Saturday, November 30, 2019
Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Perhaps One Of The Most Influential Person
Martin Luther King, Jr. was perhaps one of the most influential person of our time. As the father of modern civil rights movement, Dr.Martin Luther king, Jr., is recognized around the world as a symbol of freedom and peace. Born January 15, 1929, King was the son of an Atlanta pastor. King accomplished many achievements during his life. He graduated from Morehouse as a minister in 1948 and went on to Crozer Theological seminary in Chester, Pa., where he earned a divinity degree. After that King went on to earn a doctorate in theology from Boston University in 1955. King also achieved the Nobel Peace Prize in December of 1964. He was assassinated on April 4,1968, outside his motel room by James Earl Ray. While his views at the time seemed radical to many, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is remembered and respected today as a martyr of the civil rights movement and an icon of change through nonviolent means. "The Ways of Meeting Oppression", by Martin Luther King Jr., is a story about the ways in which oppressed people deal with their oppression. Dr. King came up with 3 characteristics in which oppressed people deal with their oppression. In this essay we will discuss the three major ways that Dr. King talks about. We will also reveal the one method that King supports. He first characteristic that King mentions in his writing is acquiescence. In this characteristic, King explains how people give up to oppression and become accustomed to it. He believes that this form is not the way to solve the grief that the Negroes were being put through. In fact, he criticizes the people who utilize this method. The following line proves my statement, "To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor." The second form that Dr. King talks about is hatred and violence. This is another method that he disagrees with. King explains how violence only creates temporary results and creates more complicated problems in the future. As a minister and deep believer in peace, King refused to accept this way. He also believed that this form will only bring injustice to future generations. He explained how violence today will bring chaos tomorrow. An excellent statement made by Dr. King to disprove this method is, "The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind". The third, and final, way that Marther Luther King Jr., talked about was nonviolent resistance. This form of dealing with oppression was strongly supported by King. He believed that the oppressed must consider the benefits of both methods, acquiescence and aggressiveness. A line that best describes my statement is "...the principle of nonviolent resistance seeks to reconcile the truths of two opposites-the acquiescence and violence-while avoiding the extremes and immoralities of both." King believed that this was the best method and in order for it to be successful the Negros "must work passionately and unrelentingly". Marher Luther King Jr., was a great leader. In the writing we've just discussed we've learned 3 ways in which King believes are options available to oppressed people. Among these options we also learn the one supported by Dr. King. He explained all methods from acquiescence to his favorite nonviolent resistance. King also gave great examples of each and everyone of these ways. If it wasn't for such beliefs, maybe todays wouldn't be shaped this way. King was undoubtedly a great leader whom we all admire. A man who changed history and the way people think about each other. A radical thinker who achieved many thing, and created great movements. Despite his death, his legacy and belief still stand strong. RESOURCES Transitions (Barbara Fine Clouse Pp.507-509) -The Ways Of Meeting Oppression -by Marther Luther King Jr.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Reflections on Federal Welfare Policy essay
Reflections on Federal Welfare Policy essay Reflections on Federal Welfare Policy essay Reflections on Federal Welfare Policy essayThe major current federal welfare issues include high poverty rate, marriage penalty, the benefit loss at some levels of income, child welfare, immigrant welfare issues, and other issues. I realize that the federal welfare policy provides severe limitations on immigrants and their children, especially the Hispanic immigrant population (Katz, Lurie Vidal, 2014, p. 9). I feel concerned about related policies because some of them are ineffective.It has been found that historically, welfare policy has not properly contributed to the well-being of minority groups, including Native Americans, women, immigrants, gays and lesbians, single mothers, and women. Undoubtedly, many approaches to finding the solutions to welfare issues have been implemented. The U.S. government issued welfare policy that addressed the needs of interest groups in 1996. However, considerable changes were made by Obama Administration in 2012. These changes provide alternativ e standards to previous welfare policy. According to statistical data, â€Å"the federal government runs more than 80 means-tested welfare programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to low-income individuals†(Rector, 2013). The cost of these programs was about $927 billion. Moreover, more than 100 million American citizens got benefits at cost of about $9,000 per recipient (Rector, 2013).The changes provided by the U.S. government are aimed at increasing the number of recipients who get benefits without working. Critics of the welfare reform state that the new policy weakens the work requirements in welfare. These changes affect me personally because I may become the recipient of benefits. My thoughts prior to reading this week’s reading assignment were less serious. Now I understand the significance of current federal welfare issues and welfare reform. My perspective has been reinforced now that I am more informed.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Pell Grant Limits How Much Can You Get in Your Lifetime
Pell Grant Limits How Much Can You Get in Your Lifetime SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Federal Pell Grants are great resources for students who could use more help paying for school. Like all good things, though, there are some restrictions and rules around how you can use a Pell Grant. In this post, I'll explain: Exactly how much you can get from your Pell Grant Eligibility restrictions Limits on how you can use Pell Grant money Financial Limits: What's the Most You Can Get? As you may have expected, there is a maximum annual Pell Grant award amount ("What is the Pell Grant Amount? What is the Maximum Award?"). For the 2015-2016 academic year, the most you could receive if you're a full-time student is $5775.What you might not have expected is that there is also a minimum Pell Grant award amount: again for the 2015-2016 academic year, the least you could receive if you're awarded the grant is $600. In addition to annual maximum and minimum award amount,there's also a lifetime award maximum. Every year that you apply for the Pell Grant via the FAFSA(see "How to Submit a Pell Grant Application,"coming soon), you'll be eligible for a particular amount of money. Your lifetime maximum is equal to600% of your yearly eligibility, or about 6 years' worth of grant funding. Let's go over some examples to further explain what I mean: Student A Applies for the Pell Grant for her freshman year, and is eligible to receive$5,000 in funding. She only attends school in the fall semester, though, so she only has to pay for half a year of school. As a result, she only gets $2,500, or 50%, of the annual grant money that she was eligible for. Student A can apply for the Pell Grant the next year, and she still has 550% of her lifetime max (600%) available to her. Student B Wasn't eligible for the Pell Grant his freshman, sophomore, or junior year. His family's financial situation changes his senior year when he applies for the grant, and he is glad to find out he's eligible for $1,000 in funding. All of that money goes towards paying his tuition. Student B used 100% of the annual grant money that he was eligible for, so he has 500% of his lifetime max (600%) available to him. Student B graduates at the end of his senior year; even though he didn't meet his lifetime max, he's not eligible for the Pell Grant anymore because he received his bachelor's degree. You might have noticed that this lifetime limit seems a little high. If you go to school for your bachelor's degree, it should only take you 4 years, or 400% of your lifetimemax; unless there are special circumstances that prevent you from graduating within 4 years, you likelywon't have to worry about this lifetimelimit. The more you know about financial aid, the more you can talk yourself out of feeling like this. Eligibility Restrictions Along with the financial limits above, there are also eligibility restrictions that can disqualify you from getting a Pell Grant. I've broken this section up into two main parts: family financial eligibility, and student eligibility. What about family income limits for Pell Grant eligibility? So there are family financial limits for eligibility, but they're a bit more complicated than an arbitrary income cutoff. Eligibility limits for the Pell Grant are based on your family's Expected Family Contribution (EFC).Your EFC is generated when you submit your FAFSA ("How to Submit a Pell Grant Application," coming soon). If you want to estimate your EFC before you go through all the trouble of submitting your FAFSA, you can get more information here ("What is the Pell Grant Amount? What is the Maximum Award?" coming soon). If your EFC is at or below $5081 for the 2015-2016 academic year, you will bewithin the family income limits for the Pell Grant. If you meet all the other eligibility requirements, you will receive some grant money (so, between $600-$5775). By using your EFC, you can estimate about how much Pell Grant money you may be eligible for ("Pell Grant Calculator" coming soon). Are there restrictions on what type of student can get the Pell Grant? The short answer is: yes. You can read more about eligibility criteria for the Pell Grant here ("Pell Grant Eligibility and Requirements: Do you qualify?" coming soon). In a nutshell, the Pell Grant is meant primarily for low-income students who have a high school diploma or GED, but don't have a post-secondary degree (so, a bachelor's or vocational degree). If you don't demonstrate enough financial need, or if you already have a post-secondary degree, you likely won't qualify. There is no age limit to receive the Pell Grant. It's open to people who need help funding their education at any age. Limits to using your Pell Grant money There are two logistical parameters you should be aware of if you would like to apply for a Pell Grant: there are restrictions on where and how you can spend your Pell Grant money. Where You Spend Your Pell Grant When you apply to colleges or to vocational programs, make sure they participate in the Pell Grant program. The good news is that most legitimate colleges participate; if you want to confirm, simply call the financial aid office. How to Spend Your Pell Grant In many cases,the grant money won't even be paid directly to you; it will go straight to your school. Your school will then apply the grant money to charges on your account (e.g.tuition, room, and board charges). There may be differences in how schools process federal financial aid, though, so you can contact your financial aid office if you have further questions. In some circumstances, there may be leftover grant money after your schoolpays itself. If there is leftover money, it will be passed on to you in the form of a refund. There are restrictions on how you can use this refund money.It's meant to cover school-related expenses, including: Books Lab supplies Transportation expenses (including gas or a bus pass, but NOT includinga car) Even food! These usage restrictions are pretty serious because the Pell Grant is a federally funded program. Even though it may be tempting to use refund money for, shall we say, more fun activities, be careful about using it for legitimate expenses. Perfectly sharpened colored pencils definitely count as legitimate school supplies. One Final Note About Pell Grant Limits ... If you're awarded the Pell Grant, it's super important that you stay on top of maintaining your academic performance in college. If your academic performance is deemed "unsatisfactory" (e.g. if you are failing out of your classes), you may lose eligibility for any type of federal aid, including the Pell Grant. If you're concerned that your grades are slipping and you may lose eligibility, the best thing to do is to set up a meeting with a school administrator, like your dean. What's next? The Pell Grant isn't the only source of financial aid for aspiring college grads. If you get awesome SAT scores, you could also get awesome scholarship money. Too late to bring up your SAT scores? No problem! By doing well in school, you could help yourself pay your way through. It's a win-win! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Valuation of Nonlisted Companies in Emerging Markets Essay
Valuation of Nonlisted Companies in Emerging Markets - Essay Example Rapid changes are taking place in the economies of these countries and they provide a wonderful ground for investors to reap huge benefits. When compared to the developed world, the return on investment in these economies is higher and faster, as the rate of industrialization and growth in niche sectors is rapid. While we talk of investment, we have to distinguish between investment in listed companies and non-listed companies in these emerging economies. There is a difference in the way investments and returns are made in listed and non-listed companies. While listed companies are governed by stringent rules dictated by the respective governments, non-listed companies enjoy a certain degree of autonomy in their operations. There is a difference in the valuations of these non listed companies as compared to the listed companies. It is very important to critically examine the valuations of these non-listed companies in emerging markets, before a foreign or even a domestic investor puts in his capital. In the International Experts Meeting on Corporate Governance of non Listed Companies, held in Istanbul, Turkey on 19-29 April, 2005, a large number of policy makers, business leaders and other experts deliberated on the issues of corporate governance of non listed companies, namely different ownerships, sourcing of capital, transparency requirements, professional management and the role of the policy makers in ensuring the above-mentioned factors. This meeting was organized by the OECD and had participants from 36 countries1.The group concluded that there was a need for better corporate governance, meeting compliances, increase in size and capital ploughed in, transparency and working towards shareholders' benefit in non listed companies in the emerging markets to help the economy which, in many case was dependent on the success of these family-owned entities. In another study conducted in Chile, it was found that in some case, there is a conflict of interests between controlling and minority stakeholders. Pyramids seem to be an effective way of separating cash from controlling rights. This is an effective way for economic groups to exercise control over productive assets and to establish internal capital mechanisms that can compensate for poorly developed formal markets. However, establishment of pyramids could be detrimental to the market value of companies and to the economy of the country as well2. Research Process After reviewing the available literature, it seems logical to go about the research process by undertaking a study of non- listed companies in emerging markets, the main examples being China, India, Russia, Brazil. This would represent almost the majority of the developing world. A relative analysis of company ownership, cost of capital, cost of resources, market valuations, professional management, corporate governance and popularity on the local and international stock markets could be carried out. Two cases per country: one of a listed company and another of a non-listed company could be compared and the discussions and results arrived at. A study of each country's policies in the area of listed and non-listed companies would also have to be undertaken, and the need for improvement/change in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Employability and Consulting Skills - reflective report Essay
Employability and Consulting Skills - reflective report - Essay Example 6). If urgent feedback from the team members was required, I would have used face to face communication as it is more sufficient and effective. The second important step is to distribute the meeting agenda and the goals of the meeting in advance. As a team leader, I decided to come up with the meeting structure which will clearly stipulate the expected result from the meeting and ways that will be used to make the meeting more productive. Stating the goals of a meeting helps the individuals whom are expected to attend the meeting to know what is expected of them (Enduring Ideas: The 7-S Framework Podcast 2008, p. 8). This will be achieved by the team leader writing the agenda. The third step that a team leader should consider while planning for a meeting to own the meeting and keeping the meeting moving ahead. Productive meetings are as a result of good leadership. As the team leader taking control of the meeting and expressing my intention of making the meeting to keep on moving with successful, timely and with relevant discussions was important. The meeting leader should show the other team members that he values their time during the discussion. He can do this by making sure that there is a clock or a timer that is visible to all those engaged in the meeting (Cross et al 2006, p. 11). The leader should also ensure that the schedule is maintained by ensuring that the topic of discussion is well maintained. So as to get some constructive and positive inputs from the meeting, two way communications was important to me as it helped in raising honest inputs from every team member. Everyone was also given equal opportunity to express their views and to be heard. It was also important for me to avoid emphasizing on my view as this will prevent the group consensus. Failure to build up a group consensus can make the team
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Luxury good Essay Example for Free
Luxury good Essay ? Introduction 1. 1 Background of Study For luxury product and brand in the past three decades, Chinese market is unprecedented booming. From Pierre Cardin dominate early, later Louis Vuitton Illustrious, to each proliferation of luxury brands, the Chinese luxury high-end consumer tasted bud grow vitality and enjoyed the excitement noisy fanatical pursuit of luxury brands. While luxury product appears to be the public think that is only a small number of people can have the products, but according to the Chinas current level of economic development and consumer purchasing level has been able to provide basic guarantee for the development of the luxury industry. Actually in the Chinese dictionary, the meaning of luxury is synonymous with waste. And luxury goods in English is originated from Latin roots luxus, meaning is strong reproductive capacity, this kind of description also expresses the luxury of the characteristics of too much and waste. But in the modern society, the meaning itself has completed the transformation from negative to neutral. At the book luxury brand management, zhouyun, P. 2010 gives a board definition to luxury goods, which is luxury goods as a hope, a dream. Because it is the hopes and dreams, so it is demanding for the people, once people have can get intense pleasure and enjoyment, but also shows it is not the necessities of human life. At present, a very noteworthy trend is the concept of luxury of being extended outward. The concept of new luxury arises at the historic moment; the new luxury refers to are those goods and services that better than other similar products in the quality of goods, higher grade, better service, more fascinated customer. However, these products are not cheap, but that does not mean it too expensive to afford (Michael Silverstein, 2005). Such as Apples IPOD, cell phone with new features, Swarovski, etc. In recent years, Chinese consumers have become the largest consumer group of luxury brands in the world (Husband, 2010). According to a new report compiled by HSBC, about a quarter of the world’s luxury purchases are now made by Chinese citizens, which means 25% of luxury goods. Go through the HSBC report it shows that in 2007, china only purchasing5% of luxury goods in the world. It’s increasing by 5% each years and the expert think the number of increasing will be more and more. The purchasing of Luxury goods was increasing by huge number and very fast speed. The increasing speed was similar with the China GDP growing (Bouee, 2012). Since 2000, the China economic GDP was increased a lot. Chinas gross domestic product stood at US$3. 38 trillion while Germany’s GDP was USD $3. 32 trillion for 2007. This made China the world’s third largest economy by gross domestic product. Based on these figures, in 2007 China recorded its fastest growth since 1994 when the GDP grew by 13. 1 percent (Xin, 2009). The increasing economic was the most important reason to push Chinese buying Luxury goods. There are also many other factors that irritate people to buy luxury goods, owning luxury goods that means have a kind of culture. In China, there mainly are three luxury consumer groups in China: the rich flaunting fortune and manifesting identity, the young people gaining a sense of satisfaction and the bribers for mutual collusion and commercially hidden rules. (Wood, Zoe, 2011). For luxury brands, they want to take advantage in the Chinese market; they must know more about China market and understand the Chinese consumer consumption. Only based on the understanding of Chinese people buying behavior, the luxury goods companies can make accurate and effective marketing strategy. Therefore, this study is titled â€Å"Factors that motivate customers towards buying decision of luxury product (A survey of Chinese customer in China)†. 1. 2 Problem Identification This study is according to the situation of Chinese social luxury consumption, analysis the factors that affecting Chinese customer purchasing decision of luxury product in China. The study intends to evaluate whether the value of buying luxury products, the attitude towards people who own luxury goods, income level and purpose of buying luxury products that motivate customers towards buying decision of luxury product. Based on the statement above, the title of this study is â€Å"Factors that motivate customers towards buying decision of luxury product (A survey of Chinese customer in China)†. 1. 3 Statement of Problem This study aimed to determine the Factors that motivate customers towards buying decision of luxury product in China; specifically it shed answer to following: Does the value of buying luxury products have positive and significant relationship with the customers buying decision? Does the attitude toward people who own luxury goods have positive and significant relationship with the customers buying decision? Does the income level have positive and significant relationship with the customers buying decision? Does the purpose of buying luxury products have positive and significant relationship with the customers buying decision? 1. 4 Research Objectives Based on the preceding research questions, the research objective of study can be translated as follow: To find out if the value of buying luxury products have positive and significant relationship with the customers buying decision. To find out if the attitude toward people who own luxury goods have positive and significant relationship with the customers buying decision. To find out if income level have positive and significant relationship with the customers buying decision. To find out if purpose of buying luxury products have positive and significant relationship with the customers buying decision. 1. 5 Significance of the Study 1. 5. 1 For researcher Research is a way that through the observed, robust, measurement and calculation to get the information what you want to need. So I can use the information of research to known what kind of factors that influence people buying the luxury products. 1. 5. 2 For luxury goods companiesÃ'Ž Through the research the luxury goods companies will understanding the customer buying behavior and decisions, so the companies can make accurate and effective marketing strategy to attract more customers. 1. 5. 3 For customer Through the research can guide the customer who buying the luxury goods has a right consumption view and values, buy luxury goods is focus on the intrinsic value rather than just for showing off wealth. 1. 5. 4 For future researcher Through the research, we can get some important data and the future researcher can use these data to do some analysis and get knowledge. 1. 6 Definition of Terms Luxury goods: In economics, a luxury good is a good for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises, and is a contrast to a necessity good, for which demand increases proportionally less than income. Luxury goods are often synonymous with superior goods. Customer Psychology: an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of customer mental functions and behaviors. Buying decision: the buying decision is series of choices made by a consumer prior to making a purchase that begins once the consumer has established a willingness to buy. Customer motivation: Consumer motivation is an internal state that drives people to identify and buy products or services that fulfill conscious and unconscious needs or desires. The fulfillment of those needs can then motivate them to make a repeat purchase or to find different goods and services to better fulfill those needs. Research methodology: research methodology is a collective term for the structured process of conducting research. There are many different methodologies used in various types of research and the term is usually considered to include research design, data gathering and data analysis. 1. 7 Scope and Limitation 1. 7. 1 Scope This research paper is study Factors that motivate customers towards buying decision of luxury product of Chinese customer. 1. 7. 2 Limitation For this research, the limitation of the study is: a. Place of research is China or PU Chinese student b. Young people and adults c. Number of respondents limited to 80 peoples d. The time limited from January 2014 until March 2014 References 1. Zhouyun P. (2010). Luxury brand management, 45-87 2. Michael Silverstein, P. (2005). Trading Up: The New American Luxury 3. Chadha, R. , Husband, P. (2010). The cult of the luxury brand: Inside Asias love affair with luxury. London: Nicholas Brealey International. 4. Charles Edouard Bouee. (2012) A brand awareness upgrade â€Å"Welcoming a new era in the Chinese luxury market†5. China revises 2007 GDP growth rate to 13%. Xinhuanet. 2009-01-15. Retrieved 2009-01-15. 6. Wood, Zoe. LVMHs remarkable Half-year Results Reveal Luxury Is Back in Fashion. The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 26 July 2011. Web. 20 Feb. 2012.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Lizard King Essay -- Jim Morrison Music Essays
The Lizard King Some may see The Doors front man and offbeat poet extraordinaire Jim Morrison as the epitome of American culture, while countless others may see him as the complete antithesis. Rising to fame as American involvement in the Vietnam War reached a pinnacle, Morrison’s acclaim grew in a time of great American turmoil. The war in Vietnam was held as an issue of high controversy amongst many Americans. Many saw our involvement as utter ludicrousness and did not comprehend the need to send U.S. troops overseas to fight a war they had nothing to do with. As a result, certain Americans began both directly and indirectly rebelling against the beliefs and norms of the time, and thus, the counterculture movement was born. Jim Morrison became an icon of this rebellious revolution against a confused American government. James Douglas Morrison was born on December 8, 1943 in Melbourne, on Florida’s east coast. He was the eldest child of George Stephen and Clara Clark Morrison whose latter two children were Anne and Andrew respectively. By order of his father, a career Navy man, Jim attended naval academy for his elementary and high school years. He later attended St. Petersburg Junior College and Florida State University before finally graduating from UCLA in 1965 as a film major with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. The symbol that was Jim Morrison had been bred completely by the society that he grew up in. Fueled by an era of governmental protest and an emerging counterculture movement, Jim Morrison lashed out in his own way against the injustice he saw in America. The entire concept of being able to speak one’s own mind is a thoroughly American ideal in itself, obviously dating all the way back to the Bill of Rights. H... ...see as wrong. Jim Morrison personifies this ideal. Over the years since his tragic death, Morrison has become somewhat of an American Legend, a myth. His tale seems to exist amongst those of other American legends like Davy Crockett, Johnny Appleseed, and Paul Bunyan. The Jim Morrison story, however, is as real as they come. Many Americans of today look to him as a symbol of rebellion and as a constant reminder that we as a nation and as individuals are free to follow and shape our own destiny. Molded by a culture that often questions authority, Morrison left behind him a legacy of maintaining that ideal. Jim Morrison was and always will be a true American. WORKS CITED Lang, Joe (2001). JimMorrisonBiography. " WellAlwaysRemember/JimMorrisonBio.html" Mr. Mojo Risin’ – Jim Morrison. (2000) ""
Monday, November 11, 2019
Request for Payment
Jan Nikolas Acounting department IKEA Edinburgh United Kingdom 18 March 2012 Juan Trujillo Manager Peter Darby London United Kingdom Dear Juan Trujillo, I am writing to you in the matter of the contract with your company named Peter Darby. I produced for your company three hundred office desks. I has passed two month since the delivery. This order was at very short notice, but we were able to react quickly and deliver .. goods in time. We have yet not receive the payment for this contract. In the terms and conditions of our sales agreement †¦ is clearly stated, that you have to sent .. payment within thirty days of receipt of invoice.Our company is known for their patience and good handling with customers. I have already sent you two reminders, first four weeks after overdue and another four weeks after that. Feel free to check enclosed invoice and copies of the previous reminders. Now the acount is more than eight weeks overdue and I am asking you politely to set the things straight as fast as possible. I have constantly waited for the payment and it has affected my work and future contracts with other customers. I have to warn you that you have already been charged 3% a month in adition to payment for the late remittance as is stated in our terms and conditions.If we do not close this deal until next month, an interest will be raised to 5% a month and you will be charged extra fee in ammount of 10% of your debt. I also intend to take more steps if you keep not responding to our cause but I honestly hope that taking this deal in front of the court will not be necessary. I believe this is a big misunderstanding and we will close this deal in short time. I thank you  for your cooperation regarding this matter. I wish you well in your future and I hope we can continue doing business together, that will be smooth once again. Yours sincerely Martin Zajicek Branch DirectorI am writing to you in the matter of the contract w ith your company named Peter Darby. I had produced for your company three hundred office desks. It has passed two months since the merchandize had been delivered. This order was at very short notice, but we were able to react quickly and deliver the goods in time. We have not received the payment for this contract yet. In the terms and conditions of our sales agreement, there is clearly stated, that you have to send the payment within thirty days of receipt of invoice. Our company is well-known for its patience and respectful handling with the customers.I have already sent you two reminders, first four weeks after the overdue and the other four weeks after that. Feel free to check enclosed invoice and copies of previous reminders. Now the acount is more than eight weeks overdue and I am asking you politely to set the things straight as fast as possible. I have constantly waited for the payment and it has disorganized my work and future contracts with other customers. I have to warn you that you have already been charged 3% a month in adition to payment for the late remittance as it is stated in our terms and conditions.If we do work this deal out until next month, an interest will be raised to 5% a month and you will be charged extra fee in ammount of 10% of your debt. I also intend to take more steps if you keep not responding to our cause but I honestly hope that taking this deal to the court will not be necessary. I believe this is a big misunderstanding and we will deal with it in a short time. I thank you  for your cooperation regarding this matter. I wish you will do well in your future and I hope we can continue doing business together, that will be smooth once again.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Discussing Music Therapy Reducing Stress Health And Social Care Essay
The treatment brings the right study to cloture. Discussion subdivision makes sense of research consequences. This is the most of import subdivision of any research study working adult females emphasis has emerged as important mental wellness job in working country in now. The chief purpose of the survey was to measure the effectivity of music therapy in decrease of emphasis among working adult females at P.S.G institute of wellness scientific disciplines, coimbatore in the month of July. Each person ‘s base line informations was collected and they were assessed for selected parametric quantities under the subheading of physical emphasis, psychological emphasis, fiscal emphasis, sociological emphasis, religious emphasis. After the initial appraisal, music therapy was given a period of 3 hebdomads. Then reappraisal was done. 5.1 General Profile of Working Womans: Age of working adult females varied between 20 to 60 old ages. There were 44 adult females, among whom bulk ( 16 ) of the adult females were in age group of 25 to 30 old ages. Six ( 6 ) were in the age group of 20 to 25 old ages. Thirteen ( 13 ) were in the age group o 30 to 35 old ages, six ( 6 ) were in the age group of 40 to 45 old ages and merely one in the age group of 50 to 60years.The above determination was supported by a survey conducted to measure the relationship between the emphasis and wellness indexs in urban population in Japan. They found that topic who showed that a high sum emphasis mark was largest in the age group of 30 to 39 old ages for adult females ( Nakagawa y, 1998 ) . 5.2 Occupational History of Working Womans: In the present survey bulk ( 33 ) of adult females were making instruction, one ( 1 ) was making administrative work, two ( 2 ) were making lab work, five ( 5 ) were hearer, three ( 3 ) were clerical workers. A survey reported that three groups of adult females like clerical worker, director, individual parent ( chiefly divorced ) have been through empirical observation identified as being at comparatively high hazard for emphasis ( kushnirt,1993 ) . 5.3 History of wellness Problem of Working Womans: In the present survey one ( 3 ) adult females had hurting in lower appendages, two ( 2 ) adult females had stomachic ulcer, one ( 1 ) adult females had Diabetess and high blood pressure, one ( 1 ) adult females had thyroid related job, one ( 1 ) had high blood pressure. Majority ( 36 ) of adult females did non hold any wellness jobs. A survey was conducted on multiple functions and wellness among Korean adult females.The consequence showed that holding multiple functions with working adult females was non associated with better wellness and psychological well-being. Compared to those with traditional function, employed adult females more often experienced sensed emphasis, with matrimonial and/or parental functions. ( Cho, S, J. , 2008 ) 5.4 Recreational Activities of Working Womans: About more than half of ( 23 ) adult females had no leisure clip activities and eight ( 8 ) adult females had a leisure clip activity of watching Television. Four ( 4 ) adult females had a leisure clip activity of Listening to music, three ( 3 ) adult females used to play during the leisure clip, one ( 1 ) adult female used to playing with the childs, one ( 1 ) adult female exhausted clip in walking, two ( 2 ) adult females used to read books and listen to music ; one ( 1 ) adult female had leisure clip activities of watching Television, read books, playing with childs and one ( 1 ) adult female had leisure clip activities of watching Television, orienting, cleansing and horticulture ( Table 4.4 ) .A survey has been conducted to find the occupation emphasis among primary school instructors in South- West, Nigeria. They found that bulk of the instructors had concern as symptom of hapless wellness and bulk of them engaged in watching Telev ision as a scheme for get bying with emphasis. ( Lanre Olaitan, O, 2009 ) 5.5 Assessment of Level and Type of Stress among Working Womans: In pretest out of 44working adult females 6 had mild degree of emphasis, 29 had moderate degree of emphasis and 9 of them had terrible degree of emphasis. A survey reported that among 206 adult females, 36 % admitted agony really terrible, terrible or reasonably terrible emphasis at work. At place or in the household 16 % were affected. Anxiety about employment was expressed by 12 % , fiscal concerns by 5 % , and concern for wellness by 5 % ( Biener, K. , 1981 ) . In relation to physical emphasis, among 44 working adult females 9 had mild degree of emphasis, 26 had moderate degree of emphasis, 9 had terrible degree of emphasis. Similarly psychological emphasis, five ( 5 ) had mild degree of emphasis and 30 one ( 31 ) had moderate degree of emphasis and eight ( 8 ) were identified as holding terrible degree of psychological emphasis. Five ( 5 ) of adult females had mild degree of emphasis, 30 six ( 36 ) had moderate degree of emphasis and three ( 3 ) had terrible degree of fiscal emphasis. Similarly seven ( 7 ) had mild degree of emphasis, 30 ( 30 ) had moderate degree of emphasis, seven ( 7 ) had terrible degree of sociological emphasis. Nine ( 9 ) of adult females had mild degree of emphasis, 20 six ( 26 ) had moderate degree of emphasis, nine ( 9 ) had terrible degree of religious emphasis. When a individual is stressed, their organic structure becomes physically different due to the reaction to the stressors. They may be dying and problem c oncentrating along with a alteration in outward behaviour. If dying, an person may see apprehensiveness, apprehension or uneasiness similar to fear but based on an ill-defined menace. This person may experience tense, uneasy, discerning, disquieted and vulnerable ( Dennis Coon, 2007 ) .5.6 Comparison of Level of Stress among Working Women before and After Implementation of Music Therapy:Working adult females ‘s emphasis degree was reduced from terrible to chair and chair to mild. In the posttest, average value of mild emphasis is 66.33, compared to intend value of mild emphasis which is 62.66 in pretest. Similarly in the station trial, average value of moderate emphasis is73.44, compared to intend value of moderate emphasis which is 89.86 in pretest. Similarly in the station trial, average value of sever emphasis is 83.88, compared to intend value of sever emphasis which is120 in pretest after execution of music therapy. 5.7 Influence of Music Therapy on Stress Level among Working Womans: System theoretical account was adopted to implement the music therapy in decrease of emphasis among working adult females. After the music therapy working adult females stress degree was reduced to severe to chair and chair to mild. There was a important decrease in the emphasis degree when compared to emphasize degree before the therapy. The average value of mild emphasis was 62.33 in out put as compared to 62.66 in input and average value of moderate emphasis was 73.45 in out put as compared to 89.86 in input. Similarly the average value of terrible emphasis was 83.88 in out put as compared to 120 in input, Therapy as throughput helped the working adult females to cut down the emphasis degree ( figure 5.1 ) . 5.8 Assessment of Relaxation Level among Working Womans: All 40 ( 44 ) working adult females had moderate degree of relaxation after the music therapy.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Dillon v. Champion Jogbra Case Study
Dillon v. Champion Jogbra Case Study What are the legal issues in this case study Employment terms and conditions and wrongful termination are the most clear legal issues that are pointed out in this case study. The nature of employment offered by Jogbra is described as at-will employment. This ought to have been expressly communicated.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Dillon v. Champion Jogbra specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Taylor and Emir (2012), argues that such an employment status should be revealed during three critical junctures which are: when applying for the job, when giving the letter of offer and finally in the employee handbook. The company failed to do this and even their employee handbook did not clearly relay this information. When a person is being offered a job it is prudent that the management clearly states the nature of employment, from the case study it is evident that the management at Jogbra failed to avail this information during the hiring process. At the time of the interview, the sales vice president gave the impression it was a long term position and was of the opinion that it would take close to six months to be comfortable with the position, only to reverse this stand and say that within the first ten days the company had taken a new position, her employment would not work out. Janice (2013) notes that by not allowing a worker to perform or continue to perform their duties the worker can be considered victimized by the principal. The attitude of the management can be seen as victimization as they had not given her the time they has estimated it would take for her to get acquainted with the tasks. Dillon was a salaried employee and there are certain procedures that the company had to follow before firing her. The employee handbook described instances when an employee could be fired (Bales, Hirsch and Secunda, 2013). She had not breached any of the company policies and thus the grounds for losing her job were not in accordance with company policies leading to a wrongful termination.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Explain what the implied contract was in this case The nature of employment was not expressly communicated by management. Comments made during the interview seemed to imply that the position was long term. The promise for extensive training hinted that the company was ready to develop her skills for its benefit. Employee training and development is costly and companies do not make such investments for the sake of it, rather it is seen as a long term strategic move to create a competitive advantage. When a company takes such deliberate measures to the extent of recalling a predecessor to offer training, it is justified if employees read this as a sign of long term commitment to the company (Taylor and Emir, 2012). Even though the Jogbra offer s no employment contract and reserves the right to terminate employment at any time this does not mean that it does not offer long term employment opportunities to job seekers. The fact that between 1996 and 1997 the company developed a corrective action procedure as an addition to its employment manual implies that it was working on improving the job security of its employees. The corrective action procedure described an elaborate discipline system that was to be applied in a fair and consistent manner. The human resource manager clearly said that the company could not just fire a person; statements such as these give the impression that employees enjoy a certain degree of job security. It was not wrong for Dillon to expect a certain level of job security after assurances by company management as well as guidelines contained in the employee manual. The company failed to express is employment terms in a clear and unambiguous manner.Advertising We will write a custom case stu dy sample on Dillon v. Champion Jogbra specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Explain how the employer breached the implied contract From the case study it is evident that Jogbra does not have a definite position when it comes to the security of tenure of its employees. The position it takes is characterized by convenience and self interests. According to Janice (2013), there are general reasons for termination of employment despite the nature of employment. It can be based on the employee’s capabilities and qualifications with regard to the kind of work they are performing, if there are certain restrictions, employee redundancy or their conduct. Dillon’s termination of employment was not based on these general or those specified in the corrective action procedure leading to a breach of contract. At-will agreements provide no restrictions to contracting parties to modify or specify new terms of their agreement (Walsh, 2010). Dillonâ €™s terms of employment could have been easily modified once the management realized that things were not working out. The company’s decision to fire her in December was a breach of implied long term employment tenure. The employment manual cannot be relied on to provide guidance to either the employer or the employee on the status on their employment. Its ambiguity is prone to misinterpretation to suit the needs of the company at the expense of the employees. The management breached its agreement with Dillon when it failed to follow the guidelines as pertains termination of employment. Explain why the disclaimer in the employee manual does not have the effect desired by the employer The disclaimer contained in the employee manual states that policies and procedures stated therein are not part of an employment contract nor are they a sign of commitment to employees regarding how their terms of employment should be handled. To begin with, this disclaimer does not change th e fact that at-will agreement are subject to change by either parties (Walsh, 2010). The disclaimer is thus inconsequential should a party to the agreement decide to request a review of terms and conditions.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The disclaimer may not always serve the interests of the employers because many courts in the past have ruled that employee handbook only forms part of an at-will agreements, its contents however are not independent or necessary create contractual obligation or rights. The employee manual thus is a legal document but its contents do not force an employee to fulfill contractual obligations (Bales, Hirsch and Secunda, 2013). The laws of the land rule are more important than company regulations (Janice, 2013). If the disclaimer contravenes the laws of employment or infringes on the rights of employees then it fails to achieve its purpose. Disclaimers given in the employee manual does not affect national employee laws this is why Dillon was able to challenge her dismissal. It should be noted that the contents of employee manual do not prevent an aggrieved party form seeking the court’s intervention. References Bales, A., Hirsch, M., Secunda, M. (2013). Understanding Employment L aw. Ohio: LexisNexis. Janice, N. (2013). Employment law statues 2011-2012. California: Routledge. Taylor, S., Emir, A. (2012). Employment law: an introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Walsh, D. J. (2010). Employment law for human resource practice: 2010 custom edition. Mason, OH: South- Western Cengage Learning.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Statement Of Death Of A Salesman English Literature Essay
A Statement Of Death Of A Salesman English Literature Essay Thesis Statement: Although Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller is a classic tragedy in the Aristotelian sense, it is also a biting critique of capitalism and the empty promises of capitalism’s materialistic version of the American Dream. II. Death of a Salesman as a Tragedy A. Catharsis of Emotion B. The Play’s Organic Unity C. Reversal in Fortune 1. Waste of human potential D. Willy’s Hamartia E. Willy as a Noble Personage 1. The nobility of the salesman is derived from the values of capitalism. 2. Ways in which Willy is a noble salesman III. Death of a Salesman as a Critique of Capitalism A. Miller Shows the Ways in Which Capitalist Values have Warped the American Dream 1. Willy’s Fall is ignoble because there is no increase in self-knowledge B. Willy’s Materialism Blinded Him from his Inner Worth IV. Conclusion Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman is often heralded as the first modern American tragedy. Utilizing the American Dream as the foundation of American values and morals, Miller builds his play around the hero Willy Loman, a common man, and his family. Through the character of Willy and his family, Miller uses the play to convey the tragic consequences of unerring devotion to that dream. Although Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller is a classic tragedy in the Aristotelian sense, it is also a biting critique of capitalism and the empty promises of capitalism’s materialistic version of the American Dream. One of the qualities of a tragedy observed by Aristotle was the catharsis of emotion that occurred throughout the drama, and this characteristic is readily observable in Death of a Salesman (Arp 1220). Willy’s relationships with all of the other characters in the play reveal a deep sense of grief, despair, and disillusionment as Willy clings to his version of the American Dream and alternately attacks and defends the people in his life. For instance, Willy contradicts himself constantly, cr iticizing his son Biff in one breath and defending him in the next. In Act One Willy yells at Biff, saying, â€Å"One imagines at first that Willy is focused on ensuring that his son has the best life possible according to his version of the American Dream, but as the play progresses one begins to believe that Willy’s treatment of Biff, Happy and all of the characters is an expression of his need to defend his philosophy of capitalist progress. The feelings of despair, anger, and grief that come arise are all focused around this idea that if Willy’s dream is false, his whole life will have been lived in vain. One literary technique that Miller uses to convey the emotional intensity that engenders the catharsis is repetition of phrasing and words. This device can be found throughout the play, used by any character. For instance, Willy states early on, â€Å"I’m the New England man. I’m vital in New England†(Miller 4). In a conversation between Wil ly and Biff, Biff says, â€Å"Pop! I’m a dime a dozen, and so are you!†and Willy answers, â€Å"I’m not a dime a dozen! I’m Willy Loman and you are Biff Loman!†(Miller 105). Much later in the play he says, â€Å"I’ve got to get some seeds. I’ve got to get some seeds, right away. Nothing’s planted. I don’t have a thing in the ground†(Miller 96). Biff, too, talks in this repetitious style, saying to his mother, â€Å"I can’t take hold, Mom. I can’t take hold of some kind of life†(Miller 39). In each of these instances, Miller writes in such a way that the characters repeat key phrases or words that are representative of some deeper emotional message and meaning. New England represents the promised land of plenty that Willy can never reach, the phrase â€Å"dime a dozen†represents the reality of being a common man making a meager living, and the seeds Willy does not have in the third quote refer to the necessary preconditions to success that Willy never acquired. The phrase ‘taking hold’ signifies the notion of success as defined by Willy throughout Biff’s upbringing.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Yes and No - Life is Absurd Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Yes and No - Life is Absurd - Term Paper Example After an assessment, this paper will point out some underlying ideas on which both Smith’s and Feinberg’s differing views are based. A backgrounder Michael Smith is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities whose interests include the philosophy of the mind. His article Is That All There Is poses a question which embodies the position of the philosophical school of Absurdism that man is incapable of ultimately finding inherent meaning to life. In the article, Smith implicitly avows his absurdist philosophy, nothing short of revealing his growing up experience in an undeveloped suburb of Melbourne, Australia’s capital city. Smith’s schooling was not remarkable, except for the intellectual cream of his school’s teaching staff. Mr. Taffe, one of his respected teachers, came prominently in his recollection as the teacher who introduced him to the French language and culture. The opportunities afforded by Mr. Taffe allowed Smith to attend a Waitin g for Godot theatre performance. As an adolescent with a malleable mind, Smith felt strongly influenced by the play’s dramatic portrayal of life’s tragic lack of meaning. The play belongs to the genre of the Theatre of the Absurd which portrays horror and tragedy with characters caught up in situations of hopelessness and absurdity. In Smith’s own words, the play impressed on him the â€Å"utter pointlessness and tragedy of human existence†(Smith 77). This sense of hopelessness would linger throughout the life of Smith in spite of such wonderful experiences as having a family. Later in his career, Smith would garner career achievements such his being a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities. But in spite of his success he says he felt the intellectual â€Å"dissonance†in his life, and this prompted his study of Joel Feinberg’s paper â€Å"Absurd Self-fulfilment.†Feinberg’s essay Feinberg’s essay was a challeng e to Smith’s enduring adolescent dissonance. In his critique, Smith found an ally in Thomas Nagel, an American philosopher widely known in the field of the philosophy of the mind. Nagel’s What Is It Like to Be a Bat held a sceptical view of the world, as the mind is obstructed by three barriers to human consciousness-- physical, functional and mental. Smith then expounds his five arguments arguing against Feinberg’s propositions which upheld coherence to human life as such, and the redeeming value of fulfilment to save human life from being tragic: 1. What makes a life absurd? Smiths lays the ground for discussion as he explains Feinberg’s explanation of what is absurd, namely: the irrational/incongruous in things/activities/attitudes of the individual person. For Fienberg, the Absurd can be likened to the mythical Sisyphus who perpetually rolls a rock uphill, the rock rolling down the other side again and again. For Fienberg, there is a spectrum of absur dities from the extreme-intrinsically worthless, to the absurdly trivial, the burdensome-ill-designed, and misfits in terms of pretensions of aspirations. With sweeping insight, Smith viewed Feinberg as positing different levels of absurdity, some more and others lesser the extreme being the thought of life as totally pointless. Smith clarifies that his adolescent dissonance does not redound to absurdity in the extreme case. 2. Can a pointless human life be saved from being tragic by being fulfilled? Smith gave cognizance to Feinberg’s position that human lives can both be pointless to a certain extent and at the same time fulfilled, again to a certain extent. Feinberg’s own definition of fulfilment is â€Å"an individual’s having and exercising the capacities that are centrally involved in her being the individual that she isâ€
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