Saturday, November 9, 2019

Discussing Music Therapy Reducing Stress Health And Social Care Essay

The treatment brings the right study to cloture. Discussion subdivision makes sense of research consequences. This is the most of import subdivision of any research study working adult females emphasis has emerged as important mental wellness job in working country in now. The chief purpose of the survey was to measure the effectivity of music therapy in decrease of emphasis among working adult females at P.S.G institute of wellness scientific disciplines, coimbatore in the month of July. Each person ‘s base line informations was collected and they were assessed for selected parametric quantities under the subheading of physical emphasis, psychological emphasis, fiscal emphasis, sociological emphasis, religious emphasis. After the initial appraisal, music therapy was given a period of 3 hebdomads. Then reappraisal was done. 5.1 General Profile of Working Womans: Age of working adult females varied between 20 to 60 old ages. There were 44 adult females, among whom bulk ( 16 ) of the adult females were in age group of 25 to 30 old ages. Six ( 6 ) were in the age group of 20 to 25 old ages. Thirteen ( 13 ) were in the age group o 30 to 35 old ages, six ( 6 ) were in the age group of 40 to 45 old ages and merely one in the age group of 50 to 60years.The above determination was supported by a survey conducted to measure the relationship between the emphasis and wellness indexs in urban population in Japan. They found that topic who showed that a high sum emphasis mark was largest in the age group of 30 to 39 old ages for adult females ( Nakagawa y, 1998 ) . 5.2 Occupational History of Working Womans: In the present survey bulk ( 33 ) of adult females were making instruction, one ( 1 ) was making administrative work, two ( 2 ) were making lab work, five ( 5 ) were hearer, three ( 3 ) were clerical workers. A survey reported that three groups of adult females like clerical worker, director, individual parent ( chiefly divorced ) have been through empirical observation identified as being at comparatively high hazard for emphasis ( kushnirt,1993 ) . 5.3 History of wellness Problem of Working Womans: In the present survey one ( 3 ) adult females had hurting in lower appendages, two ( 2 ) adult females had stomachic ulcer, one ( 1 ) adult females had Diabetess and high blood pressure, one ( 1 ) adult females had thyroid related job, one ( 1 ) had high blood pressure. Majority ( 36 ) of adult females did non hold any wellness jobs. A survey was conducted on multiple functions and wellness among Korean adult females.The consequence showed that holding multiple functions with working adult females was non associated with better wellness and psychological well-being. Compared to those with traditional function, employed adult females more often experienced sensed emphasis, with matrimonial and/or parental functions. ( Cho, S, J. , 2008 ) 5.4 Recreational Activities of Working Womans: About more than half of ( 23 ) adult females had no leisure clip activities and eight ( 8 ) adult females had a leisure clip activity of watching Television. Four ( 4 ) adult females had a leisure clip activity of Listening to music, three ( 3 ) adult females used to play during the leisure clip, one ( 1 ) adult female used to playing with the childs, one ( 1 ) adult female exhausted clip in walking, two ( 2 ) adult females used to read books and listen to music ; one ( 1 ) adult female had leisure clip activities of watching Television, read books, playing with childs and one ( 1 ) adult female had leisure clip activities of watching Television, orienting, cleansing and horticulture ( Table 4.4 ) .A survey has been conducted to find the occupation emphasis among primary school instructors in South- West, Nigeria. They found that bulk of the instructors had concern as symptom of hapless wellness and bulk of them engaged in watching Telev ision as a scheme for get bying with emphasis. ( Lanre Olaitan, O, 2009 ) 5.5 Assessment of Level and Type of Stress among Working Womans: In pretest out of 44working adult females 6 had mild degree of emphasis, 29 had moderate degree of emphasis and 9 of them had terrible degree of emphasis. A survey reported that among 206 adult females, 36 % admitted agony really terrible, terrible or reasonably terrible emphasis at work. At place or in the household 16 % were affected. Anxiety about employment was expressed by 12 % , fiscal concerns by 5 % , and concern for wellness by 5 % ( Biener, K. , 1981 ) . In relation to physical emphasis, among 44 working adult females 9 had mild degree of emphasis, 26 had moderate degree of emphasis, 9 had terrible degree of emphasis. Similarly psychological emphasis, five ( 5 ) had mild degree of emphasis and 30 one ( 31 ) had moderate degree of emphasis and eight ( 8 ) were identified as holding terrible degree of psychological emphasis. Five ( 5 ) of adult females had mild degree of emphasis, 30 six ( 36 ) had moderate degree of emphasis and three ( 3 ) had terrible degree of fiscal emphasis. Similarly seven ( 7 ) had mild degree of emphasis, 30 ( 30 ) had moderate degree of emphasis, seven ( 7 ) had terrible degree of sociological emphasis. Nine ( 9 ) of adult females had mild degree of emphasis, 20 six ( 26 ) had moderate degree of emphasis, nine ( 9 ) had terrible degree of religious emphasis. When a individual is stressed, their organic structure becomes physically different due to the reaction to the stressors. They may be dying and problem c oncentrating along with a alteration in outward behaviour. If dying, an person may see apprehensiveness, apprehension or uneasiness similar to fear but based on an ill-defined menace. This person may experience tense, uneasy, discerning, disquieted and vulnerable ( Dennis Coon, 2007 ) .5.6 Comparison of Level of Stress among Working Women before and After Implementation of Music Therapy:Working adult females ‘s emphasis degree was reduced from terrible to chair and chair to mild. In the posttest, average value of mild emphasis is 66.33, compared to intend value of mild emphasis which is 62.66 in pretest. Similarly in the station trial, average value of moderate emphasis is73.44, compared to intend value of moderate emphasis which is 89.86 in pretest. Similarly in the station trial, average value of sever emphasis is 83.88, compared to intend value of sever emphasis which is120 in pretest after execution of music therapy. 5.7 Influence of Music Therapy on Stress Level among Working Womans: System theoretical account was adopted to implement the music therapy in decrease of emphasis among working adult females. After the music therapy working adult females stress degree was reduced to severe to chair and chair to mild. There was a important decrease in the emphasis degree when compared to emphasize degree before the therapy. The average value of mild emphasis was 62.33 in out put as compared to 62.66 in input and average value of moderate emphasis was 73.45 in out put as compared to 89.86 in input. Similarly the average value of terrible emphasis was 83.88 in out put as compared to 120 in input, Therapy as throughput helped the working adult females to cut down the emphasis degree ( figure 5.1 ) . 5.8 Assessment of Relaxation Level among Working Womans: All 40 ( 44 ) working adult females had moderate degree of relaxation after the music therapy.

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