Thursday, October 31, 2019

Troubling Short and Long-Term Violent Media Effects on Children Essay

Troubling Short and Long-Term Violent Media Effects on Children - Essay Example The two articles provide compelling evidence that violent media has significant short-term and long-term effects on children’s development of aggressive thoughts, emotions, and actions, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, intelligence, and parenting styles and characteristics. The two articles are similar in examining the effects of violent media on children. Anderson and Bushman conducted a meta-analysis on studies that investigated the impacts of playing video games on aggression, physiological arousal, or prosocial behaviour. They wanted to know if playing violent media is connected to aggressive thoughts, emotions, or actions, or all of the above, and what the underlying mechanisms are for these connections. Huesmann et al. also studied the effect of violent media on children, particularly how watching violent TV in childhood affected later young adult aggression. They conducted a follow-up study of the 1977 longitudinal study that the authors did on 557 children w ho lived in Chicago. They considered other factors too that can explain the media-behaviour relationship, including preference for violence and third variables. These two articles are both interested in studying the effects of media violence on children’s aggression levels. Though these studies share similar general research topics on violent media effects on children, the two articles are different in their research designs because Anderson and Bushman used a meta-analysis design, while Huesmann et al. continued their longitudinal study.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Geology Coursework 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Geology Coursework 1 - Essay Example The most attractive landscape feature found in Los Angeles is the parking lot (cited in Ben-Joseph, 2012). Geographic data indicate that parking lots cover roughly one third of the land area in Los Angeles. Mainly built structures form the landscapes of Los Angeles. It is also found that certain types of rocks including igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks are some influencing elements of landscapes in Southern California. Natural changes to these rocks significantly influence the structure of the region’s landscapes. References Ben-Joseph, E. (2012). When a parking lot is so much more. The New York Times: The Opinion Pages. Retrieved from Forman, Godron & Bertrand. (2003). Landscape ecology: Definition of a multidisciplinary approach. In. F. Burel & J. Baudry (Eds), Landscape Ecology: Concepts, Methods, and Applications. USA: Science Publishers. 4. Plate boundary can be s imply referred to a point where two or more plates meet. A plate boundary has altered the land in New Zealand. The plate boundary between Pacific and Australian Plates separates New Zealand territory (What on Earth, 2012). As per reports, throughout South Island, it is observed that both Pacific Plate and Australian Plate slide pass each other and this movement leads to a â€Å"slight obduction of the Pacific Plate over the Australian Plate† (Real Integrity Mall, 2012). Consequently, this sliding process resulted in the formation of Alpine Fault and Southern Alps. Similarly, in the Fiordland south region, the sliding process causes the subduction of the Australian Plate under the Pacific Plate and thereby the formation of Puysegur Trench (Real Integrity Mall, 2012). The plate boundary location has changed over time. It seems that such movements cause changes to earth’s geological structure and ultimately alter land in which the plate boundary is located. References Rea l Integrity Mall. (2012). Geology of New Zealand. Retrieved from What on Earth. (2012). Plate tectonics, spreading ridges, triple junctions. Australian Plate. Retrieved from 5. Headland is a hard feature. As Nordstrom (2000) describes, a headland can be simply defined as a land point with higher altitude and extended shape into a body of water. Headlands are comprised of harder and highly resistant rock and inlets; and generally headlands are formed as a result of sea attacks on coast comprising of alternating bands of soft and hard rock (p. 108). Ultimately, this hard feature is shaped by erosion. Cape Canaveral situated in Florida is a well known example of headland. Cliff is a soft feature. As Jackman and Wren (2000) define, a cliff is simply a rough vertical rock exposure; and erosion and weathering processes lead to the formation of cliffs. Studies reveal that cliff s are structured as erosions landforms, due to rocks that are highly resistant to the processes of erosion and weathering. Sedimentary and igneous rocks are more likely to form features such as cliffs. Royal Gorge cliffs located in Colorado is an example of cliff. Reference Jackman, J & Wren, W. (2000). Developing Non-Fiction Skills. UK: Nelson Thornes. Nordstrom, K. F. (2000). Beaches and Dunes of Developed Coasts. USA: Cambridge University Press. 6. Generally, hot air

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The interactions between structure and agency

The interactions between structure and agency How does the work of Giddens help us to understand the interactions between structure and agency? Anthony Giddens has become one of the first few British social theorists in recent times to have an international reputation for his influential work on social theory (Craib, 1992). According to Craib, the work of Giddens is very influential, not only because of its quantity but also for the range of different ideas it brings together (Craib, 1992). In this essay, I will discuss and critically analyse how the work of Giddens help us to understand the interactions between structure and agency. I will first outline and define what the terms structure and agency mean, according to both classical theorists and Anthony Giddens. Structure can be defined as pattern of social relationships and a system that identifies how these patterns operate in the society. In functionalism, Structure is a broad term defined by its function (Giddens, 1979). On the other hand, In Structuralism, structure is defined as more explanatory in nature due to the element of transformations. The difference between structure and function is similar to the one between code and message; both are dependants on each other (Giddens, 1979). Hence, both functionalism and structuralism share overall characteristics between each other. The difference between structure and system is that structures are patterns of social relationships whereas system refers to the actual functioning of such relationships (Giddens, 1979). According to Giddens, structure is when the rules and resources are organised as properties of social systems. Whereas systems are reproduced relations between actors organised as social practices. Structuralisms are the conditions governing the duality of both structure and system for the reproduction of social systems (Giddens, 1984). Giddens states that, structure means a structural property providing the binding of time and space in social systems. These properties are the rules and resources for the reproduction of social systems. Thus, structure means the study of the following, firstly the knowledge, how things are to be done by social actors. Secondly, social practices which are used to gain that knowledge. And lastly, capabilities of these practices for example what they can change (Giddens, 1979). In social sciences, structural analysis involves the study of Structutaion of social systems. Hence, rules and practices exist in conjunction with one another. In a nutshell, we can say that, Structures are rules and resources, which are organised as properties of social systems. Whereas systems are reproduced relationships between actors organised as social practices. Structutaion are the conditions deciding the continuity or transformation of structures and systems (Giddens, 1979). Both functionalism and structuralism are very similar despite their differences, they both express a naturalistic standpoint and hence they both prefer objectivism. Gidden argues that agents reproduce the conditions that make human social activities possible (Giddens, 1984). Duality of structure can be viewed in many ways, its a conformist way looking at structure, something which constrains action or even determines it. It is difficult to assume that structure and agency are the same thing, however they do have many similarities. According to Giddens, it is social practices which constitute us as actors (Gidden, 1984). Giddens argues that agency is the centre of sociological concern; however the crucial feature of action is that it is not determined. Giddens claims that action is a continuous flow, a process whereby it cant be broken down into reasons and motives. He argues that rather it is a process in which we monitor and rationalize our daily actions (Turker, 1998). According to Giddens, agency involves a notion of practical consciousness, such as all the things that we know as social actors, and hence must know to make social life happen. Giddens see the relationship between structure and agency as the duality of structure, whereby individuals reflexively produce and reproduce their social life (Turker, 1998). According to Giddens, agency is when an individual is able to observe his/her own experience and then be able to give reasons for their action. Agency should be identified with reasoning and knowledge (Turker, 1998). Giddens argues that we as actors know what we are doing, hence we are conscious of these things, we routinely rationalize what we do. Giddens argues that as individuals we can often give a rational account of what we are doing. Giddens states that a sense of routine is needed in order to have self security. For example, if your daily routine is broken you are more likely to feel insecure (Craib, 1992). Agency and Power, an agent (individual) is able to act or influence the outside world or resist from such intervention. In other words, to be an agent means to be able to use range of casual (daily life) powers such as influential powers that may already be used or deployed by others (Giddens, 1984). Whereas, action depends upon the capability of those individuals to make a difference to a pre-existing state of affairs in the society. An agent doesnt exist anymore when he or she loses the capability to make a difference or in other words, when they lose power (Giddens, 1984). In terms of sociology, power can be defined as the will or capacity to achieve desired and intended outcomes. Giddens, agrees with Bachrach and Baratz when they classify two faces of power, which are, firstly the capability of individuals to influence decisions and secondly the mobilization of bias (Giddens, 1984). Giddens argues that the resources are the structured properties of social systems, taken and improved by knowledgeable agents or individuals in the society during their course of interaction. Giddens further goes on to state that, power is not just connected to the achievement of the individuals interests. Power itself is not a resource; resources are media through which power is exercised (Giddens, 1984). In social science, structure refers to the structuring properties allowing the binding of time-space in social systems (Giddens, 1984). It will not be right to call structures as rules and resources due to its different implications in philosophical literature. The difference between structure and rules is that rules are often connected with games but they are different in terms of social systems (Giddens, 1984). Rules are frequently treated in the singular; hence rules cannot be separated from resources. However, on the other hand structural properties represent domination and power (Giddens, 1984). The Structutaion theory states that rules and resources used in the production and reproduction of social action are at the same time the means of system reproduction. Therefore, we can say that a rule is more or less similarly to having a habit or routine (Giddens, 1984). Habit is a part of routine and have significant role in social life. Whereas, rules of social life are techniques or generalised procedures applied in reproduction of social practices (Giddens, 1984). Furthermore, formulated rules can be expressed such as bureaucratic rules, rules of games and so on. Knowledge of procedure of doing social activity is methodological (Giddens, 1984). As social actors, all human beings are highly knowledgeable in the production and reproduction of day to day activities. This knowledge is more practical rather than theoretical in nature. On the other hand, what does intentional mean? According to Giddens it is an act carried out by an individual when he knows there will be particular outcome or quality of that act (Giddens, 1984). Hence, this knowledge of specific outcome is known to the individual when he starts pursuing that particular act. According to Giddens, there is a difference between what is intended and what is done (Giddens, 1984). The consequences of what agents do, intentionally or unintentionally, are the events which could have not happened if the individuals had behaved differently (Giddens, 1984). The consequences play an important role in deciding what agent has done. Merton has claimed that the study of unintended consequences is very important in the sociological system. Every activity can have two functions, Non-Significant Consequences or either Significant Consequences (Giddens, 1984). Merton differentiates intentional activity from its unintended consequences. For example, if an individual is intending to turn the light switch on, he or she might face a consequence to trigger the alarm but not with an intention to call the police or to get caught by them and spend rest of his /her life in the jail. Here, the intentional activity was just to turn the light on; however, due to unintended consequences (alarm being triggered) the outcome was different (Giddens, 1984). On the other hand, both Freud and Gidden claim that there are mini agents within the human agent. Freud states that these mini agents within the human agents decide their actions. These mini agents have been classified as id, ego and super ego. However, Gidden doesnt agree with Freud when he says it is ego (mini agent) within the human agents that decides their actions (Mestrovic, 1998). Here id or unconscious behaviour means the desires that these agents create within the mind of an individual (human agent) that is beyond rational thinking and consciousness (Mestrovic, 1998). Freuds usage of unconsciousness was later replaced by Giddens terminology of unconscious motives. Freud referred things like sexual and violent urges to state of unconsciousness while Giddens simply defined unconsciousness as state of mind when human beings are not conscious of something or in other words they cannot express their feelings into words. This explanation was given by Giddens without using any analysis from any other social theorists (Mestrovic, 1998). Gidden has stated that there should a democratic relationship between a parent and a young child. For example, It is the right of the child, to be treated as equal to an adult. It needs to be justified when we say no you are too young to negotiate with children. However, it is difficult for an adult parent to make their child understand about sexual stereotypes without causing any emotional damage to the child (Mestrovic, 1998). The modernists believe culture should be blamed for this but the reality is that these children freely select what they like according to their own preferences. Because the rational abilities of the children are not fully developed so they may react to culture in an emotional way. Hence, even critics have accepted Giddens viewpoint that sociology is the study of modern societies and also recognise his significant contribution in the field of social theory (Mestrovic, 1998). On the other hand, Wittgensteinian Philosophy has only emphasized on action theory (nature of reasons or intentions) rather than structural explanation. They havent taken into consideration several other elements such as social change, power relations or conflicts in the society (Giddens, 1979). Furthermore, Durkheim argues that society and individuals have different characteristics and every person is born into an already constituted society. However, he failed to support this external or objective nature of the society in his writings (Giddens, 1979). According to Giddens, risk and trust need to be analyzed together in late modernity. Giddens emphasis the fact that active trust is needed in todays society in order to form social solidarity and personal ties. For example, many people who are in relationships, spend much of their time away from each other living in different countries, hence active trust is needed for the relationship to continue. Trust has to be won and actively sustained for relationships to be successful. Giddens argues that in todays society we see that more women are now divorcing their marriage partners; this then leads them to leading the household by themselves, which then leads to poverty (Giddens, in Beck et al, 1994). Giddens argues that society is produced and also reproduced through human action; hence he rejects any view which states that society might have an existence over individuals (Craib, 1992). Duality of structure is linked to Structutaion, Gidden argues that society normally sees structure as a determining feature of social life, however this is not always the case (Craib, 1992). Gidden also takes the notion reflexivity very seriously, the way in which we represent our social world. In his work, Giddens talks about different types of knowledge, one of the knowledge Giddens mentions is the taken for granted knowledge, which plays an important part in Giddens theory. In other words, this relates to ontological security whereby an individual has a sense of the world and the people around him are more or less the same from day to day (Craib, 1992). Furthermore, Gidden states that reflexivity should not be understood only in terms of self consciousness, but also as the ongoing flow of social life (Giddens, 1984). According to Giddens actors are continuously monitoring their activities; they monitor aspects both physically and socially. Gidden also states that human action can only be defined in terms of intension (Giddens, 1984). Gidden argues that we are incorrect to assume that societies are somehow continuous with geographical borders; rather he believes that systems are more or less open and therefore cut across geographical boundaries (Craib, 1992). Gidden believes that faith is entirely based on trust and vice-versa. In fact, they are closely related to each other. However, he has been criticised by his fellow sociologist for putting too much emphasis on this. For example, human beings have to show faith in things such as religion, science, technology and even teachers notes (Mestrovic, 1998). If there was no faith in these social agents then this modern world would not be able to function properly. On the other hand, we also trust these politicians, scientists, teachers and various other social agents to build up the faith process (Mestrovic, 1998). Over one hundred articles have been published in scholarly journals on Anthony Giddens and his work and very few of them seriously challenged him. The most significant criticism of Giddens concept of structutaion ignores the idea of culture. In the modern society, culture plays a vital role so it needs to be studied in detail. Gidden sometime speaks like a typical Politian rather then being a social theorist. For instance, at one point he talks about a democratic system in the society. Whereas on the other hand, he justifies that sometimes individual interest are different from the common minority groups. During his work on Structuration theory, Giddens does not emphasis that much on the social environments influence on sociology. Gidden argues that social structures are both the condition and the outcome of peoples daily activities; hence one cannot exist without the other. Giddens theory is very similar to Bourdieu; like Bourdieu, Giddens states that social practices are hugely important to the ongoing reproduction of socities (Tucker, 1998). On the other hand, Nicos Mouzelis argues that Giddens in his book The Constitution of society didnt give enough emphasise to the constraining effects of social structure. (Bryant and Jary, 2001). Though, Giddens replied back to his critic by Mouzelis and stated that Mouzelis critic was not justified in terms of the content of what he wrote (Bryant and Jary, 2001). Furthermore, throughout his work Giddens makes a great deal of the notion of time and space. Criab argues that Giddens deals with time and space on two different levels and unless they are clearly distinguished, his work is difficult to understand and confusing (Craib, 1992). In social theory, action and structure are inter-dependent (or are linked to each other) Action or agency is a continuous flow of conduct (regular series of acts). To study the structure of the society is like studying the anatomy of the organisms, where you have to study a number of small functions (Giddens, 1979). Furthermore, Giddens mentions that an understanding of action and structure is needed regardless of what problem one is seeking to analyse (Bryant and Jary, 2001). On the whole, Giddens provides us with evidence through examples and theories to show and help us understand the interaction between structure and agency. ANTHONY GIDDENS-THE LAST MODERNIST, By S G Mestrovic, Routedge (1998) The role of desire in agency and structure Anthony Giddens, 1984, The Constitution of Society, Cambridge: Polity Press. Agency and Structure, Anthony Giddens (1979) Central Problems in Social Theory Risk, Trust, Reflexivity Giddens (In Beck et al, 1994) Reading 5 Craib , I (1992) Modern Social Theory Structutaion theory: There is such a thing as society, there is no such thing as society Reading 6 The contemporary Giddens and Social theory in a Globalizing age (Bryant and Jary, 2001) Reading 7 Structutaion theory Craib, I (1992) Anthony Giddens Anthony Giddens, and Modern Social theory/ Tucker, Kenneth, London, Sage (1998) Structuration theory:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Feminism: Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Literacy Analysis

Feminism was a subject that was rarely discussed in 19th century British society. This was mostly because the idea of equality among the sexes had not taken form in Britain’s very distinct social classes. The aspect of feminism is defined as the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. However, the disdain for equal rights during the Victorian Era did not hinder some women writers from blatantly expressing their ideals through their writing. Some of these brave women were Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte Brontà «, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. All of these authors incorporated strong feminist ideals into their writings, despite the backlash that society would thrust upon them. All of the works that these influential women wrote emphasized the power that women could possibly have one day. Two of their stories were focused on the idea of a woman rescuing a man, despite the fact that men were considered the epitome of chivalry and courage. However, a c onsiderable amount of women writers were forced to â€Å"be coy when addressing their status in society† (Lit Network). Some used hidden symbolism in their writings, while others simply wrote under a pseudonym. These drastic actions were quite necessary considering the time period these women wrote in. Many people in Victorian Britain refused to acknowledge the thought of feminism simply because of the importance of a good family name. Despite the numerous ways of oppression, one brave woman writer wrote fearlessly about how she felt women should be viewed. This writer’s name was Mary Wollstonecraft. Her newfound ideals about what women should represent shocked the upper class of Britain. She was both famous and infamous during her time period. The book that best ... ...ejudice. New York: Signet Classic, 1961. Print. Baker, William. â€Å"Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Austen.† Critical Companion to Jane Austen: A Literary Reference to Her Life and Work (2008). Facts on File, Inc. Web. 24 April 2012. Burt, Daniel S. â€Å"Austen, Jane†. The Literary 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Novelists, Playwrights, and Poets of All Time (2008). Facts on File, Inc. Web. 12 April 2012. â€Å"Money and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice.† US-China Foreign Language 8.5 (2010): 59-63. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 April 2012. Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. â€Å"Jane Austen†. Encyclopedia of Feminist Literature (2006). Facts on File, Inc. Web. 26 April 2012 Swisher, Clarice. Victorian England. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc., 2001. Book. Feminism: Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Literacy Analysis Feminism was a subject that was rarely discussed in 19th century British society. This was mostly because the idea of equality among the sexes had not taken form in Britain’s very distinct social classes. The aspect of feminism is defined as the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. However, the disdain for equal rights during the Victorian Era did not hinder some women writers from blatantly expressing their ideals through their writing. Some of these brave women were Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte Brontà «, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. All of these authors incorporated strong feminist ideals into their writings, despite the backlash that society would thrust upon them. All of the works that these influential women wrote emphasized the power that women could possibly have one day. Two of their stories were focused on the idea of a woman rescuing a man, despite the fact that men were considered the epitome of chivalry and courage. However, a c onsiderable amount of women writers were forced to â€Å"be coy when addressing their status in society† (Lit Network). Some used hidden symbolism in their writings, while others simply wrote under a pseudonym. These drastic actions were quite necessary considering the time period these women wrote in. Many people in Victorian Britain refused to acknowledge the thought of feminism simply because of the importance of a good family name. Despite the numerous ways of oppression, one brave woman writer wrote fearlessly about how she felt women should be viewed. This writer’s name was Mary Wollstonecraft. Her newfound ideals about what women should represent shocked the upper class of Britain. She was both famous and infamous during her time period. The book that best ... ...ejudice. New York: Signet Classic, 1961. Print. Baker, William. â€Å"Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Austen.† Critical Companion to Jane Austen: A Literary Reference to Her Life and Work (2008). Facts on File, Inc. Web. 24 April 2012. Burt, Daniel S. â€Å"Austen, Jane†. The Literary 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Novelists, Playwrights, and Poets of All Time (2008). Facts on File, Inc. Web. 12 April 2012. â€Å"Money and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice.† US-China Foreign Language 8.5 (2010): 59-63. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 April 2012. Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. â€Å"Jane Austen†. Encyclopedia of Feminist Literature (2006). Facts on File, Inc. Web. 26 April 2012 Swisher, Clarice. Victorian England. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc., 2001. Book.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Improving Oral Healthcare In Hospitals Health And Social Care Essay

The initial inspiration for this proposal was a conversation with co-workers which so progressed into an experimental study over a period of eight hours. Ten staff nurses and one sister so took portion in replying a questionnaire. ( See appendix 1 for consequences ) The infirmary where I work does hold a attention program for unwritten hygiene ( see appendix 2 ) but it was designed for ‘general usage ‘ instead than to run into the specific demands of automatically ventilated patients ( MVP ) . It shortly became evident from the consequences and the conversations that there was a demand for an assessment tool and guidelines as to what was considered to be best pattern to run into the single demands of MVP. This is when and why my undertaking began.4.2 ImportantDeoxyribonucleic acid surveies have confirmed that up to 90 % of Ventilated Associated Pneumonia ( VAP ) is caused by pathogens colonizing the oral cavity. Within hours of admittance into the Intensive Care Unit ( IC U ) , the unwritten physiology of the patient begins altering. ( Nieuw Amerongen 2007 ) A Survey by Schleder & A ; Lloyd ( 2002 ) has associated chest infection and pneumonia with hapless unwritten hygiene. Ventilator associated pneumonia ( VAP ) is the taking cause of decease among hospital-acquired infections. ( Bercault and Boulain, 2001 ) . ( Claridge, Edwards, Swanson, Fabian, EL at 2007 ) ( Kollef 2004 ) . After several yearss in the ICU, the intubated patient ‘s unwritten pathogen population rises to a higher per centum of beings increasing the hazard of VAP, their length of stay and mortality. VAP costs by and large range from $ 12,000 to $ 40,000 per patient. Crude mortality rates range from 27 % -76 % . ( Jones, Newton, and Bower 2004 )4.3 Policy DriversThe triggers for improved oral cavity attention have come from Department of Health ( DoH ) brochure entitled ‘Delivering Better Oral Health ‘ . An evidence-based toolkit for bar was published in September 2007. Older people are at considerable hazard of unwritten infection, with infection identified in 80 % of one survey population ( DoH, 2007 ) , There are indicants that 69 % of grownups may hold periodontic disease. With current regional alveolar consonant attending runing from 40 % in southern countries to 60 % in the North East ( DoH, 2007 ) , it is sensible to presume that many patients might hold preexistent hapless unwritten wellness before contact with national wellness services ( NHS ) ( Nicol et al, 2005 ) . ( Xavier, 2000 ) . For the ICU the High Impact Intervention No 5 Care package for ventilated patients ( DoH 2006 ) merely advises ‘that everyday unwritten hygiene as per local policy ‘ is recommended. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ( NICE ) in their booklet on proficient patient safety solutions for ventilator-associated pneumonia in grownups recommends Chlorhexidine oral cavity rinse or gel to be used on MVP.4.3 Evidence to back up proposal.The revised Kernel of Care ( DoH, 2010 ) has proved to be an of import starting point for supplying grounds for the demand to develop an unwritten hygiene bundle for MVPs. The brochure sets out the criterion by which best pattern and attention is presently assessed or measured in order to help practicians to develop a patient-focused and structured attack to sharing and comparing pattern. It has enabled wellness attention forces to work with patients, or in some instances their relations, to place best pattern and to develop actio n programs to better attention. The Kernel of Care has twelve benchmarks, one being personal hygiene which consists of six factors. ( See appendix 3 for a elaborate list. ) This benchmark highlights mouth hygiene as a precedence. Therefore an appraisal must be done, the staff must be capable of executing the undertakings, their cognition must be appropriate, functional written records must be kept for scrutinizing and single unwritten pit cleaning equipment should be provided for each patient. The Centres for Disease Control ( CDC ) specifically advises that each ICU patient should be portion of an unwritten hygiene plan with frequent soft brushing of the dentitions and gum, oral cavity swobing with an antiseptic agent, and in the endotracheally intubated and automatically ventilated ( EIMV ) patient, frequent suctioning of the oral cavity and subglottic countries. A comprehensive reappraisal is to be found in Appendix 6 and is besides farther considered in the subdivision Literature Review ( 5.4 )5.1 AimThe purpose of this undertaking is to present an unwritten appraisal tool and a mouth hygiene cleaning protocol for ICU. It will be specifically used with patients who are automatically ventilated and will be supplemented with an educational bundle.5.2 Purpose of ProjectThe overall intent of my undertaking is to maintain patients safe and cut down the hazard of VAP. The unwritten pit has been identified as a possible menace. Nurses Code Number 35 *** mention states we must present attention based on the best available grounds or best pattern To make this a systematic procedure is required. Current pattern has excessively many failings. The current pattern is a simple tick box on the ICU chart simply entering that oral cavity attention has been performed. At present, mouth attention in many instances, merely consists of a pink sponge and unfertile H2O to wash the oral cavity, crude oil lip balm to halt the lips from checking and if the anesthesiologists remember, chlorhexidine gel prescribed four times a twenty-four hours. From my treatment with co-workers, evidenced by the questionnaire in Appendix 1, an unwritten appraisal is seldom done on patients with EIMV. Using a toothbrush, with fluoride toothpaste, is merely normally performed on patients who are non sedated, which could be 40 eight hours or longer after they were foremost intubated. Within 40 eight hours, the bacteriums in the oral cavity displacements from the normal dwellers to those that are the usual suspects for doing pneumonia: Staphylococcus aureus, Strep tococcus pneumonia, Pseudomonas. These pathogens exude substances in order to organize a biofilm matrix, or plaque. Within these protective shelters, bacteriums quickly multiply and spread throughout the unwritten pit. ICU nurses play a critical function in supplying effectual unwritten attention and advancing unwritten hygiene. However, unwritten hygiene by wellness attention workers has frequently been overlooked or performed on an ad hoc footing. In some cases, it has become a ritualistic and commonplace activity. The research is sporadic ensuing in conflicting advice to practicians. An illustration of this fickle advice is the debut of H peroxide and Na hydrogen carbonate being recommended as a gargle which if non diluted carefully will do superficial Burnss. It is still presently in usage in some ICUs. ( **Reference* ) This undertaking aims to rectify this incompatibility and give counsel and the tool for best patterns.5.3 Accomplish and Achieve.Ongoing unwritten appraisal should be performed day-to-day to forestall unwritten complications such as VAP and to guarantee optimum unwritten wellness ( Kollef 2004 ) . The assessment tool that I want to present on my ICU is based on the ‘BRUSHE D ‘ appraisal tool developed by Hayes and Jones. ( See appendix 5 ) It has antecedently been adapted to be used by ICU nurses to measure the grade of badness of the jobs happening in the patient ‘s unwritten pit. Abidia ( 2007 ) , Hayes & A ; Jones ( 1995 ) Using this tool, the ICU nurse could measure the gum for marks of disease. This review should include coloring materials, size, form, consistence and surface texture. Other marks to look for would be ulcerations or sores on the unwritten mucous membrane. After the appraisal the nurse will enter in item, in the patient notes, their observations. Any other appropriate action can so be taken before administrating unwritten hygiene. This tool was made to motivate nurses to look into for peculiar clinical marks during unwritten appraisal. Oral hygiene in the ICU is a normally performed nursing process in which the purpose is to guarantee that patients ‘ oral cavities are cared for ( Kite, Pearson1995. ) Pritchard and David ( 1988 ) indicate that oral cavity attention is required to: Achieve and keep unwritten cleanliness Prevent infection/stomatitis Keep the unwritten mucous membrane moist Promote patient comfort5.4 Literature ReviewTo place potentially relevant grounds, I searched The Cochrane Library, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health ( CINAHL ) , and Medline ( restricted to 1990-2009, English linguistic communication, and human research ) , including the related links option and diary cross citing for documents non antecedently identified. The hunt produced a figure of articles on unwritten hygiene and VAP in grownup ICU. The Iowa Model encourages the usage of instance studies, adept sentiment, and theories to inform pattern when research findings are non available ( Titler et al. , 2001 ) , leting protocols to be developed based on â€Å" best available grounds. † The Iowa Model begins by promoting staff nurses to place pattern inquiries, triggered either through designation of a job or through new cognition. The pattern inquiry aligned with organisational precedences is best positioned for allotment of back uping resources. Fourteen articles were identified as relevant to adult unwritten attention in the ICU scene and were later appraised ( See appendix 6 ) . They included two systematic reappraisals, two randomized controlled tests ( with equal sample size ) , four non-randomized tests ( or randomized with little sample sizes ) , one comparative test and five adept sentiments. Merely 10 of the 14 articles were specific to the grownup population. Using definitions developed by Stetler, Brunell, Giuliano et Al ( 1998 ) , degrees were assigned that rated the quality or strength of grounds of the 14 surveies. Degrees ranged from Level I ( meta-analysis of multiple controlled surveies ) to Level VI ( sentiments of well-thought-of governments, or the sentiments of an adept commission, including their reading of non-research-based information ) ( Stetler et al. , 1998 ) . The more strict degree of grounds, Level I reports, evaluated the effectivity of pharmacological intercessions included in unwritten rinses and toothpastes in cut downing unwritten bacterial vegetation, dental plaque, and dental cavities. The deficiency of robust research grounds related to direct nursing pattern of unwritten attention in the ICU scene is important for future research. Across the â€Å" best available grounds, † three nursing intercessions were identified for unwritten hygiene attention in the Intensive care unit: 1 ) unwritten appraisal, 2 ) mechanical intercessions, 3 ) pharmacological intercessions. A figure of articles highlighted the importance of regular unwritten appraisal to steer good unwritten attention ( Hayes & A ; Jones, 1995 ; McNeill, 2000 ; O'Reilly, 2002 ) . A meta-analysis performed by Chan and co-workers showed a important decrease in VAP with the usage of anti-septic gargle. The survey, nevertheless, was unable to show any differences in other end points such as mortality, continuance of mechanical airing and length of ICU stay. ( Chan, Ruest, Meade & A ; Cook 2007 ) . The published NICE guidelines, as discussed earlier in subdivision 4.2, recommend chlorhexidine on all MVP5.5 MethodThe appraisal tool that I want introduce to my ICU, is based on the BRUSHED appraisal tool developed by Hayes and Jones ( 1995 ) which been adapted by Abidia ( 2007 ) ( with permission ) to be used by ICU nurses to measure the grade of badness of the jobs in the patient ‘s unwritten pit. ( See appendix 5 )5.6.1 Invention: How it would be implemented. Education and TrainingThis assessment tool should be used as outlined in 5.3 above. It is to be supplemented with a elaborate instruction bundle to ease preparation. ( See appendix 6 ) It is presently de signated as a ‘draft ‘ as it has yet to be ratified and approved. This facet of the proposal would be coordinated with the unit ‘s pedagogue. It is proposed that ab initio, a power point presentation, with some clip for inquiries, enduring about 30 proceedingss, would be used. This would be accompanied by a written booklet to enable staff to reflect upon the process and besides be the first point of mention should any trouble occur. A ‘link nurse ‘ would be allocated to take the lead with the pedagogue. Link nurses are described as â€Å" Identified nurses within a squad who have expressed involvement in a specialist country and go a formal nexus for the squad. † McKeeney ( 2003 ) . Nurses frequently take upon themselves these functions as portion of their Knowledge and Skills Framework as it provides grounds of their continued professional development. Ideally the power point presentation would be attended by staff at the start or coating of a displacement as there is a A? of an hr convergence that has antecedently been used for preparation intents. It is envisaged that all staff will hold completed their initial preparation within two months. The pedagogue would maintain a signed registry of attendants as portion of the unit auditing. After this initial developing a questionnaire would be used to determine the effectivity of the preparation, to arouse any farther or future jobs and to measure the quality of the processs that are now in topographic point. The consequences of the questionnaire would besides find such issues as to whether the hazard factor has been hazard assessed right, whether farther education/training is necessary or whether any alterations to the new process are needed. It could besides organize portion of scrutinizing the unit which is needed as portion of Clinical Governance.5.6.2 Invention: How it would be im plemented. Administratively and ProcedurallyOral appraisal and attention ( OAC ) are indispensable for the betterment of overall wellness and for the patterned advance towards recovery and well-being of the ICU patients. Without OAC the patient could see serious infections which would take to protraction of ICU stay, increased morbidity, significantly increased costs of attention, and possible mortality. ( Jones Newton Bower 2004. Abidia 2007 Gillam & A ; Gillam 2006.Koeman, van der Ven, Hak 2006 ) the unwritten guidelines ( bill of exchange transcript **** cheque right appendix see appendix 7 ) are based upon a thorough literature hunt. The bill of exchange new guidelines are in conformity with the trust format, which is found in policy Corp 60. The process to follow in order to guarantee smooth execution of the proposed new process is foremost to set up a meeting with my equals and the clinical lead for countenance of the proposal. It would so be forwarded to the Policy Coordinator for look intoing and understanding prior to presentation to the Evidence Based Practice Committee. The commission are responsible for the concluding blessing. When this has been achieved, the guidelines will be forwarded to the Business Unit Lead for printing on the trusts intranet. All trust employees would so hold entree to the bill of exchange guidelines. The clip frame for the execution is hard to accurately buttockss but a period three months before initial instruction commences would be a sensible estimation. The paper work would be checked by the new matrons as portion of their function in our trust is to look into certification5.6.3 Invention: How it would be implemented. Costings.In order to implement this new process in its entireness, from academic exercising into pattern, it is non expected that a heavy fiscal load to the trust will happen. The logistics for implementing alteration are already in topographic point so no new degrees of bureaucratism are envisaged. The costings would be every bit simple as copying paper at ?2.00 per ream. The clip allotment for the pedagogue needed for planning and implementing preparation for about 90 five staff who work in ICU, High Dependence and Coronary Care Units, observing that the demands of the dark displacement may ask some out of normal contacted hours, are the lone other disbursal. Once adopted the process would be a upper limit of ?5.00 per patient per hebdomad. Of class the current costs for unwritten hygiene should be deducted from this amount as they become excess. New equipment as listed in item in Appendix 7 has besides to been taken into history.5.7 What are the sensed /anticipated barriers to alter?Experience dictates that during the busy day-to-day activities of patient attention in the ICU it can be improbably hard to systematically execute such a simple undertaking as everyday unwritten hygiene. There are so many pressing, dangerous events, which take precedence over everything else. Guaranting that oral cavity cleansing is completed sunglassess into insignificance, even looking to be regarded as an optional undertaking. This is farther downgraded as it is recorded simply by a tick in a box that can be unthinkingly given. Hence, in pattern the predominating attitude, the ward civilization that now exists is that ; ‘It ca n't be that of import! ‘ What was one time good pattern has over the old ages become corrupted. This is in kernel why my proposal to present a new process for the unwritten attention of ventilated patients is of import. It is critical that in order to accomplish optimal public presentation such professional patterns are reviewed and revised. The barriers to be overcome are apathy and complacence! The unwritten pit is known to be a reservoir for pathogens to turn and boom. Poor unwritten hygiene can take to complications such as gingivitis, halitosis, dry mouth, plaque formation, dental pits and others that have been antecedently mentioned. There are many factors that may prevent the ICU nurse from executing necessary OAC ( see appendix 8 ) ( Jones, Newton & A ; Bower 2004. Gillam & A ; Gillam 2006. Koeman Ven & A ; Hak 2006. Furr, Binkley & A ; McCurren 2004 )5.8 What schemes will be usage to get the better of these barriers?Roberts ( 2001 ) reported that the bringing of unwritten attention within institutional scenes is fragmented. A reappraisal by Chan ( 2005 ) states nurse ‘s descriptions of their unwritten attention patterns covered unwritten wellness appraisal, cleansing the unwritten pit and attention of the environing countries. Chan ( 2005 ) findings revealed the undermentioned important factors that influenced ICU nurses in supplying unwritten attention: Their perceptual experiences of the intent of unwritten attention. Their frights about supplying it. The precedence of unwritten attention. Inadequate support for unwritten attention. Rello, Koulenti Blot et Al ( 2007 ) and Chan ( 2005 ) ) besides concluded that their findings indicated that nurses unwritten attention patterns were non grounds based. Munro & A ; Grap ( 2004 ) besides indicated that present unwritten attention preparation should be revised. Their findings besides highlighted the influence of ward civilization on nurses ‘ precedences in supplying unwritten attention. Appropriate stuffs, equal staffing degrees and the constitution of an evidence-based unwritten attention protocol may in future facilitate the proviso of unwritten attention in the intensive attention unit. ( Chan 2005 Munro & A ; Grap 2004 Rello, Koulenti Blot et Al 2007 ) Oral appraisal is an built-in portion of unwritten attention and should take topographic point upon admittance. Evidence has suggested that early appraisal can cut down both the incidence and badness of unwritten complications. ( ****** ) Once an unwritten appraisal has been carried out it is of import to give appropriate unwritten attention intercessions based upon the single patient ‘s demands.6.0 EvaluationWhen reflecting upon the literature and the proposal it is of import that the undermentioned standards are considered: ICU patient ‘s single demands for unwritten attention should be portion of the admittance appraisal. Education of nurses to supply accomplishments in unwritten appraisal and unwritten attention is indispensable. The unit pedagogue can develop nurses to better the unwritten appraisal and sweetening of unwritten attention for ICU patients. The usage of an assessment theoretical account such as the â€Å" BRUSHED † Assessment tool is recommended for the immediate designation of unwritten jobs for every patient and should be carried out daily. The usage of a comprehensive protocol such as the Mouth Care Protocol presented in Table 1 a bill of exchange that will hold to travel to the grounds based commission be for recommended. The frequence of unwritten attention is an country of contention and may depend more on the patient ‘s status. However, brushing every 12 hours and unwritten dampening at least every two hours while the patient remains intubated is recommended until farther research is done in this country. Some solutions and types of equipment used by nurses for unwritten attention are non optimum and, hence, cautiousness must be applied if they are used. Examples include H peroxide and Na hydrogen carbonate, if non diluted carefully, may do superficial Burnss. Lemons Glycerine Swabs can do annoyance and decalcification of dentitions. Alternatively, chlorhexidine is recommended. Foam swabs are uneffective in taking plaque, whereas the usage of a soft little caput toothbrush is recommended alternatively. Further research is needed to find the most effectual manner to execute unwritten hygiene attention in critically sick patients every bit good as make up one's minding on the most appropriate frequence of unwritten attention. Research is besides needed to find the impact of unwritten wellness and improved unwritten wellness position on patients ‘ result

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Macbeth vs. Lady Macbeth

In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the tragic hero or the great and virtuous character, Macbeth is destined for downfall as he brings suffering and defeat upon himself. However, this statement can be widely debatable, as many would assume that Lady Macbeth also plays an immense role in the murder of Duncan, the beginning of the tragedy. Early in the play, Macbeth encounters three witches or supernatural beings that foretell his future as the new King of Scotland. Intrigued by their prophecies, Macbeth places faith in their words.Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth, is instrumental in his ambition, manipulating him, as they both scheme for greatness. Driven by the will to become King, Macbeth commits the murder of the current King Duncan and continuously murders those that suspect him. He is led to his own destruction as Macduff, a Scottish noble, later kills him. Moreover, although both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can be considered guilty for the downfall of Macbeth or the tragedy of the play, Macbeth is more to blame as a result of his ruthlessness, his ambitious desires, and his naive character, which allow him to betray his own conscience.Macbeth’s ambitious character and his insatiable lust for power drives him to change his nature towards evil commencing his tragic downfall. Upon hearing the prophecies of the witches, Macbeth immediately ponders about the predictions and creates an idea to murder the King. Macbeth states that the image of Duncan, the current King’s death â€Å"doth unfix my hair† (I. ii. 148) meaning that this image was too horrid to even imagine. Early in the play, the witches only predicted that he would become King but it was Macbeth’s ambitious character that takes it to the next step as he now thrives on the will to become King.Although the King’s death was never mentioned in the prophecies, Macbeth plants the idea in his head that the only way for him to become King, as the predictions stated was to kill Duncan, which creates and displays his lust for power. Macbeth also mentions, â€Å"let not light see my black and deep desires† (I. iv. 58). This is another example in which he now admits this dark character inside him, demonstrating that his valiant, brave character displayed in the beginning of the play is slowly fading away or deteriorating as his ambitious character takes over.Furthermore, by virtue of his honest character, Macbeth admits to himself of his â€Å"vaulting ambition† as he states, â€Å"I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’er leaps itself. † (I. vii. 25-27) These lines portray that Macbeth has no other reason to kill Duncan except for his strong desires of wanting to become King. Macbeth’s character as ambitious appears again as even to the eyes of his wife, is seen clearly as lustful for power. Lady Macbeth states â€Å"art not without ambition† proclaiming of his am bitious character.Macbeth’s ambitions is the root cause of his tragic downfall as his lust for power drives him to murder which is the misdeed that places his life at risk and begins his fall from glory. Macbeth as a man with solid morals and a well-established conscience allows himself to be manipulated by other significant characters of the play such as the witches and Lady Macbeth. The witches make two significant appearances in the play, each in which they use equivocation to confuse and manipulate or spark the characters in the play to lead a life of evil.Their first appearance was in front of Banquo and Macbeth in which they praise him as they predict his future as the next King. They know that by calling him â€Å"King hereafter† (i. iii. 53) that it will create desires in his heart and they use these quick phrases or these words placed in paradox to manipulate Macbeth to do something that would earn him that title. Macbeth who has a conscience of his own, allow s himself to create unwanted desires in his heart knowing well that patience is an attribute that only the noble obtain.Macbeth, by the end of his first soliloquy, makes the final decision to not murder the King because in his point of view, â€Å"Duncan both born his faculties so meek† (i. vii. 16-17) and it would be injustice to kill a righteous person but later on changes his mind as he allows his conscience to be moved again by his wife, Lady Macbeth who questions his manhood to achieve the power that they would get if they kill Duncan. She states â€Å"If you durst do it, then you were a man† (i. vii. 56-57) as she tries to convince her husband to go along with Duncan’s murder.Foolishly, Macbeth allows her to change his mind when he could have easily refused proving that he had a mind of his own. The witches near the end of the play manipulate Macbeth once more, but this time it was Macbeth who sought their help therefore getting himself into more trouble. A wise person would make the right decision not to ask the troublesome witches for help, but in Macbeth’s case, he deals with this situation differently as he is again easily manipulated into developing hubris, which leads to his downfall and his tragic ending.Therefore, although Macbeth had a conscience of his own and had the right to make his own decisions, he allowed himself to be manipulated by others, which eventually leads to his own death. Macbeth makes further errors in judgment following his misdeed of killing Duncan as he commits other major crimes, which all precipitate his downfall. For example, the murder of his friend, Banquo. Acting completely on his fear that Banquo’s sons will become King and himself remaining unrecognized, Macbeth decides to kill both Banquo and his son, Fleance.Macbeth knew that he was under suspicion for Duncan’s murder therefore concludes with these two reasons to kill an innocent man and his son. This is proven through Macb eth’s statement made in Act 3. Scene 2. Lines 41-42. Macbeth establishes his fear as he says that he is â€Å"full of scorpions in his mind†. Therefore, this murder was another factor or crime that leads him directly to his downfall. Another crime that Macbeth commits that is unforgivable was when he murdered a mother and a child.To take advantage of the situation, Macbeth kills Macduff’s family, which was a tragic scene as Macduff’s son dies creating pathos in the audience’s heart and depicts Macbeth’s character as mad or insane. These murders portray his downfall as extreme for all the serious sins Macbeth has committed. Macbeth’s desire for power, his ignorance towards his own conscience, and the further crimes he commits portray him as more to blame over Lady Macbeth for his own downfall and death.Throughout the whole play, although Lady Macbeth may seem as the masculine character and the brain behind the murder of Duncan, she pla ys a minor part in Macbeth’s own desires and the further crimes he independently commits that end in his downfall. Lady Macbeth is a significant character but is not more to blame for every tragic hero brings his fate upon himself. Therefore to conclude, Macbeth is more to blame for his own defeat and suffering.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cellular Automata essays

Cellular Automata essays If Man can and does evolve, why not computers' Alan Turing, who argued that a computer could respond intelligently to a human asking questions, believes that the essence of the phenomenal consciousness is held within the scientific or computational aspects of biological functioning. The first step towards this end is seen in the discovery and understanding of cellular automata or CA. "CA are systems in which cells that are laid out in a regular spatial grid change color (state) according to rules that depend on the color of the cell and its nearest neighbors. By applying the same simple rules over and over again, CA can generate a wide variety of patterns, some of which are highly symmetric like snowflakes, others that appear random, and others that look basically the same on all scales (fractals)" (Naiditch 31). CA may be explained as being discrete "systems whose behavior is specified in terms of a local relation, much like the universe itself. (O)bjects that may be interpreted as passive data and objects that may be interpreted as computing devices are both assembled out of the same kind of structural elements, and subject to the same laws; computation and construction are just two possible modes of activity" (Anonymous Internet source). The concept of CA was developed by the mathematician John von Neumann in the early 1950s "and at least one of Neumann's rather complex CAinvolving 29 colorsturned out to be universal computers" (Naiditch "Cellular processing languages, such as Cellang [Eckart 1992], CARPET [Spezzano and Talia 1997], CDL, and CEPROL [Seutter 1985], allow cellular algorithms to be described by defining the state of cells as a typed variable, or a record of typed variables, and a transition function containing the evolution rules of an automaton. Furthermore, they provide constructs for the definition of the pattern of the cell neighborhood. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Billy the Kid essays

Billy the Kid essays Billy the Kid was born in the East, came to New Mexico in the 1870 ¡s, and started out on his own from Silver City. Some of the people said Billy the Kid was a hero, some said he was a murder. After reading Etulain ¡s essay,  ¡Billy the Kid: Thunder in the West ¡ (36-51), I don ¡t think Bill the Kid was a hero just because he killed four people. What is a hero? Some one can be a hero if he kills another, and heroes can kill people, but they kill those people is for everyone, not just for themselves, which means they were heroes because they killed evil people who destroyed society. And a hero should deserved punishment bravery. Otherwise they are murderers. Unfortunately, Billy the Kid was a murder, not a hero. The first example of Billy the Kid as a murderer concerns the first person he killed in Arizona (37). In mid-August 1877, Billy the Kid came to the cantina near the boundary of the Camp Grant military reservation (37). When he arrived, a burly Blacksmith named Cahill called Billy a  ¡pimp, ¡ (37) and then Billy retaliated by calling the blacksmith a  ¡son of a bitch, ¡(37). A moment later a wrestling match ensued, and Cahill began to pummel Billy. But Billy pulled out the .45 stuck in his belt, shoved it into the belly of Cahill, and then pulled the trigger. Cahill rolled aside in agony and then died the next day. Thus, because senseless act of violent, Billy the Kind murdered Cahill. I know it was Cahill that said the bad things to him first, but Billy the Kid didn ¡t have to kill Cahill. When Cahill started to say something bad to Billy the Kid, he could have ignored him and left Cahill alone. If Billy the Kid at that time had just ignored what Cahill said, no thing would have happened. Cahill ¡s dead did not benefits anyone in the world except Billy, who may have felt happy. Therefore, Billy the Kid was a murderer, because he killed Cahill. The second example of Billy the Kid being a ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Around The World In 80 Days

Types of literary work This lyrical novel is an adventure novel made up of adventurer English who crawled around the world. Inner weaving is historical facts such as the British Empire and global colonies, as well as historically precise places. Theme The theme of this wonderful novel is bold and permanent. At the time of betting, Fokker was sent to the world in impossible hours in 80 days. Throughout the work, Foccer's endless sustainability intertwines with his strict British gentle sensation, which surprises the reader. Celebrities in Bly have reached international standards and her mission is to travel the world in 80 days, as Phileas Fogg did in Jules Verne's 80 day world tour. Bly achieved her goal and in her exile experience her report became a book that traveled the world on the 72nd (1890). After that I entered a small university Indiana ordinary school in Indiana, Pennsylvania, and I learned to become a teacher there. However, immediately after starting the course, due to e conomic constraints Bly was forced to express hope for higher education. After graduating from school, she and her mother moved to the nearby Pittsburgh where they operated the dormitory together. A round-the-world trip for 80 days is a classic trip and an adventure novel. The premise of this novel is that the mission of Phillias Fogg of the hero is to travel around the world in 80 days to reward a lot of money. This task is becoming more difficult, and it seems that Fock is playing continuously. The biggest problem is that spies were mistaken for bank robbery that dropped the speed of Fokker during the journey. My grandfather, John Tisler, never traveled as dramatically as Verne did, but he traveled quite a while traveling around the world. He works for FDA for most of his adult life and his work requires a lot of travel. During his trip his work was to show how to mark the cans that would be sold in the US correctly. A secular reason for the trip, it made it possible for him to tr avel around the world. For many years, he has traveled all over America, Mexico, Germany, France and Italy. Around The World In 80 Days Types of literary work This lyrical novel is an adventure novel made up of adventurer English who crawled around the world. Inner weaving is historical facts such as the British Empire and global colonies, as well as historically precise places. Theme The theme of this wonderful novel is bold and permanent. At the time of betting, Fokker was sent to the world in impossible hours in 80 days. Throughout the work, Foccer's endless sustainability intertwines with his strict British gentle sensation, which surprises the reader. Celebrities in Bly have reached international standards and her mission is to travel the world in 80 days, as Phileas Fogg did in Jules Verne's 80 day world tour. Bly achieved her goal and in her exile experience her report became a book that traveled the world on the 72nd (1890). After that I entered a small university Indiana ordinary school in Indiana, Pennsylvania, and I learned to become a teacher there. However, immediately after starting the course, due to e conomic constraints Bly was forced to express hope for higher education. After graduating from school, she and her mother moved to the nearby Pittsburgh where they operated the dormitory together. A round-the-world trip for 80 days is a classic trip and an adventure novel. The premise of this novel is that the mission of Phillias Fogg of the hero is to travel around the world in 80 days to reward a lot of money. This task is becoming more difficult, and it seems that Fock is playing continuously. The biggest problem is that spies were mistaken for bank robbery that dropped the speed of Fokker during the journey. My grandfather, John Tisler, never traveled as dramatically as Verne did, but he traveled quite a while traveling around the world. He works for FDA for most of his adult life and his work requires a lot of travel. During his trip his work was to show how to mark the cans that would be sold in the US correctly. A secular reason for the trip, it made it possible for him to tr avel around the world. For many years, he has traveled all over America, Mexico, Germany, France and Italy.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Answering Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Answering Questions - Research Paper Example Funs get to know the names of the scorers, who helped in different goals, how the team performed in every move, and what it can do to better future games. Kofi Anan uses this analogy of competition to depict a different world and drive his points home. Annan suggests that if countries would come out and compete for respect of human rights, child survival rates, and enrolment in secondary education, then the world would be a better place. Like many who come out to make suggestions and analyse football, Annan argues that the same energy should be used to debate on critical issues like HIV and AIDS affecting countries. In addition, world cup happens on a level ground where each country has an equal chance of participating. In the same manner, other global issues need to be levelled to allow growth and development in all countries of the world. Tim Bowling is a hockey sport lover. He especially remembers some crazy things he has done out of love for this sport. NHL is his main spectator entertainment of this sport. Although he had to give up so much to watch hockey, Tim now realises that this is just a sport. He uses this analogy to pass a message to fanatics of hockey. Apparently, to my shock, some fanatics will go ahead and shed blood just to see their teams reach their intended levels. In reality, too much love for something results in some idolizing it and one will even shed blood to defend it. Besides that, hockey being a major sport that Canada is known for all over the world gives citizens pride associating with this nation. People derive nationhood from association with a country that does so well in a particular sport. In addition, there is a strong connection between hockey and Canadian citizens because it is a shared story. I agree with some politics about sports in that every citizen is entitled to talk about i t and take pride in it. However, hockey sport has considerably changed over time

Project paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Project - Research Paper Example External requirements for funding persist to cause susceptibility of the financial system. Self-confidence in the financial system amongst overseas stakeholders remains huge, which implies a BOP deficit is improbable. Payment threats among the banking industry are anticipated to become unimportant, while financial support problems as well as exchange exposure is preventing Turkish companies’ creditworthiness (Duman, 2011). This paper is going to do a risk assessment of Turkey, carry out a budget analysis and finally draw a proposal that will be submitted to the  state executives of the host nation. The political climates of Turkey have in history been a cause of fiscal and social nervousness in the state. Armed forces coups with feeble coalition regimes have added to reckless financial guiding principles which have resulted in great inflation along with sharp rise and falls between recoveries and recessions in the financial structure (Duman, 2011). The voting during 2002 was a defining moment with the success of the fair Islamic people and publicly conventional AK lobby group. Electoral achievement offered the State an authorization to execute numerous essential political as well as financial restructurings that have brought the nation near to the European Union. Temporarily, Turkish nation plays a gradually more distinct political function in the Asia continent as well as N. Africa (Duman, 2011). There has been tension involving the AK group as well as secular in addition to armed forces divisions since the ballot vote of 2002. Numerous contentious trials in opposition to the armed forces, company executives, reporters and inhabitants signify divisions inside Turkish culture and have resulted in the sovereignty of the lawful structure into question. In the side of Turkeys history, better resident control against the forces is intensifying the state’s political

Compare and contrast governmental structure of the Republic of Rome Term Paper

Compare and contrast governmental structure of the Republic of Rome and Ancient Greece - Term Paper Example Ancient Egypt’s leadership is based on the divine rule of the Pharaoh while the Republic of Rome believes to a certain extent in democracy where people are recognized to have a say in the government. II. The new kingdom of ancient Egypt c. 1570 - 1090 The new kingdom of ancient Egypt began when the pharaohs of the eighteenth Dynasty reunited Egypt after the second intermediate period (Edgar et al Chapter 1). In governance, the leadership of ancient Egypt does not recognize democracy (old, middle and new kingdom). People are treated as a subject of a Pharaoh who was believed to be a living god. The pharaoh’s power is not subject to check and balance like those of Rome’s Republic. The pharaoh is the sole authority and needs not confer with a Senate, magistrates or assemblies in its rule. It does not have a tribune because it does not recognize any representation in the form of check and balance. Ancient Egypt adopts the theocratic form of government. Unlike Rome, r eligion plays a central role in Egypt that became a basis of its government and structure (Bauval 35). Due to its theocratic nature, the priests (aside from the pharaoh) were the most esteemed class in ancient Egypt. They also hold vast power because they carry out the decrees of the pharaoh. The government structure of the new kingdom of ancient Egypt was also simple because of the theocratic form of government where all powers in the government emanate from a single person which was the pharaoh. There was also no constitution in ancient Egypt. Perhaps the only thing ancient Egypt shared with the Republic of Rome was that its laws were not written. But unlike in Rome where laws can be proposed and ratified, the laws in Egypt were absolutely based on Ma’at which meant truth and justice, which was to be fair all except the slaves. The officials of ancient Egypt were few unlike in Rome where it has a Senate that is composed of few hundred men, and relatively large number of rep resentatives in its assemblies and magistrates. The officers in ancient Egypt’s government structure are as follows; a. The pharaoh – the ancient Egyptian state was embodied by its king, which was called the pharaoh, a term which literally meant a â€Å"big house† referring to the royal palace but was later referred to the king himself. The king is believed to have supernatural powers and was worshipped and obeyed as a god. The king or the pharaoh is very powerful. In the old kingdom of ancient Egypt, he literally owns the entire land of Egypt and is entitled to all its produce (Thompson 26). Ma’at One of the pharaoh’s primary functions was to mediate between the gods and man, especially in dispensing Ma’at which is the code of behavior and standard of morality of how to do things in ancient Egypt. Ma’at meant â€Å"truth, order, proper behavior and justice (Thompson 26). To sin against Ma' at is to bring chaos into life (Verharen 93 ) b. The viziers – is also known as the tjaty. The vizier is considered as the pharaoh’s right hand. He is also a judge of ancient Egypt’s high court which is the equivalent of Supreme Court today. And just like the Supreme Court, his judgment is final and non appealable. The vizier was also in-charge of the economy and oversees the construction of magnificent temples and buildings (Bob Hobbs 66). c. Nomarch –

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Which Factors may Encourage an Individual to Assimilate to a New Essay

Which Factors may Encourage an Individual to Assimilate to a New Society - Essay Example Assimilation can be difficult and it can be successful yet detrimental to the individual at the same time. According to the dictionary "assimilation" is "The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture." (American Heritage Dictionary). For many immigrants this is expected of them and they automatically attempt to do it, especially in the United States. There are man factors that go into assimilation that cannot be anticipated by the individual coming into the new culture. According to Le (2008) there are two basic theories that categorize how assimilation is going to happen. The primordial or essentialist theory says that people have a sense of ethnic identity that is fixed and it is a part of who they are and it cannot be changed. They say that most people have an instinct that tells them to take care of their kin and or co-kin and leave those who are not kin out of their assistance. (par. 3). Situational theory (also known as constructionist theory) suggests that people are always adapting to their environment and that ethnic identity is more fluid. Instead of being fixed they are more socially defined. They believe that ethnic identity is constantly changing and in their words "being renegotiated, revised, and redefined, depending on specific situations and set of circumstances that each individual or ethnic group encounters" (Le, par. 4). The situational theorists also suggest sub theories that work within the framework of ethnicity. Some sociolo gists suggest that people can ignore their ethnic identity depending on the circumstances they are in and after a specific event have a resurgence of that particular identity. This happened after World War II when many Japanese Americans tried to assimilate into the American culture and let go of their Japanese culture because of their imprisonment inside the internment camps. In 1980 many people protested this treatment and Japanese

'Self-determination is irrelevant in the 21st Century'. Discuss Essay

'Self-determination is irrelevant in the 21st Century'. Discuss - Essay Example It is accordingly, protected by various international human rights bodies that ensure all people get their rights. This concept has evolved during the 20th century following secessionist movements during and after World War I and II allowing for decolonization of countries from the 1960's onwards. The start of the famous European colonization of the Americas started around 1940's following the Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus5. This followed a conquest that was featured by large-scale exploration, migration and eventually colonization in order to take full advantage of the resources in those foreign countries. Rebellions were the first characteristics of the determination to self-rule that was witnessed in the mid 1770's. Because of the explicit invocations of natural law, the natural right of man and the absence of consent from the people who were being governed, people began to revolt against colonial rule6. In the United Stated Declaration of Independence, the pro motion of the notion that the will of the people is supreme made significant contributions to the aspect of self-determination. These and some other notions are what led to the acceptance of the principle of self-determination. ... These treaties both held that people had a right to freely pursue their economic and political interests following self-determination. Previously, self-determination was considered a political principle with no legal effect. But following WW2, self-determination became a legal principle and a right in International Law. And because of its adoption by several treaties and charters it received worldwide recognition under International Law. The concept of self-determination is thus still relevant because of the number of cases in the International Court of Justice that have received ruling in favor of the concept of self-determination. Self-determination has thus achieved the status of erga omnes which requires the rest of the international community to respect it. Other jurists and scholars have also argued that the principle of self-determination has acquired the status of jus cogens making it the superior rule of international law. As such, the rest of the community has the mandate t o strictly obey it at all times and in all circumstances in their relations with each other. However, the UN Charter10 had no provisions for the enforcement of the right to self-determination outside the context of decolonization. It simply provided that countries be allowed to govern themselves but it did not provide other stipulations for how this was to take place. This allowed the legal doctrine of uti possidetis juris11 to thrive. This meant that old administrative boundaries became the international boundaries without taking into consideration the linguistic, ethical and cultural boundaries that had previously existed. Despite the fact that people of one culture were torn apart by international boundaries, nations succeeded in freeing themselves from colonial rule.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dq-8-Extra-Terence Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dq-8-Extra-Terence - Coursework Example An employee can usually be embroiled into such vices as corruption, need for accountability and unwarranted rivalry among them. Hence, virtues such as communication and being transparent are critical to the employees. Through, communication, they can express themselves concerning their problems at work. On the other hand, management through its open mindedness can listen without disparity or any favoritism (Degelsegger & Kesselring, 2012). Thus, the outcome of such a resolution is usually satisfactorily than if the arbitration was to be done without their awareness and participation. Generation Y is the group that call themselves the digital world and are aligned to their technological appliances in most of their activities. But to say that they are not aware of the non-technological interactions and their importance will be a fallacy. They know, practice it and can evaluate their values but have chosen to ignore (Luftman, Zadeh, Derksen, Santana, Rigoni & Huang, 2013). Such is the hypocrisy that the generation Y has adopted. Through non-technological interaction such as face-to-face meetings, it enables us to understand the communication better since they can study the non-verbal cues for expression and make conclusions that is impossible with technology communication. Management involves critical decision making in any organization and to say that it will remain to be a technical tool, will only make things worse. Business decisions such as closing deals are better done in a face-to-face meeting rather than the phone calls. By meeting a person on an individual basis as a manager, he/she will know and understand the nature of the business by mere use of body languages, tonal variations, and emotions. From here, the manager can make the decision that helps the organization than if he/she was to make a call that could not provide a clear picture of the situation

'Self-determination is irrelevant in the 21st Century'. Discuss Essay

'Self-determination is irrelevant in the 21st Century'. Discuss - Essay Example It is accordingly, protected by various international human rights bodies that ensure all people get their rights. This concept has evolved during the 20th century following secessionist movements during and after World War I and II allowing for decolonization of countries from the 1960's onwards. The start of the famous European colonization of the Americas started around 1940's following the Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus5. This followed a conquest that was featured by large-scale exploration, migration and eventually colonization in order to take full advantage of the resources in those foreign countries. Rebellions were the first characteristics of the determination to self-rule that was witnessed in the mid 1770's. Because of the explicit invocations of natural law, the natural right of man and the absence of consent from the people who were being governed, people began to revolt against colonial rule6. In the United Stated Declaration of Independence, the pro motion of the notion that the will of the people is supreme made significant contributions to the aspect of self-determination. These and some other notions are what led to the acceptance of the principle of self-determination. ... These treaties both held that people had a right to freely pursue their economic and political interests following self-determination. Previously, self-determination was considered a political principle with no legal effect. But following WW2, self-determination became a legal principle and a right in International Law. And because of its adoption by several treaties and charters it received worldwide recognition under International Law. The concept of self-determination is thus still relevant because of the number of cases in the International Court of Justice that have received ruling in favor of the concept of self-determination. Self-determination has thus achieved the status of erga omnes which requires the rest of the international community to respect it. Other jurists and scholars have also argued that the principle of self-determination has acquired the status of jus cogens making it the superior rule of international law. As such, the rest of the community has the mandate t o strictly obey it at all times and in all circumstances in their relations with each other. However, the UN Charter10 had no provisions for the enforcement of the right to self-determination outside the context of decolonization. It simply provided that countries be allowed to govern themselves but it did not provide other stipulations for how this was to take place. This allowed the legal doctrine of uti possidetis juris11 to thrive. This meant that old administrative boundaries became the international boundaries without taking into consideration the linguistic, ethical and cultural boundaries that had previously existed. Despite the fact that people of one culture were torn apart by international boundaries, nations succeeded in freeing themselves from colonial rule.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Economic Growth in Nigeria Essay Example for Free

Economic Growth in Nigeria Essay The agriculture sector was the focus of intense development interest during the 1990s, with food self-sufficiency the goal. In 1990, agriculture was the subject of a separate three-year development plan involving public and private spending targets concentrating on the family farmer. The program  included price stabilization plans and schemes to revitalize the palm oil, cocoa, and rubber subsectors. The Agricultural Development Projects continued through the decade, but implementation of goals was difficult. The country still imports most of its wheat from the United States. An integrated petrochemical industry was also a priority. Using the output of the nations refineries, Nigeria produced benzene, carbon black, and polypropylene. The development of liquid natural gas facilities was expected to lead to the production of methanol, fertilizer, and domestic gas. Nigerias refineries operated at less than optimal rates throughout the 1990s. In the manufacturing sector, the government was backing a policy of local sourcing whereby locally produced raw materials were converted into finished products. By 1999, manufacturing accounted for less than 1% of gross domestic product (GDP). By the beginning of the 2000s, the government was more concerned about halting corruption and reigning in the state budget than economic development. Nevertheless, the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) was created to coordinate economic and social development in the oil-producing region. Nigerias foreign debt stood at around $28.5 billion in 2001, a large portion of which was interest and payment arrears. The Obasanjo administration in the early 2000s was supporting private-sector-led, market-oriented economic growth, and had begun economic reform programs. Privatization of state-owned enterprises continued. A Stand-By Arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), approved in 2000, lapsed in 2001 as the governments economic reform program went off track. There were indications a new IMF program for the country would be negotiated in 2003–04. Read more:

Monday, October 14, 2019

Learning Irregular Verbs In English

Learning Irregular Verbs In English INTRODUCTION The present report contains the results of the investigation carried out at Higà ¼erito Basic School. It is evident that the goal of grammar instruction is to enable students to carry out their communication, Purposes, thereby getting involved with all those difficulties students have had for years to learn and use irregular verbs is highly important for teachers of English as a foreign Language. This Research has three Different Chapters: Chapter I, Presents the historical context of the Educational Center, it shows the External or geographic aspects of Higà ¼erito Basic School, There ´s an analysis of the Socio Economic and cultural characteristics of the Educational Center, In addition the philosophy of Higà ¼erito Basic School. The second chapter of this investigation states the difficulties in Learning Irregular verbs which is the basis of this research, It is analyzed here different aspects and methods of teaching irregular verbs such as; Infinitives matching and grouping, presentation, infinitives, unfamiliarity with infinitives, infinitives matching, The present continuous tense as matter of priority, categorization of irregular verbs and some strategies to teach irregular verbs. Chapter III, Is where the result of the investigation is presented. Firstly this chapter shows the results of the interview directed to the English teachers of Higà ¼erito Basic School and the results of the survey applied to the students of this Educational Center. JUSTIFICATION Teachers are always trying to find new and easily comprehensible ways to teach different parts of grammar, especially for the challenge that teaching irregular verbs represents. It hasnt been easy to deal with irregular verbs or make students understand how to use them. We felt motivated to investigate about it, because as English students we have also had difficulties with the acquisition and usage of irregular verbs. It is highly important to have all kind of information about the process of teaching irregular verbs, because we are thoroughly sure that as future English professionals will need to use them in a current conversation or in the classroom. This research will not only be important for us, it will also be important for those readers who share the benefits of the results of this investigation. The advantages of overcoming the difficulties that most teachers and students have with irregular verbs will contribute to improve the teaching and learning process that so far has been obstructed. METHODOLOGY This investigation was documentary and it was carried out in the field too, considering these, and the best and ideal ways to obtain excellent results and to count with the correct tools to understand the target problem of this research. In this investigation were used the descriptive and analytical methods, this report starts with a problem that is affecting most of the schools of our country in order to analyze a particular situation that is happening in Higà ¼erito Basic in San Juan de la Maguana Dom. Rep. All the possible elements that concern to this research were summarized and the results of the analysis were summarized. For more credibility and trying to give a realistic out look to Different sources were analyzed: Research, Books, on line technology and surveys at Higà ¼erito Basic School; teachers and students were interviewed CHAPTER I: CHAPTER I GENERAL CHARACTERICTISC OF THE HIGUERITO BASIC SCHOOL 1.1- Historical context of the Educative center. 1.2 External or Geographic Aspects 1.2.1- Socio Economic and Cultural Characteristics of the Center. 1.3 Internal Characteristics of the School 1.3.1 Description of the infrastructure. 1.3.2 Philosophy of the Educative Center. 1.3.3- Strengths and weaknesses of Higà ¼erito Basic School. 1.3.4- Problems of the Educative Center. 1.3.5- Statistics of Higà ¼erito Basic School CHAPTER I General Characteristics of Higà ¼erito Basic school This chapter I presents important information concerning to the historical context of the Educational Center, the Geographical location of Higà ¼erito Basic School, The Socio Economic and Cultural Characteristics of the Sector; This chapter also presents the internal characteristics of the school, it focuses the infrastructure; In addition it presents the philosophy of the Educational Center, the Strengths and weaknesses of Higà ¼erito basic school whereas the problems of the Educational Center and the Statistics of Higà ¼erito basic School. I. I. Historical context of the Educational Center. The first pavilion of the school was made of wood in 1953, by this time the principal was Mrs. Batida Ruiz, later they built three more classrooms, and three more teachers were hired. In 1970 teacher Ana Isolina de la Cruz was in charge of the school, in 1970 there was a staff of 2o teachers. Under Mrs. De la Cruz administration a second pavilion was built in 1982. Finally in 2001 Higà ¼erito Basic School was managed by Lida. Francisca Mirella Rodriquez. 1.2 Geographical Location of the Higà ¼erito Basic School This Urban School Belongs to Region 02 District 02-06. It is located in the Northern part of the city at 151 Anacaona Avenue in San Juan de la Maguana Dominican Republic. In the northern part of Higà ¼erito Basic School theres a neighborhood called, project 20 of the Ensanche Anacaona. South of the school theres a belt way Better Known as Circumvallation San Juan Bautista. East of the school, its located the Fire Fighter building and to the west La Altagracia Neighborhood. 1.2.1- Socio Economic and Cultural Characteristics of the sector. To talk about the Educational preparation of the, or background of the people, who live in this area it is necessary to present this topic focusing on the different sectors that are surrounding the educational center. The people, who live in the Eastern part of the school, are teachers, some of them are working and others are retired. Those people who live north of the school have an average level of education, most of the students that attend this school belong to this area, and they come from humble homes lots of economic adversities. San Juan de la Maguana is well known as El Granero del Sur, for its grain production, there by most of these people income depends on agriculture this activity is the economic support of the citizens, all around this educational center there are, some liquor stores. Concerning to cultural aspects, it is well known that every educational center that provides any kind of service to the community has its own beliefs and culture, which is well identified in students behavior. San Juan owns a rich culture with multiple traditions such as saint patrons party, in honor of John the Baptist. These parties are celebrated from June 15th to June 24th each year. This belief is part of every child and it is part of the school and the community. The school participates in all the activities promoted by different institutions of the community. 1.3- Description of the Infrastructure of the Higà ¼erito Basic School. The infrastructure of Higà ¼erito basic school looks in good conditions, Nowadays the School is made of blocks. It has 17 classrooms, Higà ¼erito School has an area of 466, 43 Mts. And each classroom measures 5.29mts. And 6.44 mts. There are only two bathrooms for the students which are not enough for the amount of pupils. The furnitures are not in good conditions, they need to be fixed. In the inside part of the school it could be observed certain amount of garbage in the yard and in the halls. There is a bad smell that comes out of the bathrooms this situation is affecting the students health. 1.3.1 Internal Characteristics of Higà ¼erito Basic School At present this School is been managed by a principal, for a better management it also has a procedures Staff, a cooperative team and a pedagogic team pretending to guarantee the application of the contents proposed by the curriculum. 1.3.2 Philosophy of the educative Center The project of Center of Higà ¼erito Basic School States the vision and mission of this school, it pretends to guarantee the preparation of all of the students increasing the reinvestment of values, attitudes and talents, making of those teenagers competent people. With the effort of dedicated teachers and following the guidance of the curriculum the image and the prestige of the school is going up. Some important values that make part of this school priority are: dignity, love, solidarity, discipline, responsibility, respect, collaboration, empathy, partnership, faith, honesty, creativity, humbleness, hygiene and sincerity. 1.3.3 Strengths and weaknesses of Higà ¼erito Basic School. According to the information compiled from the project of center this school, it may be quoted the following strengths: The teachers who come to this school are qualified teachers, willing to work with a high spirit of compromise, responsibility and desire to improve. The school is located away from disturbing places in benefit of those who take classes in this Educative Center. This Educative center contemplates as weaknesses: Lack of Library equipment, counseling Department, equipment and adequate school supplies. 1.3.4 Problems of the educative center The problems that are quoted in the project of center of this school are : indiscipline in the classroom, the student have reading problems, The process of teaching technical areas has become one of the biggest problems of the school because those technical areas as English and French require experienced teachers and this school doesnt have these teachers yet. CHAPTER II Difficulties in Learning Irregular Verbs 2.1 Difficulties Learning Irregular verbs. 2.1.1 Infinitives Matching and grouping. 2.1.2 Presentation, practice, production. 2.1.3 Unfamiliarity with infinitives 2.1.4 Infinitives matching. 2.1.5 The present continuous tense as matter of priority. 2.1.6 Categorization of irregular verbs. 2.1.7 Database making and strategies to teach irregular verbs. THE Difficulties in Learning Irregular verbs The chapter II of This research is based on the analysis of the difficulties in learning irregular verbs, here it is presented the infinitive matching and grouping activities and some methods such as presentation, practice and production, it is also treated here the unfamiliarity with infinitives, infinitive matching, the present continuous tense as a matter of priority as well as the categorization of irregular verbs and some strategies to teach irregular verbs. 2.1 Difficulties Learning Irregular Verbs. For learner of English, irregular verbs represent one of the most difficult aspects of the language. Normally because they are presented in the form of alphabetical lists. Never take into account the actual occurrence of these verbs. Irregular verbs haunt learners of English from the beginning to the end of their studies. Teachers are always trying to find new and easily comprehensible ways to teach different parts of grammar. The past tens and the perfective aspect on the verb are two rather difficult areas for ESL Learners all over the world. ESL Learners usually try several hypotheses before they can handle the past tense confidently. Especially, the irregular past poses problems for learners. If they could be organized in a morphonemic classification, to make it easier for the learners to create file/ folders that they can easily accommodate them in their learning process, and if the learning load can be reduced thereby, learners can grasp and remember them better and faster. In English, majority of the verbs go through 4 forms, with an exception of modal auxiliary verbs. These forms are: 2 tense forms and 2 aspects for The verbs in English behave in four different ways in the past tense: I. There is a regular past tense form: 2. There is an irregular past tense form wherein it takes any shape, which is not easily predicted. 3. There is a vowel change past tense form in which on vowel in the verb changes to form the past tense, while the rest of the verb shape remains the same. 4. There is a no change past tense form wherein the verb remains as it is. The irregular verbs have hardly any resemblance with the original form of the verbs and therefore their past form is unpredictable. 2.1.1 Infinitives matching and grouping The students are encouraged to match and group infinitives in a logical way. Hence, when they star dealing with the past simple tense, they have become familiar with the infinitives, so the primary barrier is eliminated. The list of irregular verbs with all three forms is then cat into pieces and the students are asked to categorize the irregular verbs on the basis of resemblance. This proceeds from a classification of irregular verbs as stated in a comprehensive grammar of the English language. The students are encouraged to create their own positive negative compound sentences, which they can as the fourth step- develop in stories. The fifth step is fixing phase, during which the students organize and reorganize the irregular verbs depending on how familiar the students are with them having learnt the infinitive, past and past- participle forms by heart, however, the students are found unable to recognize any of the forms if written in English, there is a method elaborated by: Jeremy Harmer, consists of the following elements: Engage, Study, Activate. In the engage phase, the teacher s effort is to awake the students interest, arouse their curiosity, and engage their emotions, employing numerous means, such as games, pictures, audio or video recordings, or dramatic stories. Most of us can remember lessons at school which were uninvolving and where we, switched off from what was being taught. We may also remember lessons where we were more or less paying attention, but where we were not really hooked. We were not engaged emotionally with what was going on; we were not curious, passionate or involved. Yet things are learnt much better if both our minds and our hearts are brought into service. Engagement of this type is one of the vital ingredients for successful learning. ¨ Harmer, (200:52). Hence, instead of being passively taught the infinitives of irregular verbs, students are encourage to play with them, in the activate phase, those exercises and activities are comprised, which gave been designed to make students use the language communicatively. The students are discouraged to focus on the language construction or practice of its particular patterns. On the contrary, the activities are to help the students to use their full language knowledge in the selected situation or task. The objective in the activate phase is, to use all and any language which may be appropriate for a given situation or topic. In this way students get a chance to try out real language use with little or no restriction, a kind of rehearsal for the real life. Story making is an activity typically employed within the activate phase. The students are assigned to create a story, being allowed to use limited or unlimited group of vocabulary. 2.1.2 Presentation, practice, production. This is a widely spread approach, in terms of which the teacher present the language and then encourages the student to practice it at first by means of highly controlled activities the p.p.p model is employed efficiently when most isolated grammatical items are being dealt with. From the teachers point of view, it is highly favorable since it allows the teacher to time each stage of the lesson fairly accurately and anticipate and solve the possible problems the students may encounter. 2.1.3 Unfamiliarity with Infinitives According to the structure of a elementary English course, students are expected to acquire the principles of the past simple tense and past forms of numerous irregular verbs, one difficulty the have is that the encounter approximately one hundred verbs fewer than half of which are irregular for example. Buy, come, cost, do, draw, drink, drive, eat, fall, find, fly, get, give, go, have, hear, know, leave, make, mean, meet, put, read, ring, run, say, see, sing, sit, sleep, speak, spend, stand, swim, take, tell, think, understand, wear, write. Then the biggest problem the students have is that they are not given enough opportunities to get familiar with them. When they have managed to learn the infinitives of hardly twenty irregular verbs, the students are confronted with both a new grammatical phenomenon the principles of making the past simp0le tense, and a flood of irregular verbs. They become showered with the infinitives and past forms of so many new irregular verbs that they star t drawing, losing their motivation 2.1.4 Infinitives Matching. Its a teaching aid that consists in encouraging students to match and group infinitives in a way which they find logical. This method is of double benefit to the students. First it makes the infinitives easy to remember, and secondly, it forces the student to enrich their vocabulary by looking up synonyms to the given verbs. Vocabulary cannot be taught. It can be presented, explained, included in all kind of activities, and experienced in all manner of associations, but ultimately it is learned by the individual. Language teachers must arouse interest in words and a certain excitement in personal development in this area. Teachers must help the students by giving them ideas on how to learn, but each will finally learn a very personal selection of items, organized into relationships in a individual way (1983). Wilga Rivers. 2.1.5 The present continuous tense as a matter of priority Dealing with the present continuous tense before starting to do the past simple one is another way how to imprint on students memory as many infinitives of irregular verbs as possible, before confronting the principles of making and using of the present continuous tense is considerably easier than the past simple. Describing various pictures, a method typically applied when teaching present continuous, encourages students to look up a considerable number of verbs in a dictionary. This method. By choosing appropriate pictures, the teacher can give the students the right direction towards irregular verbs without the students realizing that they are being controlled. Successful language learning in a classroom depends on a judicious blend of subconscious language acquisition and a kind of study activities. Harmer. The inquired system is according to krashen, A product of a subconscious process very similar to the process children under goes when they acquire their first language The learned system, on the contrary, is defined by krashen as a product of formal instruction, comprising a conscious process with results in conscious knowledge about the language. In other words learning is less important than acquisition with the method of describing pictures being applied, students are able to learn the infinitives of all the eighty or ninety most commonly used irregular verbs on cards, which they are encourage to employ when describing routines or making bubble diagrams. In this way, the students are able to get familiar with a substantial number of verbs in an easy, natural manner. Other problem when teaching irregular verbs is that having instilled the infinitive forms of the most commonly used irregular verbs into the students, teacher are sometimes confronted with another problem. They have to decide whether to involve past participles and teach all three forms at once, or to postpone teaching of the past participles until the present perfecto tense is being done. 2.1.6 Categorization of irregular verbs. The students are expected to memorize all three forms of the following eighty- six irregular verbs. Be, beat, begin, break, bring, build, burn, buy, catch, choose, come, cost, cut, deal, do, draw, drink, drive, eat, fall, feel, find, fly, forget, forgive, get, give, go, have, hear, hit, hold, hurt, keep, know, leave, lend, lie, lose, make, mean, pay, put, read, ride, ring, run, say, see, sell, send, sing, sleep, speak, spell, spend, stand, swim, teach, tell, think, throw, understand, wake, wear, win, wrote etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Irregular ones in that either the past inflection or the ed participle inflection, or both of these, are irregular. The irregular verbs either do not have the regular -ed inflection According to a comprehensive grammar of the English language irregular verbs differ from else. Irregular verbs typically, but not invariably, have variation in their base vowel; irregular verbs have a varying number of distinct formsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The base form past and the ed participle. These are traditionally known as the principal parts of the verb- most irregular verbs have, like regular ones, only one common form for the past. The 250 or so irregular verbs can be, classified on the basis of criteria derived from similarities and differences. In other to make the irregular verbs easier to memorize, the students Endeavour to discover as many similarities and differences as possible. There is a method that consists in students creating positive negative questions triplets of sentences. This method is called reversing the students choose a card with the infinitive are asked to provide a triplet in the past simple tens. For example: see I saw Jane yesterday but I didnt see Bob Did you see Antonio? This method of reversing is possible to extend and apply later on when dealing with the present perfect tense. Not only do the students practice recalling the past form and past participle of the particular verb, they also learn to recognize the difference between the past simple tense and the present perfect one in terms of usage. Come: Pedro came to our house last Saturday but Jessica didnt come. Did Robert come? Pedro has come but Jessica hasnt come yet. Has Robert come? When learning irregular verbs other strategy very effective for learning them is creating story, employing the cards with the past forms of the irregular verbs on them. At the beginning, the students are preferably supposed to use verbs within a group or subgroup, in order to fix the patterns in their minds. Gradually, however, they are encouraged to introduce verbs from the other groups or subgroups. 2.1.7 Database Making and strategies to teach irregular verbs In order to conclude the process of intensive irregular verbs learning, the students are asked to create a database of the cards witch they made and used during the process itself. Such a card index is to be at the students disposal ever after while revising or when they are confronted with a new tense or grammar. There lots of useful programs teachers could use as a support for teaching irregular verbs. These programs focus on high frequency irregular verbs and train them in their base, present. Present progressive, past, and past perfect forms, some of the resource that these programs use are: Flash, multiple choice with sentences not read, spelling activity. In all activities, there are teacher choices to set interface, level of difficulty, speech and /or text options, response time, and background reinforcement animation. Games (to memorize form), there are several games that can easily be adapted to practice past tense verbs. Bingo: Students are asked to make a 33 grid on a piece of paper, look at their list of irregular verbs and to complete their grid with infinitive verbs. When they have finished, start reading student hears the past form of a verb they have on their grid, they cross it out. The first to cross out all the verbs on the grid calls Bingo and wins. Follow this up by asking students to work in pairs and to prepare a story using the verbs on their grid, in the past tense. Tennis or volleyball, this activity involves students calling out verbs to each other, as if they were passing a ball over and invisible net. Ex. Student I. Says the infinitive of the verb (Run) Student 2. Says the past form. (Ran) Student 3. Says the past participle (Run) If a student gets a word wrong (or pauses for more than 10 seconds), they lose. Students can do this in pairs, although with smaller classes you may set up two facing chairs in front of the class and have students come up and play each other in front of the others. The students who win stays (as the reigning champion) and another student come up to challenge. Permanism (or Memory), prepare a set of cars with the infinitive on them (set A), and a set of cards with the past tense on them (Set B). Put both sets face down on a table. Invite a student to pick up two cards. He / She must read the verbs aloud on the cards and decide if they match. If they match, he/she keeps them- If they dont match him /she shows them to the others and puts them back down. Another student comes up and tries to get a matching, pair in the same way. It could be done with large or small classes. With a large class put the students into groups of four and ask each group to prepare their own cards. Working with pronunciations: give students a list of irregular past tense verbs and ask them to group them according to the main vowel sound in each. If this seems too hard, you could give them verbs and find others that sound the same. For example, find the matching pairs of verbs in this list: wrote could taught read eat drank gave had waked went took bought. You could group the irregular verbs according to similar sounds and put them and a poster on the wall. Meaningful practice, Listen and recap: In this activity you give the students a list of irregular verbs in the students a list of irregular verbs in their infinitive form (on a worksheet, or written on the board). You then tell a personal story, incorporating the past tense of the verbs. Its best to prepared this ahead of time, bearing in mind what your students understands. As the students listen, they must number the verbs they hear in order. When you finish, tell the students to compare their order in pairs. They should then write the past form of all the verbs they heard. Check the answers with the whole class. Then ask the students to try and are tell the story together using the past tense verbs as cues. Finally ask students to tell a similar story based on their own experience. Monday morning conversation, one way of getting a lot of past simple verbs out of the students is to simply start an informal chat with them at the beginning of the class, The simple what did you do last weekend? On Monday morning should throw up some past simple verbs. You can also go around ask the students some questions and allow them to answer. Teaching English irregular verbs is indeed challenging. However the goal of grammar instruction is to enable students to carry out their communication purposes irregular verbs are verbs themselves. The fourth grade is when those verbs start getting hammered into kids brains so that they might not mess them up quite so much when they re older. Irregular verbs are verbs that dont follow normal conjugation rules as thy traverse temporal space. They are the source of a great deal of frustration if you let them, unfortunately the only way to learn irregular verbs is to memorize their freaky conjugation as you encounter them. The irregular verbs might be the hardest part of fourth grade grammar. Chapter III Presentation and Analysis of the datas of the investigation In this chapter are presented the results of the investigation carried out in the Educative Center Higà ¼errito basic School. The results of the interview to the principal of the School and the surveys applied to teachers and students of this Educative Center. 3.1. Interview Applied to the Principal of the Educative Center Higà ¼erito basic School. In this section are analyzed the answers obtained from the interview to the director of the school. The principal of Higà ¼erito basic School was asked if she supervises the English teachers while they are on duty and her answer was affirmative, but she specified, that is the teacher in charge of the grade who teaches English because they dont have a teacher for the area so far. She was also questioned if she has received any kind of complaints from the students for the lustration they receive, and she answer,54 not yet she was asked if the school trains the teachers in order to have better results during and after the process of teaching and learning She replied, no. She was also questioned about the resources that the teachers of English need as a complement to their teaching process and she said that is a teacher ´s responsibility because public Schools do not provide these resources, when she was asked how she evaluates the English teachers ´ work, her reply was, that she evaluates it very good, because they are not English teachers actually, and believe it or no t they have been teaching well taking in to considerations the limitations. Here ´s the key of the problems, as this Educative Center is Subsidized by the State and the fact that there arent languages teachers: The teachers in charge of the grade are obliged to mange to teach. In the project of center the principal States as an advantage the preparation of the teachers who work for this school but they dont have qualified English teachers, and this is a serious problem because either the teachers or the students might feel frustrated, the teachers feeling unable to do their job and the students getting drowned in their attempt for learning the language. 3.2 Survey elaborated for the English teachers of Higà ¼erito basic School. In this section are analyzed the answers obtained from the survey applied to teachers of English of Higà ¼erito basic School. I. Years of experience of Higà ¼erito basic school English teachers. Category Frequency % 1-5 3 60 5-10 2 40 10-15 0 0 Total 5 100 In this square it could be observed that 3 teachers have from 1-5 years of experience teaching and 2 teachers have from 5- 10 years of experience. These years of experience are a good indicator to guarantee the quality of teaching of the Educative Center Higà ¼erito. 2. Techniques used by teachers of the Educative Center Higà ¼erito to teach irregular verbs. Category Frequency % Participation in class Oral Practice 1 20 Home works Written Exams 4 80 All the previous Alternatives None of the Alternatives Total 5 100 According to what it seen in this chart, 20. % of the English teachers use as a teaching technique, the oral practice and 80 % use written ex