Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Drama Portfolio :: Education School Theatre Plays Essays

Drama Portfolio How did the first drama exercise develop your ideas? We first tried a simple drama interview with some prejudice. We thought we could develop it by adding more drama strategies. We also thought that we could increase the prejudice of the interviewer and maybe, instead of him saying his own inner thoughts, he could have a conscience/alter-ego to say it for him. This lead on to the thought that we could make his alter-egos control him and his actions. What were your first thoughts? We discussed several meanings of the poem. We all thought that the poem was about prejudice in the workplace. The main character is interviewing people and discriminating against them because of their differences. We thought that a good drama developing from this poem would be in the form of an interview. What did your group decide? Our group decided to do the interview. We had 3 interviewees. Each would have a different characteristic i.e. colour, mentality, disability etc. They would be interviewed by a very prejudiced, racist person who would become increasingly so after each interview. Strategies, media, elements We used 2 main strategies within this drama. The interviewer had what we called, an alter-ego or conscience. There was a good (angel), neutral (everyday man) and an evil (devil) conscience. These controlled him. As each interviewee enters, the scene would freeze and the conscience would give their inner thoughts about the person. The alter-egos were placed on chairs, above, and surrounding the interviewer to show control over him. We build this drama up to a string climax. One second, noise and business, and the next, silence and solitude. What did you learn from other peoples' ideas and work? I learnt, from one of my group members, that you should think beyond the actual drama and use as many drama elements as you can to develop your drama. Also, to offer and accept good criticism and/or advice about how people can improve their acting abilities. Rounded Rectangular Callout: You will be hearing from us shortly by U.A. Fanthorpe What would you like to work on next? The next thing I would like to try would be to see how prejudice affects people in other ways e.g. at home, school, etc. and to develop a few dramas on that. Also, I would like to focus on one particular aspect of prejudice/discrimination e.g. racism, ageism, etc. and use a drama to get the message across as to how these prejudices are wrong and why these people are no different to any others. You Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly You feel adequate to the demands of this position? What qualities do you feel you

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