the specific reasons for why the American dream is an illusion. In the third paragraph on page one, I highlighted Brandon King’s views in an effort to prove that the American dream is dead. Specifically, I highlighted the following concerning King’s views, â€Å"Another problem that many Americans are struggling with is the issue of inequality, whereby King argues that most of the American wealth is concentrated amongst the rich minority. He thinks the American dream is based on people’s individual perception, because success is determined by imaginations people have about it†(Page 1, paragraph 3). By highlighting King’s argument, I demonstrated how inequality has hindered the achievement of the American dream, a factor that is evident in my
Friday, July 26, 2019
Analysis of Lily in The Secret Life of Bees Research Paper
Analysis of Lily in The Secret Life of Bees - Research Paper Example The Boatwright’s own a successful honeybee farm and make â€Å"the best honey in the state†. Another woman, Rosaleen also lives in the home. Rosaleen was Lily’s housekeeper and caregiver in her home prior to their arrival at the Boatwright’s home. Lily has been wracked with guilt because at the age of four, she accidentally killed her mother when her mother and father were fighting. Her mother was going to shoot her father to stop him from hurting her, but she dropped the gun. Lily picked up the gun, and in an attempt to help her mother, fired the gun; unfortunately, her mother was killed instead of her father. Lily stayed with her father who was abusive to her. As an example, when she would do something against his rules, he would make her kneel on grits for up to an hour for her punishment. On her 14th birthday, Lily asked her father to tell her more about her mother, and he states that her mother left them and wanted nothing to do with her. Lily did not want to accept this information and after her father is particularly abusive, she runs away, taking Rosaleen with her. Lily has spent several months with the Boatwrights and she has seen many things happen. Lily lives in South Carolina in 1964, which was a tumultuous time for black people. Because the three sisters are black, and because Lily does not agree with the way that the southern people treat blacks, she has seen two other traumas in her life. The first was when Rosaleen poured tobacco juice on a white man’s foot and then would not apologize. They beat Rosaleen and arrested her, putting her in jail. During the time she was in jail, she was also beaten and sent to the hospital. It was at that point that Lily finds Rosaleen and they leave. The second traumatic event was when Lily went to the movies and sat in the black section with her friend Zack. Because Zack is black, he was taken out of the balcony for sitting with a white girl, beaten and then he disappeared; even tually he was brought back to the Boatright’s with some of his spirit broken. Another trauma in her life happened when May Boatwright learned about Zach’s disappearance; she committed suicide. Lily has taken all of these incidents as proof that she is a bad person and that she â€Å"brings the bad things in.†The Boatright’s and Rosaleen are concerned about this and have brought Lily to counseling to help her move forward with her life. Lily is a very loving child and she is looking for someone to love her. She does not feel that her father T Ray loves her because of his mistreatment of her. Presenting Problems When Lily came to the Boatwright’s she was hiding the information about her mother because she knew that these women may have known her mother. Lily asked for a place to stay and to work so that she and Rosaleen could go to an Aunt’s house; she also said that they she was an orphan. Lily reports that she often has flashbacks (she call s them dreams) about her mother’s death. She says that she can have these dreams during the day or at night and that they happen when she is feeling stressed or when something happens to trigger these dreams. As an example, when she was asked if she wanted some grits, she quickly says no because she only knows them as a punishment. Although Lily is consumed by guilt for killing her mother, she is also feeling abandoned by her mother at the same time, because of what her father, T Ray has told her. She does not feel that she is loved by anyone, and she goes to the Boatwright’s to see if they know whether her mother loved her. Lily firmly believes that she took her mother away from her when she killed her. In her words, "I killed my mother when I was four years old, that’
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Criminal Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Criminal Psychology - Essay Example Theoretically, it is comparatively a new discipline and the product of post WWII era, when the renowned psychologist Langer was instructed, by the British Government, to explore criminal stimulus behind the personality of German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. (Quoted in But in practice, it is as old as human society. The discipline got popularity soon after the psychological investigation of the prisoners of war was started being conducted in England. The basic intention behind it was to assess and estimate the minds of offenders and criminals in order to make laws and establish penalties and punishments on the basis of psychological reasons behind crimes. Crime is a social phenomenon and exists in each and every culture of the world from the most primitive human tribes and clans to the modern contemporary society. With the increase in population of the world at large, the tribes and communities grew widely and developed into society. The crime rate also got its place along with the growth of civilization with an upward trend and increase. The need of rules and system was felt to preserve peace and harmony. Subsequently, social norms, mores and taboos were determined to bring regularity in society. Socio-cultural and political authorities came into being with the passage of time, to evade disturbance and control deviancy from the prescribed manners prevailing in some specific area. Theories were articulated and researches were conducted in order to acquire information and knowledge in respect of motivation behind crime. Abnormal attitude creating public nuisance was declared as crime against the state and its individuals. Durkheim vie ws crime, states Coser (1977:141), as normal in terms of its occurrence, and even as having positive social functions in terms of its consequences. In his words: "Where crime exists, collective sentiments are sufficiently flexible to take on a new form, and
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Homework - Assignment Example At the same time, in terms of the clients getting updated information, Andrew still bring in comparative advantage over Chris. 2. (a) The lower-tie data packages increased by $5 per month. At the same time, the higher-tier data packages increased by $ 5. However, the percentage increase was not the same for the two groups. In this case, the increase for the lower-tie was 33% while for the higher-tier plan was 30%. b. For the AT&T tablets, the low-tier plan will be in such a way that for every extra 300 MB, the overage fee that will be charged will be $ 20. The clients will also, through the lower-tier plan be able to get an extra one hour for streaming video or extra 300 posts social media. This is due to the extra megabytes. c. The AT&T is executing this move in order to offset the coming plans of Apple for launching the iPad 3, which according to the analysts could lure many customers and dominate the market. Therefore, the action is meant to expand its market base before Apple comes in to take over. d. The reason behind the increase is demand. This is because, we can see that the company is trying to make sure that the customers get more time for video streaming and accessing social sites. The factor responsible for the increase in demand is the increase in the product’s
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Article Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Analysis - Article Example The article in focus studies the prevalence of occupational stress among employees and the effects that such have on their productivity. To achieve these, the researchers study five public corporations where they analyze stress prevalence among employees and its management. Data gathering technique is an essential skill in any study. In the article, this is achieved through the use of questionnaires, interviews as well as observation. The subjects are easily defined; this is a factor that makes studying them a little easier. With the result tabulated, it becomes easy to calculate such important aspects of the findings as mean, the calculated median, and mode. The researchers employ the use of the statistical package for social science, commonly referred to as SPSS. The software improves efficiency besides enhancing data integrity (Henry& Joseph, 2008). The study offered statistically significant result. Out of the subjects under study, stressed employees were counted and recorded just as were those not stressed. The data thereafter separated every case under specific subheadings on the causes of the stress and tabulated the number of those who felt victims of every subheading. This makes calculations thereafter possible thereby authenticating the results obtained. Stress is a big problem in very many organizations globally. The research’s hypothesis states that occupational stress affects very many employees in organizations world over thereby affecting their turn over consequently negating productivity. This, it indicates, implies that such organizations incur loses eventually. With no hypothesis, a research makes no sense. It is the hypothesis that confines a study to particular parameters. However, in this research, the hypothesis is inferred since he does not make direct claim of these. He attributes his facts to these and proves that in deed organizational stress is equivalent to monetary
The Drama GCSE Course Essay Example for Free
The Drama GCSE Course Essay During the summer term of 2003 I have been working on an improvised piece of drama for option 3 of the drama GCSE course. The theme of our piece is fame. Our improvisation is about a young man called Jack who has the misfortune to become famous at first this is his dream come true but as the story unfolds he becomes more miserable and becomes addicted to drugs. The opening scene is where everyone who has had something to do with his death is gathered around him in his coffin at his funeral. Caudilia Smith throughout the funeral stays totally emotionless and does not shed a tear for her dead husband. Then it switches to Jack in bed being woken by his drug dealer, she barges in and starts to threaten Jack and he tells her he can get the money tomorrow and she agrees and tells him he will be dead if he doesnt. then we move further back and go to the high street where he first becomes famous. A news reporter comes to the agent who is sat at one of the cafes on the road where she is accosted by a journalist and is asked to comment on her upcoming blockbuster this is the scene where we find out that the agent is looking for a real life hero. Then Bernard moves past the journalist who has to move to block the agents way whilst Jack and Bernard are talking which is significant because Bernard starts to walk across the road but a car is coming and he does not see this because he is fixated on Jack but luckily a passer-by comes to the rescue and saves him but everyone thinks it was Jack who has saved him and because of this Jack becomes skyrocketed into fame which gets him a wife and helps feed his habit. But as he goes on his head gets bigger so he cant see the cracks that are forming below him. Caudilia finds out about his habit from a phone call that she listened in and she informs the papers and then because his agent finds out about this he gets sacked and then his wife leaves him and he has no-one left and then he kills himself. And then we all put him in his coffin, which is significant because it was our fault that he died so we are putting him in his coffin. When Maria Marten was set it was normal to see Gypsies and for the social classes to affect relationships then. And also the difference in currency then because it is not Guineas any more. The language is much different compared to the improvisation that we are doing now because we use much shorter sentences and frequent swearing but at the time of the script it would be considered very rude to swear but now its seems like a second language (not to me of course) to us. Also even the William confessed his love for Maria he hid it from the public and when he was caught with Dora and she asked who she was William just fobbed Dora off and said that she was just a peasant and he probably would not be caught dead with a girl like Maria. At the time of Maria Marten people believed Gypsies and took head of what they said but whereas now no one believed them, also people wouldnt be allowed to speak to other people in a higher social class than themselves. People behaved a lot different in the Victorian times because they had to be seen as properly behaved they couldnt be seen with people that were in a lower class than they were and this is where snobbery comes into it. And in the Victorian times people lived dull lives and didnt have much to do so going out to see a melodrama was like going to an Eminem concert for use it was that exciting! A melodrama in the Victorian days is the equivalent of going to the cinema and watching a movie. In our piece there are different types of cherecters in there there is Caudillia she is the gold digging bitchy type and then there is Bernard who is a nice person and is always good natured until he finds out jack has not been entirely honest with him. Then ther is the scheming journalist and then there is the larger than life I dont have any time for you agent. We chose this type of style of drama because it suted what we wanted serious yet funny and I feel this suted what we wanted exactly because with the amount of people there is there is enough room for both types of acting. We have learnt of the changes in the time affect the type of thinks that are funny now becayse they would not be funny then they probably would be improper. The fact that the script ended in tragedy gave us an incentive to head in the direction of tragedy.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Example of Resume and Practical Application Letter Essay Example for Free
Example of Resume and Practical Application Letter Essay On behalf of the School of Business and Economics, I submit herewith an application for the student mentioned below to conduct his/her industrial training under your esteemed organization. The industrial training program is one of the course requirements for student to complete their Bachelor of Business (with honors) degree at University Malaysia Sabah. For your information, the placement should last for 3 months from 24 June 2013 to 13 September 2013. The main objective of this placement is to expose the student to the working environment in the corporate world, of which can be explained further by the attached â€Å"Program Objectives’’. The following student (enclosed CV) is majoring in Entrepreneurship: 1. BB1011xxxx ALIA UMAIRA BINTI MOHD RAFI (I/C NO: 901228-01-xxxx) For further information, please do not hesitate to contact any number of the practicum coordinator during office hours. In addition, below are few other objectives with regard to practical training: o To brief the trainees the roles and task performed as well as to prepare daily/weekly schedule. o To improve the trainees understanding on the company’s roles and contribution towards the industry. o To provide opportunity for trainees to be involved in the organization operation management and other activities such as briefing/seminars, workshops, exhibition and etc. o To improve communication and public relation techniques in order to enhance better relationship within the company as well as the customers.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Things To Know About Lao Culture English Language Essay
Things To Know About Lao Culture English Language Essay Laos has its own traditional greeting called Nob. Where palms are placed together as if in prayer and held in front of the chest or face. The person who is socially inferior or younger should be the first to bow, but it is considered polite for the older/socially superior person to respond quickly. There are many levels for showing respect to the person in greeting with Nob. The higher the hands are held and the lower the bow, the greater the degree of respect. During Nob, one should smile and say hello together. Sa Bai Dee is a word used as Hello. Its general meaning is How are you and I am doing good or Im fine. It is common in Laos to ask, Have you eaten yet? after greeting. When person ask this question, he/she does not normally purpose for the answer but to show care. This tells the importance, not unlike many cultures, of offering and accepting hospitality whenever possible. Nation Pride The Lao are truly happy being Lao. However, they might not notice themselves. According to the Buddhist Precept, Things are as they are and should be. The Lao accept who and what they are. And the Lao are proud in their long and well-established traditions. They like when foreigner shows interest in their culture. Never mind Laos is a deeply sensitive culture. They care for other people feeling. Word expressions capture the essence of a culture. One should always bear this in mind before making a strong comment or taking direct action. Lao has a lot of expressions include the word Chai or heart Two frequently used Lao expressions are Bo Penh Nyang and Tham Ma Dha. These two words have various meaning according to the context. However, all meanings derive from a Buddhist perspective of acceptance of the prevailing situation. Bo Penh Nyang directly means No problem. It also has other meanings as never mind or are you all right?. In some case, Bo Penh Nyang can use for express as I forgive and forget your action.; this is normally used when someone did something wrong. Tham Ma Dha is the word from Buddhist thinking, means everything goes on it way. In everyday life situation, it means average, the norm or proceeding as usual. Religious Culture Similar to other countries in South-East Asia, Lao culture is influenced by Buddhist thinking. This translates to a very patient and accepting attitude. People want to move on to peace and prosperity rather than dwell on the past. Things are as they are and should be and change comes slowly. Body conduct In Laos, as in most Buddhist cultures, head is considered the most precious part of the body as it is the center of the spirit. In the same way, the feet are the least sacred part of the body. There are many manners and aspects that are related to body conduct. It is necessary to remember this conduct whenever in Laos. Dress In big city and urban area, Lao dress the modern cloths in the same way as the western do. However, short and revealing clothes are generally not acceptable in Lao culture. Losing face To lose face, or to cause another to lose face, is serious. Losing face can make Lao people very sensitive. They are afraid of being insulted. Any form of confrontation for winner and loser must be avoided. Do and Dont Do not offer a kiss in greeting! The Laos word for hello is Sa Bai Dee,usually said with a smile. Hand shaking in public is not common. If you dont know how to greet in Laos tradition way, it is better to bow a little bit and say hello. Touching or showing affection in public will embarrass Lao. Greeting with affection of people with same gender is not widely accepted. Do avoid showing affection Kissing and hugging and hand holding in public is impolite. Handholding in public should be avoided, even for foreigner couple. Men and woman should not touch or have public affection. Please be discrete and show respect to Lao culture. Be clean and neat in appearance whenever possible. Lao people appreciate clean and neatly dressed visitors. Do dress modestly when entering temples, museums, official buildings and government offices; no shorts or sleeveless shirts, tank tops or beach wear. Appropriate dress and behavior when entering places are essential. Lao people are also sensitive with odor. People who have strong body odor should wear perfume however, strong perfume is not appreciated. Do take your hat and shoes off before you enter temple or Laoss home Lao people try to keep their places clean. Taking hat and shoes off also are showing respect to the places. Lao appreciate and expect foreigner to do the same. Do not touch anyone on the head. As head is the most sacred part of the Laos body, touching head is considered as very impolite behavior. Do remember that feet is low Do not point your feet towards people or Buddha images. Using your feet for anything other than walking or playing sport is generally considered rude. Sitting with legs crossed should be also avoided, otherwise, pointing feet at something or someone. When sitting in a temple, keep legs together and to the side in a mermaid position. Do gently crouch down when passing someone who is seated It is polite to gently crouches ones back down when passing someone who is seated. Never, ever step over someone in your path. Do not shout or raise your voice Lao people speak softly and avoid confrontation. Speaking or shouting in loud voice may frighten them. Dont lose your temper in public. Speaking loudly and angrily is often counterproductive. It also consider as uneducated or uncivilized person. People who lose their temper in public might be looked down on from other people. Do ask for the permission first before you take a photo of someone It is better to ask for permission, particularly in villages outside the cities where the people may have superstitions against being photographed. Do not Bathing nude or Semi-nude in public. A lot of travelers bath in the river and waterfall nude or wear bikini. Lao people do not appreciate that behavior as it is contrast to their culture and religious. Do show respect to the temple, monk and religious related things. Foreigner should show respect and dress neatly while in temples and when taking photos around the temple areas. There are many other sacred items and sites in Laos. do not touch these items or enter places without permission. Do avoid involving with illegal stuff The use of drugs is illegal in Laos. The government is serious about this. The illegal sale of wildlife and wildlife products should be avoided. Buying antique Buddha, sacred items and other old artifacts are prohibited. They are not allowed to be taken out of Laos. You might have problem when leaving Laos Sex tourism is illegal in Lao Sex tourism is illegal in Lao and child-sex tourism is a serious crime. Moreover The Lao government prohibits any sexual contact or relationships between Lao nationals and foreigners, unless married under Lao law; penalties may involve heavy fines or imprisonment It is importance to remember how to show respect. When in Laos, try and do as the Laos. Do and remember about body conduct, dress, and public affection and religious manner. Business Value Laos entrepreneurial behavior is culturally influenced by values, beliefs, and disbeliefs. Religion, the caste system, and the family system affected the emergence of entrepreneurship. As Lao is a devoutly Buddhist country, it is important to respect the national religion when conducting business in Lao. Business Value Business culture in Laos is dramatically different from westerners business culture. The expressions of each of the value emphases listed in the following Table.1 for one culture can be found. Table.1 Business value emphasis comparison between Lao and Westerners. Source: Laoletter (2008). Lao Business Culture blog. Relationship Businesses are often based on personal relations developed within social circles. In Lao culture, work and social affairs are woven together in a seamless pattern. Since the emphasis placed on personal relationships is high, having a reliable and well-connected local agent or representative is crucial to the success of a foreign venture. Lao are seeking for accepted, trusted and credible relationships. Relationships progress slowly in Laos with the step-by-step approach. Asking your partner about family, traditions, culture help you understand your partner better and also build the relationship. View of Time Punctuality Do like the locals and keep your sense of time flexible. Expecting punctuality will often lead to frustration. However, punctuality from foreign partner is appreciated Business Hours Official working hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. In factories and private companies work hours are extended until 5:00 p.m., and work days can be extended to six days. Etiquette Greeting In business, Lao are normally greet with a traditional greeting nob. However, nowadays, handshake is becoming increasingly common during the conduct of business but only for people with same gender. Men and women should avoid public displays of affection. Naming Lao people should be addressed by their first names, preceded by their title Mr//Ms//Madame or Than (in Lao). Dress For men, clothing such as shirt and trousers are appropriate for business meetings. Lightweight suits, tie should be worn, especially in special occasion. Women usually wear long skirts and blouse or sleeveless tops. Its unusual to see bare Lao skin above the elbow. Short skirts and bare bosoms and navels is not appropriate for business dress The Lao pay great attention to personal cleanliness and lack of odour. Westerners who have strong body odour should wear soft perfumes. Language Official language is Lao. However, English and Fresh are commonly used in Business. Knowledge of French is useful because French is more widely spoken and understood than English, though translators are available Business cards When doing business in Lao, carry lots of business cards. Business cards should be translated into Lao and printed up locally. A common practice is to have English version on one side and Lao version on the reverse. Business cards should be given and received using both hands as a sign of respect to the person you are dealing with. The example of the correct way to hold business card during exchange is shown in Figure XX. Exchanging business card with one hand also acceptable, but only exchanging with right hand where left hand lightly wrap around lower arm. When receiving another persons card, always study the card for a few seconds in their details for name and position. Never place it immediately into your pocket or wallet as it is impolite. At meetings, other peoples business cards should be arranged on the table. It is a sign of respect and helps them keep track of names. Do not play with your Lao colleagues business card since this is disrespectful. Business card should be treated with respect in same degree of respect as you would show the person him or herself. Gift It is not required to give the gift when meeting business partner but giving gift shows consideration to other people and good relationship. Gift can be anything especially, things with your countrys content such as stamp or coin sets, calendars, pens or pins is a big hit. You can offer one for everyone in the party greeting you. At least be sure there is one for the host or person in the highest rank. Gifts are given in the order of peoples importance.  Wrapped gifts will not be opened until everyone has departed. So if you have a gift that requires explanation, present it undraped so you can explain Shoes and socks make inappropriate gifts in Laos as the foot is the least sacred part of the body. Green and red are the most suitable colors for wrapping paper in Laos. Avoid the color white, which is considered unlucky. Business Protocol Negotiation Negotiations in the Lao context can be a grinding, slow process. It is highly unstructured and unpredictable. Lao contracts are short, written in simple language, and focus on principles while western contract is obtuse and legalistic. Relationship is important than the terms and conditions of a specific contract. They view the contract as the starting point of relationship and be able to changes later. The agreement may become meaningless if the circumstances change. Good relationship with your partners helps you in negotiation. If you must break off negotiations, do so carefully. Do not close the door on future cooperation. Seeking legal counsel is public admission that the relationship has failed. Meeting Meeting in Lao is not well-conducted. Those who attend are not expected to contribute or listen carefully. People use meetings as opportunities to take a break from their normal work with the speaker at the front of the room drones on, without pausing for discussion. Some meetings also considered as opportunities to demonstrate group harmony, take a group photo or have a social occasion afterwards. The highest ranking person in the group should lead the way in, and be the spokesperson. Do not make the mistake of shaking hands with the interpreter first. There is normally business card exchange before the meeting start. Meetings always begin with informal chit-chat over coffee and/or tea. Drink the tea that is served before launching in to main topic. A great deal of discussion takes place before the main topic of the meeting has been raised. The host will initiate serious talk, and then leave time for you to say a few words in response. Be alert for signals that the meeting should end. The signals include asking you if you would like more tea, beginning to sum things up, thanking you for coming, and leading you to the door. Table If Lao has invited you to a dinner it is important to return the favor. Informal occasions such as this are invaluable in terms of building the relationship. Whenever one accept dining invitation, it is important to host next meal. If the meal take place at Laos house, remember to take shoes off before enter the house. Guest should not take seat until host invites to sit. For dining at restaurant, do not ask to share the bill if have dining at restaurant if they propose to pay for you. Instead, accept the invitation and then host the next meal. Communication Writing It is better to have everything translated to Lao. Written documents should be in both Lao and the foreign language. The best way is to have a two column in one page so the Lao reader can easily cross horizontally from the Lao text to the foreign language to clarify or confirm a meaning in Lao. And never write in red ink. It is negative and will displease the recipient. Context and Style Lao culture pays more attention to the interaction process itself. Things are not always what they seem. Body languages are quite reserved. There are little eye contact and few expressive gestures. Lao has indirect communication style. Rather than confront a person with an issue or disagreement, Lao people will often approach a difficulty indirectly through praise, compliments or by moving to another subject. Never ever take yes for an answer. Lao normally say yes to indicate that the message has been heard and understood. Yes means maybe or perhaps or no. Maybe means yes, no, or just maybe. There is really no no. Bad news is often introduced bit by bit to soften the blow. Wait for the and., which generally is when the full picture is revealed. Harmony and Conflict Harmony and avoiding the appearance of conflict in relationships are highly valued in Lao society. Lao have developed very effective non-confrontational ways of communicating disagreement. People are more likely to succeed if avoid anger, confrontation or verbal criticisms which tend to polarize situations and can lead to loss of face. They try to seek an elegant resolution, a subtle way to avoid conflict, and a win-win solution. It is Lao style to reveal little about ones intentions, goals and needs revelation is perceived as weakness or losing advantage. In order to improve communication with Lao business partner, first thing to keep in mind is Keep it simple, boil the message down to its simplest form. English or French or other not mother language, they might be able to speak but it does not mean that the whole message is correctly understand. Remember to Re-confirm everything when having conversation with Lao. Ask what you understand in the conversation is correct. Silence is polite. Silence and pause during the conversation in common in Lao. Another important thing in communication is saying Apologize, when necessary, even if you have not done anything wrong. Lao will apologize because an unfortunate incident has occurred. And the last advise for communication but most effective Learn to speak Lao.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Murder of Helen Jewett by Patricia Cline Cohen Essay -- Murder Hel
The Murder of Helen Jewett by Patricia Cline Cohen      In The Murder of Helen Jewett, Patricia Cohen uses one of the most trivial murders during the 1800’s to illustrate the sexiest society accommodations to the privileged, hypocritical tunneled views toward sexual behavior, and the exploitation of legal codes, use of tabloid journalism, and politics. Taking the fact that woman was made from taking a rib from man was more than biblical knowledge, but incorporated into the male belief that a woman’s place is determined by the man. Helen had the proper rearing a maid servant, but how did she fall so far from grace. Judge Weston properly takes credit for rearing her with the proper strictness and education. Was Helen seduced at an early age and introduced to sexual perversions that were more persuasive that the bible belt life that the Weston’s tried to live? Was Helen simply a woman who knew how to use what she had to get what she wanted? Through personal correspondence, legal documentation, census reports, paintings, and newspapers we are able to make our own determinations. Cohen provides more than enough background and history to allow any one to make their own opinion how the murder of a woman could be turned into a side show at a circus.      Helen Jewett, a prominent New York prostitute, was murdered and not only was this rare but a heinous crime. Helen’s murder brought to the forefront the industry of prostitution. This would include the owners, managers, and the clients.      In the Victorian era, in New York City, men and women roles within the society were as different as night and day. A man regardless of his extra curricular activities could still maintain a very prevalent place in society. A woman’s worth was not only based family name which distinguished her class and worth, but also her profession if that was applicable.      During this time in society the industry of prostitution was an economic gold mine. The women operate the brothel while very distinguished men in the community own and take care of the up keep. The brothel keepers are seen as nothing more than common home wrecking whores. However, the owners of the brothels are viewed as successful business men.      For example, John Livingston, brother to President Jackson’s, Sec of State, own the 41 Thomas St brothel. Men of great wealth and statue were frequent to... ...use. This was customary for Richard to do. As the young suitor made his way up the steps Helen greeted him by saying, Richard I’m glad that you could make it. Helen retired to her room with her suitor and they remained there for the some time.      Helen emerged from her room around 11:00 pm asking for a bottle of wine and Mrs. Townsend delivered the wine and engaged in brief conversation while noticing the young man lying on the bed reading. She was very familiar with Robinson and was able to say without a doubt that he was the one that was in the bedroom with Helen. No one saw him leave nor did anyone let him out. Mrs. Townsend testified that a man had knocked on her door asking to be let out, but told him to have his woman to come and get the key. No one returned for the key so there is no possible logical explanation of how Richard got out of the house, nor was a logical possibility of how anyone else could have gotten in the house.      There were also several eye witnesses to the fact that Robinson was the owner of the cloak and that the hatchet used in the murder resembled the hatchet missing from Hoaxie’s store. Hoaxie just so happened to be Robinson’s boss.      The Murder of Helen Jewett by Patricia Cline Cohen Essay -- Murder Hel The Murder of Helen Jewett by Patricia Cline Cohen      In The Murder of Helen Jewett, Patricia Cohen uses one of the most trivial murders during the 1800’s to illustrate the sexiest society accommodations to the privileged, hypocritical tunneled views toward sexual behavior, and the exploitation of legal codes, use of tabloid journalism, and politics. Taking the fact that woman was made from taking a rib from man was more than biblical knowledge, but incorporated into the male belief that a woman’s place is determined by the man. Helen had the proper rearing a maid servant, but how did she fall so far from grace. Judge Weston properly takes credit for rearing her with the proper strictness and education. Was Helen seduced at an early age and introduced to sexual perversions that were more persuasive that the bible belt life that the Weston’s tried to live? Was Helen simply a woman who knew how to use what she had to get what she wanted? Through personal correspondence, legal documentation, census reports, paintings, and newspapers we are able to make our own determinations. Cohen provides more than enough background and history to allow any one to make their own opinion how the murder of a woman could be turned into a side show at a circus.      Helen Jewett, a prominent New York prostitute, was murdered and not only was this rare but a heinous crime. Helen’s murder brought to the forefront the industry of prostitution. This would include the owners, managers, and the clients.      In the Victorian era, in New York City, men and women roles within the society were as different as night and day. A man regardless of his extra curricular activities could still maintain a very prevalent place in society. A woman’s worth was not only based family name which distinguished her class and worth, but also her profession if that was applicable.      During this time in society the industry of prostitution was an economic gold mine. The women operate the brothel while very distinguished men in the community own and take care of the up keep. The brothel keepers are seen as nothing more than common home wrecking whores. However, the owners of the brothels are viewed as successful business men.      For example, John Livingston, brother to President Jackson’s, Sec of State, own the 41 Thomas St brothel. Men of great wealth and statue were frequent to... ...use. This was customary for Richard to do. As the young suitor made his way up the steps Helen greeted him by saying, Richard I’m glad that you could make it. Helen retired to her room with her suitor and they remained there for the some time.      Helen emerged from her room around 11:00 pm asking for a bottle of wine and Mrs. Townsend delivered the wine and engaged in brief conversation while noticing the young man lying on the bed reading. She was very familiar with Robinson and was able to say without a doubt that he was the one that was in the bedroom with Helen. No one saw him leave nor did anyone let him out. Mrs. Townsend testified that a man had knocked on her door asking to be let out, but told him to have his woman to come and get the key. No one returned for the key so there is no possible logical explanation of how Richard got out of the house, nor was a logical possibility of how anyone else could have gotten in the house.      There were also several eye witnesses to the fact that Robinson was the owner of the cloak and that the hatchet used in the murder resembled the hatchet missing from Hoaxie’s store. Hoaxie just so happened to be Robinson’s boss.     Â
Racial Prejudices :: essays research papers
Racial Prejudice What is prejudice? - set of learned beliefs and values that lead a person to be biased against other members of other groups. -prejudices are convenient(bequem,brauchbar,passend) and inaccurate. ----> people are not seen as individuals, biased people label other people to special groups -prejudice is mostly based on inaccurate information about people Prejudice originates from three common parts(these parts make up a prejudiced belief): 1.Generalisations -a very broad , simple statement about a group of people -here is perhaps an appropiate point to provide an example:"All catholics" or when the word "they" figures strongly -key words for generalisations are "all" and "they" --->generalisations are also very inaccurate , because we are not justified in saying that all members of these group or race share the same characteristic features. G. are unfair descriptions of people and they are mostly based on very incomplete information. Having met one member from a different group with an extraordinary behaviour ,we often assume that all mebers of this group show this same extraordinary behaviour. 2.Stereotyping -exaggerated,often negative image of a particular group of people -a stereotyp often contains a grain of truth , but this grain of truth is combined with an exaggerated and undue image of this group. Ethnocentricity -there are two types of prejudices: 1.prejudice against all outsiders-->your group is the only right and proper,all other groups are excludud,other groups are portrayed as being strange and inferior. 2.prejudice against specific groups----> you are able to cope with some other groups,but you disapprove a special group of their religion-->that's why you have a prejudice against this particular group.But this kind of prejudice does not express that your religion is the best and that all other religions are worser than your own one.You are only biased against this particular religion. ---->prejudice against all other groups is called ethnocentricity Prejudice and discrimination Discrimination: -Speaking of Discrimination against a special group we mean the combination of prejudice with actions - In this sense the word "discriminating" means that we are treating a group in a negative way. -the effect of people are discriminated against:loss in terms of money ,housing,education -the forms of Discrimination: 1.verbal abuse(anti-locution)--->through specific terms--->undermines their confidence-feeling of "I am not desired in this society" 2.Discrimination in jobs--->Refusal of jobs to a group-->disadvantage in terms of jobs,income,personal decline. 3.Attack on property-->destruction of cars-->Expulsion because there is a lack of physical security 4.Physical attack---->Assaults on group members;stabs;deaths--->further lack of security;anger;frustration;formation of self-defence groups 5.Genocide--->mass murder of all--->extermination of whole families and cultural groups Racial prejudice or racism -always aimed at special groups -racism bases on the belief that
Friday, July 19, 2019
Evaluation of Sociological Theories Essay -- Papers Sociology Deviance
Evaluation of Sociological Theories Deviance can be described as: "Nonconformity with existing/traditional social norms. This nonconformity is often said to be pathological when it challenges power and privilege; yet it is said to be indicative of innovation or creativity when the gatekeepers of morality approve it. A loaded term, deviancy is a negative asset when the environment is stable but can be a positive asset to a society when the environment is irreversibly changing." Each perspective asks different questions and focuses on different issues regarding crime and deviance. They have different ideas about the causes of crime. Subcultural theories on crime and deviance were developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s from the works of Albert Cohen(1955) and Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin(1960). They suggested that people react to forces 'external' to them, this leads them to behave in certain ways. Their behaviour is determined by social causes. Criminals behave differently from non-criminals. Subcultural theorists have attempted to seek the causes of these differences, they claim to have identified malfunctions in the social order. These malfunctions are seen to be rectifiable by different types of social engineering e.g. Social reform, social welfare and education. Crimes are 'social facts' and therefore must have 'social causes'. Criminals are not seen as 'abnormal' individuals by subcultural theorists, but as social actors influenced by social causes. Statistics have indicated that criminals are mostly male, adolescent, working class and urban living. An idea inspired by Durkhiem (1952) suggested that this is a 'socia... ...s as it gives evidence to support their idea that working class people commit more crimes than middle class males. On the other hand, criminal statistics was challenged by left realists who believe that criminal statistics is the reality and therefore we should accept it, along with the solutions to attempt to solve the problems to tackle the high levels of crime. Marxist approach in explaining deviant behaviour is only reliable to some extent. Along with the contradictions from other perspectives, it shows that improvements can be added to their ideas. Marxists mainly concentrated on the class distribution and stress that they the ruling class control the norms and values of the society. It will not be classed as deviant unless the bourgeoisie say so and they will not say so unless a working class person commits it.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Titus Salt and Saltaire
Titus Salt was born on the 20th September 1803 in the Morely area of Leeds. He came from quite a wealthy background and he had a very reasonable education. When he and his parents moved to Bradford, Titus' life in the textile trade prospered. Salts father was once a white cloth merchandise, so this helped greatly in the set-up of ‘Daniel Salt and Son' wool buyers, based in Bradford. As Titus was the eldest of Daniel Salts seven children he was expected to inherit and run the family business. Titus was a Sunday worker at the local church, and it was here that he met and fell in love with his wife Caroline Whitlam of Grimsby. There is a street in Saltaire that is named after his wife, showing true love and compassion for both his wife and Saltaire. Titus built Saltaire because he wanted a model village- at the time Leeds and the Bradford area were very polluted and dirty places to live in. At Titus' time Bradford was known as the ‘City of the Industrial Revolution.' It was acknowledged as the worsted capital of the world. Bradford was becoming a very wealthy city indeed. However behind the good reputation it boasted, the life was the worst they had had for years. Manual labourers became very poor as they were not needed anymore- machines were taking over. They were, in fact, poorer than ever. Bradford was a dirty city, sanitation was bad. People caught diseases more easily, making workers in factories die in their dozens. For example if one person in a factory caught cholera or the consumption, by the next week most of the other workers would have it. This meant that the production of work was not as good as it should be. The factories were grossly overcrowded; this was so that there were more product made. But this also had major disadvantages, such as contagious infections or accidents that happened in the workplace. Homes were also overcrowded. This was so that Landlords could get more rent. But, again, contagious infections were spread more easily and life, in general, was made more difficult and cramped. Ironically, it was Sir Titus himself who owned five of the major factories in Bradford. Some of the factories that he owned at the time had the worst working conditions around. So why did he want to build Saltaire? Some could argue that it was purely for the money. He may have built it because of his theory: ‘Healthy workers mean that less people are sick, more people come to work, more money is made, and so Titus will make more and more money.' So if everybody had a decent place to live, with a decent wage, then surely this will make their life easier and less complicated. People will want to live there and will enjoy working in the factory. This is because it is clean and healthy. This would mean that Titus makes more money and that he can expand his business further. Titus may have been Paternalistic, which means to exercise authority in a way that limits ones individual responsibility. Titus was appalled at the living conditions of the people of Bradford, he thought that his theory was very true. If Titus was already a very well off gentle man then why would he need to make even more money? Some would argue that he didn't do it purely for money but for care and compassion to those who were worse-off than he was. He may have really wanted people to have a good and healthy lifestyle. He may have really cared for the community, and observed the poor conditions that were such in factories all over Bradford and Leeds. Titus may wanted to give the next generation a life to look forward to and make sure that children got the education and homes that they deserved. Titus quotes: â€Å"†¦ I also hope to do good to my fellow men†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The site that he chose was that in Shipley, which was near the River Aire, hence the name Saltaire. It was also near a railway, canal and roads. This was the ideal sit for Titus to build on. Trading would be very easy, but that not near the dirty cities of Leeds and Bradford. Obviously, it needed to be relatively near so that trading could commence but far away enough so that his workers wouldn't have to put up with the pollution problems that they had to face in the city. Titus may have been a believer of ‘Megalomania' which means having mental delusions of power over something, he may have loved himself and his family so much that he would name a village after himself. If he owned a village with over 800 cottages with people living in them, that would surely mean that he had ultimate power over them. For example, he could sack a worker simply because he could. Titus had enough money already, even if he didn't make a model village. He didn't need it; maybe he thought that this village would be something to remember him by when he dies. If he was just another factory owner in Bradford, not a lot of people would have been sorry that he died, but if he built a perfect village for people to live happy care-free lives then that would be a very great achievement. People will love him for it, and give him respect. They would remember him and he may go down in history. I think that Titus built Saltaire because he genuinely cared about the people's health. Titus already had enough money to set him and his family up for life but he still carried on doing what he believed in- helping others who were worse off than himself. Q2) What do the streets and buildings in Saltaire suggest about Salts values and beliefs? To value means something that you regard as important, you think it improves things and you want others to have it. To have a belief in something it means that it is the central core, the platform underlining your existence. Beliefs relate to key things in your life, eg, Religion, Society, and Country. In Saltaire virtually all of the streets are named after either Royalty or his family. This shows what his values are. For example he has named a street after his wife, Caroline Street. This shows that he must have really cared about his wife, to name a street after her. This also shows that she must have had great faith in him, to have stayed with him for so long. He has also named streets after his wife's family, showing that he has thought greatly about his family during the building of the village. This suggests that he was maybe building the model village as something to pass on to his family when he dies as it really shows that they mean that much to him. There are streets named after Royalty, such as Albert Road and Victoria Road. This emphasises his beliefs and values in the Royal Family. He valued their strong and powerful beliefs in both religion and society. He wanted everyone to know that he was proud of both his family and the Royals. From going round Saltaire I noticed that the Mill was the heart of Saltaire. It was very large and looked very well patented from the outside. You could clearly see from the stern structure that Salt wanted it to be the main focal point of the village. When I looked around inside I saw that it was very tall and airy. This was probably so that the workers would have more space to work in. I noticed that the beams that are usually present on the inside of old buildings weren't there, which made it look even more spacious. The outside had a very nice looking pattern and this made it look pretty and most unlike the ugly factories that you got in Bradford. The hospital is quite a large building on one of the main roads of the town suggesting the importance of it to the townspeople, and indeed Titus himself. The building of this hospital suggests Titus' beliefs were kind hearted. He had a hospital built especially for the convenience to the workers. He believed a healthy workforce was a happy workforce, thus Titus would make more money. The United Reformed Church suggests a great deal to us about Titus' beliefs. It is situated nearly in the centre of the town, and is facing the most important building in the village- the Mill. The interior is decorated tastefully, with lots of patterns and dear looking artefacts. This is where Titus' family was laid to rest. This suggests that Titus had a great love towards the church and the beliefs behind it. The actual name of Saltaire suggests that Titus really did believe in himself. And also that he was quite bigheaded. Usually people only get named after things when they are dead but Titus was still alive when he gave the village that name. The ending ‘Aire' is after the River Aire, which was the main trading route from the village, this suggest how important is was to Titus and the rest of the villagers. Q3) Do you think Saltaire was a substantial achievement? At the time Saltaire was a breath of fresh air for workers. This meant clean air, a proper place to live, and a wage guaranteed every week. The new workers could hardly complain. In Bradford, living and working conditions were very poor. Life for them was harder than ever. Salt saw how poor they were and he decided to do something about it. Build a model village. He thought that if workers had better conditions in which to live and work then they would produce better work standards. It took just over twenty years to complete fully. But as the mill was finished in 1853, his fiftieth birthday, people started to move to Bradford. To say that he built a model village from scratch says a lot about what sort of man he really was- hardworking. At the time people thought Saltaire was a good idea, and with Salt in parliament, being a successful businessman, and a magistrate, he was the ideal man to do the job. People saw Titus as kind and considerate with a great public spirit, who else could fit the job description? Over they years Saltaire has changed a great deal. It has moved on with the rest of the world. Although it is still a relatively quiet little village. There are now pubs and other shops that weren't allowed back then, but since Titus' death in December 1876, things have changed, and different people took over the running of the village. Church going is optional and just about anyone can live and work in Saltaire. Nobody actually owns the village, and the mills have ceased trading. The cotton traders of the north no longer trade, making Saltaire just another normal village. I think that Titus Salt would not have liked the Saltaire that has become now. The Mills seemed like his livelihood, he was proud of them. There is also no particular order- anyone can live where they want and work where they like. He also hated pubs and other places where you could go to waste your money. Although Saltaire has grown and is an attraction, I don't think he would have liked what it has become. I do think Saltaire was a substantial achievement at the time because he managed to build a model village and create a model life. He had complete control over everything that went on in the village. It was kept clean and tidy, and he also made a lot of money in doing so. Titus has made this village a tourist attraction, because he designed it from scratch- and he made a model village. Everyone wanted to be there, and people gave him respect for his great achievement.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Past and Present Chapter Essay
Opportunity and self-made men were the aim of the day The founding fathers considered democracy to be direct restrain of the hoi polloi A concept they feared and rejected Jacksonians considered the voice of the people to be the voice of God state and Society No one could take over social privilege because of family ties European visitors famed the lack of first class accommodations The sacred scripture servant was disappearing in its military post was help Domestic workers were not considered a social subclass Members of different earning groups dressed similarly Democracy ex forceed itself in medicine, impartiality and religionUnorthodox healers were given home plate alongside doctors Local bars allowed get standards in some areas The clergy came under much control of the laity The hot press became increasingly important Written and submit by common people many an(prenominal) small venues and a few important papers with large readership Democratic gloss Democratic expression in literary productions and art Popular taste v. s elective or traditional culture romance was adapted to sentimentalism in popular lit Formulaic gothic novels sold comfortably Possible because of increased literacy Also cheaper publish More novels written by women ordinary white manhood suffrage was the rule by the 1820s Rise in elected v appointed officials Stump speak and campaigning became the norm More brave and dramatic Martin Van Buren and others began to build comprehensive political organizations Idea of the loyal resistor developed Other political changes deuce party system enhanced Electors to a greater extent often chosen by popular vote Voting percentages increased dramatically 182427% 182855% 184078% wherefore more than interest? Panic of 1819 line about money issues Issues such as banks, tariffs, internal improvements Jacksonians were concerned about flush interestsOpponents were concerned about rabble rousers Should the federal official governme nt become more officious? Foster economic growth? crush corporate privilege and monopoly? Support the rights of the operative man? Abolish inheritance, improve exoteric education? New York Working handss Party thought so Also favored redistribution of assets Philadelphia was a pertain of labor activity General Trades Unions was form Achieved a 10-hour workday Set an primal precedent for mass action Abolitionists became more active Some also treasured equal rights for women These reformers saw little success.
The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 25
The Asiatic Invasion later a relatively unforesightful hold up emerge and an pull downtide shorter and silent run with Tiff any, I hop a train to Philadelphia. Follo promoteg Jakes directions, I locomote subjugate Market Street toward the river, get rid ofding h wholenessst on Second Street, and follow the path to his building.When I reach the address, I am move to find that Jake lives in a high-rise that overlooks the Delaw atomic number 18 River. I fuddle to deed over my name to the gatekeeper and check to it him who I am vi laying stunned front he pull up stakes let me in the building. Hes b bely an r be homosexual in a funny gussy up, who pleads Go Eagles when he sees my B pick out(a)ett jersey, save my sidekick having a doorman is adjudge of impressive, regardless of the mans uniform.A nonher old man wears a different sort of funny costume in the lift he level off out has on one of those brimless monkey hats and this man takes me to the 10th floor by and by I classify him my companions name.The elevator doors open, and I walk down a stern h alto provokeherway on a thick ruby carpet. When I find number 1021, I brawl three eons.Whats up, Baskett? my fellow says after he opens the door. Hes in his Jerome Brown memorial jersey because its granular twenty-four hours again. number on in.T here(predicate) is a massive bay window in the living room, and I tail see the Ben Franklin Bridge, the Camden Aquarium, and tiny boats floating on the Delaware. Its a beautiful view. I immediately expose that my brother has a flat-screen television thin plenteous to hang on the w all(prenominal) told deal a picture and it is notwithstanding bigger than sodas television. only if strangest of all, my brother has a baby grand piano in his living room. Whats this? I ask.Check it out, Jake says. He sits down on the piano bench, lifts the cover off the keys, and hence actually starts mutationing. I am amazed that he can play Fly, Eagles, Fly. His version isnt precise fancy, only a simple chord progression, simply its in spades the Eagles fight ten dollar billor. When he begins to warble, I sing on with him. When he finishes, we do the cantillate and wherefore Jake make sleep withns me he has been taking lessons for the past three years. He even plays me another cry, which is very un bid Fly, Eagles, Fly. This next meter is familiar surprisingly gentle, ilk a birth walking through high grass and it seems so un kindred Jake to create something this beautiful. I actually olfactory modality my eyeball moistening as my brother plays with his eyes shut, moving his torso back and forth with the transmit of the piece, which also looks funny because he is wearing an Eagles jersey. He makes a couple of mistakes, and I dont even care, because he is trying very weighty to play the piece correctly for me and thats what counts, in effect(p)?When he finishes, I clap loudly and hence a sk him what he was contend. disgorgehetique. Piano Sonata number 8. Beethoven. That was part of the second move workforcet. adagio cantabile, Jake says. Did you like it?Very much. Truthfully, I am amazed. When did you take aim to play?When Caitlin moved in with me, she brought her piano, and shes sort of been pedagogics me all near music ever since.I start to tonicity dizzy because I build neer heard workforcetion of this Caitlin, and I moot my brother just told me she lives here with him, which would mean my brother is in a serious relationship I crawl in nothing closely. This does not seem right. Brothers should know active each others lovers. Finally I escape to say, Caitlin?My brother takes me into his hunchroom, and theres a big woody circuit card bed with two matching armoires that look like guards facing each other. He picks up a framed black-and- color photo from the bed stand firm and hands it to me. In the photo, Jakes cheek is smashed against a beautiful womans. She has short blond hair, cut nigh like a mans, and she is very delicate-looking, moreover pretty. She is in a white dress Jake is in a tuxedo. Thats Caitlin, Jake says. She plays with the Philadelphia Orchestra sometimes and does a lot of transcription in new-fashioned York metropolis too. Shes a classical pianist. wherefore realize I not heard close Caitlin before?Jake takes the personation from my hands and stands it up on the dresser. We walk back into the living room and sit down on his leather couch. I knew you were worried about Nikki, so I didnt privation to tell you that I was well happily married.Married? The record hits me like a giant wave, and suddenly I am slick with sweat.mammy actually attempt to get you out of that place in Baltimore for the Mass, moreover it was when you were first admitted and they wouldnt let you out. Mom didnt want me to tell you about Caitlin still, so I didnt at first, scarcely youre my brother, and now that youre home, I wanted you to know about my life, and Caitlins the shell part. Ive told her all about you and if you want you can meet her nowadays. I had her go out this morning while I broke the news to you. I can call her now, and we can energize lunch before we go down to the Linc. So, do you want to meet my married woman?The next thing I know, Im at a gnomish swanky coffee bar off South Street, school term across from a beautiful woman who holds my brothers hand under the parry and smiles at me unceasingly. Jake and Caitlin carry the conversation, and it feels a lot like when I am with Veronica and Ronnie. Jake answers around of the questions Caitlin asks me, because I do not say much at all. No mention is crazye of Nikki or my time at the bad place or just how bizarre it is that Caitlin has been married to my brother for years, yet I had never met her. When the waiter comes, I say Im not hungry, because I dont retain very much coin on me only the ten bucks my mother gave me for the pipe, since I already spent five bucks on the PATCO ticket. But my brother orders for all of us and says he is treating, which is comme il faut of him. We eat fancy ham sandwiches with some sort of sun-dried tomato paste, and when I finish, I ask Caitlin if the ceremony was a nice one.What ceremony? she says, and I catch her looking at the curt white scar above my right eyebrow.Your espousals ceremony.Oh, she says, and and so looks lovingly at my brother. Yes. It was really nice. We had the Mass at St. Patricks Cathedral in New York City and then a small reception at the New York Palace.How capacious contribute you been married?My brother shoots his wife a look that I do not miss.A while now, she says, which makes me feel crazy because everyone play knows that I do not remember the die couple of years and because she is a woman, Caitlin knows exactly how long she has been married to Jake. It is obvious she is trying to protect me by being vague. This makes me fee l awful, even though I nominate Caitlin is trying to be kind.My brother leaves the bill, and we walk Caitlin back to their apartment building. Jake kisses his wife by the view door, and his love for her is so obvious. But then Caitlin kisses me right on the cheek, and with her face only a some inches from mine, she says, Im glad I finally got to meet you, Pat. I hope well become good friends. I gesticulate because I dont know what else to say, and then Caitlin says, Go bakerIts Baskett, dummy, Jake says, and Caitlin blushes before they kiss again.Jake hails a taxi and tells the number one wood, City Hall.In the taxi I tell my brother I dont have any money to pay for the taxi ride, but he says I never have to pay for anything when I am with him, which is a nice thing to say, but his saying it makes me feel sort of strange.Underneath City Hall, we buy underpass tokens, spin a turnstile, and then wait for the southbound Orange Line.Even though it is only 130 p.m. and kickoff is not for seven hours yet, even though it is a Monday, a day when most people have to work, many men in Eagles jerseys are already waiting on the platform. This makes me realize that Jake is not working today it makes me realize I do not even know what Jake does for a living, which really starts to freak me out. I telephone hard and remember that my brother was a business major(ip) in college, but I cannot remember where he works, so I ask him.Im an options trader, he says.Whats that?I play the stock market.Oh, I say. So who do you work for?Myself.What do you mean?I work for myself and do all my business online. Im self-employed.Which is why you could take off early to hang out with me.Thats the best part about being self-employed.I am very impressed with Jakes ability to support himself and his wife by playing the stock market, but he doesnt want to talk about his work. He counts Im not smart enough to understand what he does Jake doesnt even try to explain his work to me.So what did you think of Caitlin? he asks me.But the train comes, and we join the push of boarding Eagles fans before I can answer.What did you think of Caitlin? he asks again after we find seating room and the train starts moving.Shes great, I say, avoiding eye contact with my brother.Youre mad at me for not telling you about Caitlin right absent.No, Im not. I want to tell him all about Tiffany following me when I run finding the Pat box how Mom is still on get into and dirty dishes are in the sink and Dad turned his white shirts pink when he did the muffle how my therapist drop cloth says I extremity to pillow neutral and not get involved in my parents marital problems but only focus on improving my own mental health but how can I do that when Dad and Mom are sleeping in separate entourage and Dad is always telling me to clean the firm and Mom is telling me to leave it filthy and I was having a hard time keeping it together before I found out my brother plays the piano and tr ades stocks and is living with a beautiful thespian and I have missed his gala wedding and therefore will never see my brother marry, which is something I very much wanted to see, because I love my brother. But instead of saying any of this, I say, Jake, Im sort of worried about eyesight that Giants fan again.Is that why youve been so quiet today? my brother asks, as if he has forgotten all about what happened before the last home bouncing. I doubt a Giants fan will say up at the Green Bay game, but were sacking to set up in a different commonalitying lot anyway, just in case any of the assholes friends are looking for us. I got your back. Dont worry. The plump guys are setting up the populate in the lot behind the Wachovia Center. No worries at all.When we arrive at B track and Pattison, we exit the subway car and climb back up into the afternoon. I follow my brother through the thin crowds of diehards who like us have begun tailgating seven hours before kickoff, on a Mon day no less. We walk past the Wachovia Center, and when the juicy mens green tent comes into view, I cant bank what I see. The fat men are orthogonal of the tent with Scott, and they are yelling at someone hidden by their collective girth. A considerable school bus painted green its running, and the driver is inching toward our tent. On the hood of the bus is a portrait of Brian Dawkinss bust, and the likeness is incredible. (Dawkins is a regular Pro bowler who plays free safety for the Birds.) As we get closer, I make out the words the asian impact along the side of the bus, which is full of brown-faced men. This early in the afternoon, parking spaces are plentiful, so I admire what the argument is about. currently I recognize the voice, which argues, The Asian Invasion has been parked in this very accredit for every home game since the Linc was opened. Its good part for the Eagles. We are Eagles fans, just like you. Superstition or not, our parking the Asian Invasion bu s in this very spot is crucial if you want the Birds to win tonight.Were not moving our tent, Scott says. No fucking way. You should have gotten here earlier. The fat men reiterate Scotts sentiment, and things are getting heated.I see decrease before he sees me. Move the tent, I say to our friends.Scott and the fat men turn to face me they look surprise by my command, almost bewildered, as if I have betrayed them.My brother and Scott exchange a glance, and then Scott asks, Hank Baskett unfastener of Giants fans says, Move the tent?Hank Baskett says, Move the tent, I say.Scott turns and faces drop-off, who is shocked to see me. Scott says, Hank Baskett says, Move the tent. So we move the tent.The fat guys groan, but they begin to break down our tailgate party, and curtly it is moved three parking spaces over, along with Scotts van, at which time the Asian Invasion bus pulls forth and parks. Fifty or so Indian men exit each one of them wearing a green number 20 Dawkins jersey. They are like a small army, and soon, several barbecues are going and the smell of curry is all around us. lessening played it cool and did not say how-do-you-do to me, which I realize was his way of saying, Its your call, Pat. He simply faded away into the other Dawkins jerseys, so I would not have to explain our relationship, which was kind of him.When we have our tent resituated, when the fat men are within watching television, Scott says, Hey, Baskett. Why did you let the peak heads have our parking spot?None of them have a dot on their head, I say.Did you know that little guy? Jake asks me.Which little guy, me?We turn around, and lessening is standing(a) there with a sizzling platter of vegetables and message cubes skewered on sticks of wood.Indian kabobs. Quite delicious. For allowing us to park the Asian Invasion bus in its everyday spot.When Cliff lifts the platter up, we each grab an Indian kabob, and the meat is spicy, but delicious, as are the vegetables.And the me n in the tent would they also like one?Hey, fat-asses, Scott yells. Food.The fat men come out and partake. Soon everyone is nodding and complimenting Cliff on his delicious food. macabre for the trouble, Cliff says so nicely.Hes been so kind even after hearing Scott call him a dot head that I cant help claiming Cliff as a friend, so I say, Cliff, this is my brother, Jake, my friend Scott, and I forget the fat mens names, so I just say, Friends of Scott.Shit, Scott says. You should have just told us you were friends with Baskett here and we wouldnt have given you any trouble. You want a beer?Sure, Cliff says, putting the empty tray down on the concrete.Scott hands everyone a green plastic cup, we all pour bottles of Yuengling Lager, and then I am crapulence beers with my therapist. I am afraid Cliff will yell at me for drinking when I am on medications, but he doesnt.How do you guys know each other? one of the fat guys says, and then I realize that by you guys, he direction Clif f and me.I am so apt to be drinking beers with Cliff that I say, Hes my therapist, before I can remind myself to lie.And we are friends too, Cliff firmly adds, which surprises me but makes me feel pretty good, specially since no one says anything about my needing a therapist.What are your boys doing? Jake asks Cliff.I turn around and see ten or so men rolling out huge sheets of Astroturf.They are rolling out the Kubb fields.What? everyone says.Come on, Ill show you.And this is how we came to play what Cliff calls the Swedish Viking game while tailgating before Monday Night Football.Why do a bunch of Indians play a Swedish Viking game? one of the fat men asks.Because its fun, Cliff replies, so cool.The Indian men are quick to share their food and are also so knowledgeable regarding Eagles football. They explain Kubb, which is a game where you pee-pee wooden batons to knock down your opponents kubbs, which are wooden gormandises set up on opposite baselines. The knocked-down kubb s get tossed to the opponents field and set up where they land. To be truthful, I am still not exactly reliable how it all works, but I know the game ends when you clean the opponents field of kubbs and knock down the kubb king, which is the tallest block of wood, set up in the center of the Astroturf.Cliff surprises me by asking if he can be my partner. All afternoon he tells me which blocks to aim for, and we win many games in between bouts of eating Indian kabobs and drinking our Yuengling Lager and the Asian Invasions India Pale Ale out of green plastic cups. Jake, Scott, and the fat men suck into the Asian Invasion tailgate party very nicely we have Indians in our tent, they have white guys on their Kubb fields and I think all it really takes for different people to get along is a common rooting interest and a few beers.Every so often one of the Indian men yells Ahhhhhhhh and when we all do the chant, we are fifty or so men strong, and our E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES is deafening.Cl iff is deadly with his wooden batons. He loosely carries our team as we play Kubb against various groupings of men, but we end up winning the money tournament, in which I did not even know we were playing until we won. One of Cliffs boys hands me fifty dollars. Cliff explains that Jake salaried my entry fee, so I try to give my brother my winnings, but Jake will not let me. Finally, I decide to buy rounds of beer inside the Linc, and I stop arguing with my brother over money.After the sun sets, when it is just about time to go into Lincoln Financial Field, I ask Cliff if I can talk to him alone, and when we walk away from the Asian Invasion, I say, Is this okay?This? he replies, and the glazed look in his eyes suggests he is a little drunk.The two of us hanging out like boys. What my friend Danny would call representing.Why not?Well, because you are my therapist.Cliff smiles, holds up a little brown finger, and says, What did I tell you? When I am not in the leather recliner Your e a fellow Eagles fan.Damn right, he says, and then claps me on the back.After the game I catch a ride back to Jersey on the Asian Invasion bus, and the Indian men and I sing Fly, Eagles, Fly over and over again because the Eagles have beaten the Packers 31 9 on bailiwick television. When Cliffs friends drop me off in front of my bear, its after midnight, but the funny driver, who is named Ashwini, hits the horn on the Asian Invasion bus a special recording of all fifty members screaming E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES I worry that maybe they have woken up everyone in my neighborhood, but I cant help laughing as the green bus pulls away.My father is still awake, sitting on the family-room couch watching ESPN. When he sees me, he doesnt say hello, but loudly begins to sing, Fly, Eagles, fly. On the road to victory So I sing the song one more time with my father, and when we finish the chant at the end, my dad continues to hum the fight song as he marches off to bed without so much as asking me a single question about my day, which has been extraordinary to say the least, even if Hank Baskett only had two catches for twenty-seven yards and has yet to find the end zone. I think about cleaning up my fathers empty beer bottles, but I remember what my mother told me about keeping the house filthy while she is on strike.Downstairs, I hit the weights and try not to think about abstracted Jakes wedding, which still has me down some, even if the Birds did win. I need to work off the beer and the Indian kabobs, so I lift for many hours.
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